Chapter 12 - The Truth

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A/N : Last chapter you guys!

Two weeks later, the officer stood at the evidence table, surveying the six Ziploc bags, with six shards of metal sitting within each of them. He prodded one, feeling the cold deadness.

"Tell me what I'm looking at, Ms. Kina."

"Well", the mousy looking scientist stepped out of the shadows at the back of the room, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her button nose. "It appears that those are six of seven shards of the fabled rainbow sword. Which is what caused the incident."

"These six pieces of metal?" the officer questioned incredulously. As Kina nodded, he let out a long low whistle.

"The reverse black hole opened because the rainbow sword - well, it broke. It's 'essence', so to speak was torn apart, and its function reversed. That's why it started spewing out everything it had absorbed. Once it ran out, it would have started sucking everything back in, becoming bigger and bigger, until it would have consumed... well, everything really. And the process would have continued."

"Why did it close?" the officer asked.

"Think of the universe as a cloth", Kina held her hands apart "The sword waves in and out, through space and time, like a needle stitching a pattern. When the rainbow sword tore apart... It tore a hole too" Kina made a little slash with her finger. "When one of the shards went back in, the string looped across the hole, sealing it... forever"

The officer rubbed his forehead, a little confused. He sort of understood, but had two burning questions.

"Who were the people who jumped in... and what's inside."

Kina opened her mouth gormlessly, unable to find an explanation.

"Two wanted criminals, on multiple charges of treason and murder and assault as well." she said simply. "But they saved the world."

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