Chapter 7 - Everything Changes

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Mozart sat on the edge of the bed, legs crossed and flipping through a book absentmindedly. He looked around, bored while he waited for Draqueesha to wake up. He wasn't sure how much she really knew, whether she knew his plans. He hoped she didn't, making new friends was a tedious task. Deciding to rip off the band-aid, he prodded her side. Hard.

"Ow!" she whined and batted his hand away. She tried to flip over onto her stomach but the pain jolted through her and she sat up straight, hands clutching her head.

"How much do you remember?" he asked.

Draqueesha furrowed her brow and looked at him. It wasn't an expression of fury, or disgust, so he exhaled a little, wondering if he was safe. But then again her amnesia could only be temporary. "I remember... well, you showed me the rainbow sword, and then I walked to the bathroom, kinda disoriented, did I pass out then?"

"Erm... yes of course. You fell down, and hit your head on the commode. That's why it hurts,"

"How did you know it hurts?" she asked suspiciously, and narrowed her eyes.

"You're clutching it"

"Right, right of course."

They sat there for a few seconds, Draqueesha sat up slowly and rubbed her temples gently, trying to rid herself of the horrendous throbbing. Mozart sat cross legged and slumped, chin in his hands and staring at her.

"What does it do?" Draqueesha asked.

"Well you can cut with it."

"Mmhmm. What else? When I looked at it, it just somehow seemed like something... more. It was so wise and strong. How come?"

"Okay, this is confusing"

"I can understand." She crossed her arms.

"Think about it, like a gigantic intergalactic vacuum."

"Like a space vacuum, like a black hole?" her eyes widened.

"More like a house cleaning vacuum. Anyway, basically what it does is suck up things that aren't supposed to be there. Something from an alternate universe or dimension"

"Why hasn't it sucked you up yet, and what do you mean by 'suck up'"

"It consumes it essence, and the knowledge it carries with it. Which means a lot of knowledge, considering how long it's been around. And I think it knows I'm trying to protect it. Or it feels like it owes me, a glass case could hardly be fascinating.

"You mean", she gasped "It's got a conscience? It's alive?"

"In a manner of speaking, yes. It chooses its own master and everything."

"How come nobody's mentioned it in our history before, and how does it choose its master?"

"Firstly, it's never been to your universe, nothing of interest has ever happened. And it chooses its master when the candidate plays it something that it's never heard before. Like when you did when you played it the music of the old. You wield it, Draqueesha, you're its master" he wondered why he was playing with fire, like he was deliberately trying to recover the memories she had gained. Somehow, Mozart just felt like he couldn't lie to her, or at least he shouldn't.

"I'm its master? And what do you mean by 'music of the old'"

"Well... our dimensions seem to be fairly similar, except switched somehow. Tell me, what kind of government do you currently have?"

"Well most countries follow the democratic system, why?"

"We switched from that a long time ago, that's what we started from, now we're a monarchy. And the music you showed me... it is the kind our people listened to centuries ago. It evolved into 'classical' music. Well, actually, for us, classical is New Age music."

"So if you're age is backwards, or ours is backwards to you, do you still have technology and things?"

"Of course, did I look surprised when you had a car?"

"No I suppose not" Draqueesha's voiced cracked a little over the last word, and she lay back down and curled her knees to her chest, drawing her covers over her body as she flipped over onto her side. "This is confusing"

"Indeed." Mozart looked down at her in pity. The poor girls mind was on the verge. He knew the rainbow sword would assert itself eventually, and they would become one, and they would become strong. And she would know. He would have to leave before then. Without the sword he would be stranded, but Mozart had no doubt that he could make a life for himself. He regretted it now, stealing the sword and plotting to take over his world. He had fancied himself a great composer, and he had had no doubt that he would have been able to wield the sword. Instead, Draqueesha had unlocked it, and now, she would never be safe.

"What's wrong?" she asked, turning her head round and looking at him.

"Nothing", he said, smiling. "Everything's perfect".

"Do you mind turning of the lights? I'm kinda sleepy" Even as she said it, her voice sounded softer, like she was drifting off already.

"Of course not" Mozart walked to the switches near the door, and pushed his finger against the one that was flicked upwards. If he pushed it down, it would mean the room would become dark. It would mean that he would have to run, flee in the night. He pushed it gently, and the desolate, sad, 'click' echoed across the quiet room.


The quiet was not to be, however and all at once a juddering, bone shaking 'CRACK' resonated across the room. Draqueesha sat up at once, irate, and Mozart stood frozen by the door, hearing the heavy breathing from behind the door. A shuffling noise, then another 'CRACK'. Wooden splinters showered in, and Mozart fell down, hands crossed above his head in defence. They cut his arms, and embedded themselves inside. Tiny pinpricks of blood welled up from the broken skin. She shower stopped, and he dared to look up. A figure stood, a silhouette lit up from behind by the flickering tube lights in the hallway. The head was bowed, and both hands were at its belt, and it drew two knives from it. The handles of the knives were worn from the abundant usage. The blades were shapely and sharp, primed for the kill. The assassin straightened smoothly, as if she had all the time in the world. She smiled and whipped her ponytail back.

"Hallo, Ammy, did ya miss me?" she grinned, and threw one of her knives.

He gasped as he hit the floor, head bouncing off of the hardwood. Draqueesha had thrown him to the ground, and she stood in his place proudly, the knife's handle still jittering in the air, the blade embedded in the wall, a few inches from her shoulder. Had Mozart been standing there, the sword would have gone straight between his eyes.

"Oh look at that Ammy", she grinned, staring down at his face "You've got yourself a bodyguard." She poised herself, one foot behind the other and tipping out at a forty five degree angle, like a dancer getting ready for a performance. She bent her knees, squatting low, and pulled swapped her knife from her right to her left hand, bringing it in front of her chest. Draqueesha just stood uncertainly, unsure of what to do. Seeing her hesitation, the assassin leapt past her, reaching one arm out and pulling the knife from its prison.

"Well then" she said grinning "you just gonna stand there knitting all day?" she stood on the bed, and brandished both her knives. Draqueesha swallowed. To get the sword, she needed to reach her nightstand, where it sat in its sheath. Draqueesha ran towards her and grabbed her legs, barrelling her onto the bed. Knees and elbows, she thought, remembering reading that somewhere. So she drove her knee into the woman's stomach, and the assassin gasped, air leaving her lungs. Recovering quickly, she head butted Draqueesha's nose, and Draqueesha fell face flat, encouraging more blood to spurt out of her broken nose. She sobbed into the sheets, feeling the broken cartilage with every shuddering breath.

The assassin smiled and raised one of her blades "goodbye harl-"

She started, but didn't finish. Mozart had lobbed the doorknob, complete with a portion of the door, into her forehead. The assassin turned around, growling with anger. Draqueesha reached her arm out groggily, and grasped the hilt of her sword.

She felt her head clear instantly, she felt the pain turn off sharply, and she felt her vision becoming clearer. Whipping around, she scooted off the bed awkwardly, and just as the assassin began to turn around, she drove the sword between her second and third rib. Straight into the assassin's heart. The blade had slid in cleanly, encountering practically no resistance. She yanked it back, and the body slid off the end and it crumpled onto the floor. Draqueesha gasped a little, and felt a spark of electricity run through her body. The blood ran straight off the blade and dripped onto the corpse. The blade was clean, and it glowed once more with its characteristic rainbow sheen. She inhaled sharply, smelling the blood tainting the air with a metallic tinge.

"Draqueesha" Mozart murmured. He moved towards her hesitantly, and took her trembling hand into his. He wrenched apart her tightly wound fingers, and the blade dropped to the floor with a 'clank'. "It's okay, she was a bad person. She killed a lot of people, including some of my.....friends."

"Were your friends thieves as well? Were they as bad as you were? Did they plan to put their entire world to sleep and STEAL THEIR RICHES?!?!" Draqueesha looked at him, murder in her eyes and anger in her words. "You lied to me" her voice rose in fury, and she stood up straight, her hands clutching Mozart's shoulders. She grabbed his arms and squeezed, hard. He gasped as he felt the pressure drive the splinters further into his arms. He saw no point in lying any longer.

"Yes" he said and looked into her dark, intense eyes. "Yes, I stole that sword. And yes, I' kind of a bad person." She let go of him, and she pushed him away. He watched as she leaned forward slightly, and then drop all of a sudden onto her knees in defeat.

Draqueesha kneeled on the floor, holding the assassin's hand. She waited for the breathing to stop, the head to drop dramatically, or for her eyes to close softly. She waited for a few minutes, then realised she had missed the moment. There was no dramatic last exhalation, it was just over. Draqueesha only understood once she had felt the hand grow cold.

"What was her name?" she whispered gently.


Draqueesha nodded and stood stiffly. She picked up her survival rucksack, which was stained the colour of rust, and was covered with plaster and dust. She bent down, picked up her sword, and left the room.

"Where are you going?" Mozart asked, his voice wavering, either with fear or sadness. Draqueesha realised that she couldn't care less how he felt. She could kill him too, she knew that.

Instead she smirked, and said "To fulfil your dreams"

Mozart watched her saunter out, with a confidence and swagger she had never exhibited.

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