Chapter 8 - Coffee and Answers

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A/N : Erm... so I'm not so happy with this chapter. Would really appreciate any constructive criticism

Mozart stood in Draqueesha's room for long minutes. Silent. Shocked. He didn't know what to do. His eyes raked over the room, unable to fully process what had transpired. He looked at the exit, blown open, a gaping hole that had been left. He looked at Draqueesha's bed, the sheets tangled and stained with blood. He looked at the posters which had been torn from the walls and crushed underfoot. Mozart looked everywhere but the fluffy rug on the floor, where Constanze's crumpled body lay. Mozart knew that he'd have to leave at some point, before the corpse started stinking.

Mozart walked out silently. He took the elevator, and walked straight out of the front door, right past the policeman who had begun to arrive. He continued on, careful to avoid anyone's eyes. He sat at the sculpture garden for a few minutes, unsure of what to do. Then he came to a conclusion.

Mozart didn't know anywhere else to go; he'd need a fresh pair of clothes, and a decent plan. And he knew only one person other than Draqueesha.

"Greg, what's going on?" Adrianna Sewick opened the door, looking down on him from her formidable height. "What happened to Draqueesha? I heard all the commotion. And something about a corpse?". Mozart sighed. This would take a little bit of explaining.

"Can I come in?"

"Sure. I guess."

Adrianna shifted to the side, and Mozart entered the cramped apartment. It smelt good, like coffee, warmth and spices. It was a small place, albeit charming. The clear blue walls, made the whole thing look airy, even though piles of music books and random instruments where piled everywhere. Adriana's schoolbooks were spread over her mattress, which lay on the floor. The scene instantly put Mozart at ease, as if he had suddenly wrapped himself in a comfy duvet.

"You want some coffee?" Adrianna looked at him, concerned. Mozart realised that he hadn't slept for a long while, the action of last night robbing him from even the opportunity of a power nap.

"That... That would be nice" he said, staggering over to the bar chair near the counter and settling into it comfortably. He watched Adrianna reach the topmost counters with ease, pulling out two mugs with a slight 'clink' and removing the coffee jug from underneath the filter. It could hardly be called a kitchen. It was a few cupboards, an induction stove, a microwave oven and a mini fridge. They were all blue or green moulded plastic. She put half milk, half coffee in a red mug, just like Mozart liked it, and sat down next to him as the microwave began its countdown.

"You're name isn't Greg, is it?"

Mozart nodded as Adrianna walked over to the microwave and removed the steaming mug, placing it in front of him. She sat there expectantly, as Mozart wrapped his hands around it, heat leeching into his hands and flowing up through his arms. He took a sip, and warmth spread through his core. It felt nice.

"How do I begin" he started, opening his mouth. "My name is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, but if you call me Ammy, I'll have no choice but to land a punch". Adrianna snorted.

"I'd like to see you try, pudgy music man."

"Can I continue she-Hulk composer?"

She grinned, nodding. And took a sip to satiate her laughter.

"I'm not from here, from this universe" he told her the whole thing. He continued until he had drained his cup, then they paused, eating toaster waffles. After a second cup a load of maple syrup, he finished his tale.

"I can't believe you're a cat burglar!" she smiled wide. "How did you manage to get into the museum in the first place? Did you do laser gymnastics?"

"No, I hid in the bathroom until everyone left."

He remembered the heist well. Hiding until the whispers had left the corridors. He had simply walked through in plain sight, smashed open the display case and run away with the awesome power of the sword. Everyone had been too concerned with the security of the museum to realize that once you had the sword security didn't matter any longer. But he had never become the true wielder.

"What's the plan?" she wondered out loud.

"We need to defeat Draqueesha, obviously. Her plans are... treacherous to say the least."

"Remind me again, your plan was to put everyone in your world asleep and steal their riches? And she got this idea from your twisted mind?" Mozart nodded.

"Answer me this question, though. How did you change?"

"When I picked up the sword, it showed me how much better everything could be. But at that point it wasn't exactly possible to give the sword back and apologize. Maybe I always had a nice part of me... And the rainbow sword awakened it, and it made me a better person. It made me take back my life from the angry, bitter person who had snatched the reins." Mozart smiled to himself, realising he had just put everything he had felt into words.

"And for Draqueesha... It awakened the bad part, didn't it?"

"I'm afraid so, Adrianna"

She hung her head for a few minutes. Draqueesha had been Adrianna's sole friend. Adrianna didn't like people. So she and Draqueesha had hit it off. It was like being a hermit in the mountains with a best friend.

"Your arms" she gestured. Mozart looked down, he had almost forgotten. It was a gross sight, scabs had tried to form around the pieces of wood, and as he focused on his arms a dull ache reawakened from the back of his mind. "Let's get you to the bathroom."

Mozart stood within the yellow tiled room, waiting for Adrianna to finish gathering supplies. She returned, and in her arms she had a bottle of antiseptic, gauze and tweezers. Big nasty looking tweezers. She set them on the closed toilet and held Mozart's arms under the sink, the water washing the surface dirt away. She grabbed the tweezers, and started near the arms. A half hour later, she had reached the fingertips of the second arm.

"You know," she began as she dabbed antiseptic over the numerous wounds. "You have a surprisingly good pain tolerance."

"I'm used to arm pain. And you're pretty handy with the tweezers, huh?"

"Studied medicine for two years. Then I realised sick people were annoying"

"That's mean"


Mozart nodded and she began wrapping the gauze around his arms, securing it with two safety pins from the medicine cabinet. They stood there in silence as Adrianna put the supplies away. Then she smiled slowly.

"What are we waiting for, then? Let's get my friend back!"

"How?" Mozart looked at her sadly. She could see the defeat in his eyes, dimming the bright sparkle that usually shone from within.

"Well... We're composers aren't we? Let's show that sword what music really can be! We can wield it once more!"

Mozart nodded and smiled, until he saw Adrianna lean against the door, and slid down slowly to the floor. Her shoulders shook as she unleashed sobs onto her hands. Mozart sat down cross legged in front of her, unsure of what had happened. Adrianna was the ost sure, the most accepting why... It was a mask, he realised, then hung his head in shame. How could he have not noticed? He reached out a tentative hand, not wanting to touch her. She was curled up in foetal position, and she rocked back and forth slightly. If he touched her, he felt he might shatter her like a china doll. Sucking in a deep breath, he tapped her shoulder. Adrianna lifted her head, exposing her red-rimmed eyes. She wiped her nose with determination.

"Am- Am I going mad?" her voice quavered. "I'm trying to take it in my stride but this... This is crazy. Are you even real? Did my one minded practice finally push me over the edge?"

"No" he breathed out, and forced himself to look her in her fierce eyes. "I'm real. Would I lie to you?" he smiled gently, and took her hands in his.

"You did. For two days." A gleam returned to her eyes.

"It's all in the past" he looked into the distance and arced his arm through the air "What matters is looking to the future." As he turned to her, the soft light flooding from thw window seemed to change her features. Instead of severity, they became beautiful. Her straight nose seemed adorable, and her eyes gloriously impish. Her thin lips curved into a sparkling smile.

"Hmm... the future. I predict, next Friday will be a great day." Her fire returned.

"And why is that?" Mozart grinned back.

"Because you're going to make me dinner." she stated simply.

"Is that so?"

"Why yes. And you know what we're going to do before that?"

"Save the universe from your friend's evil alter ego?"

"That's right."

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