Chapter 9 - Down the Rabbit Hole

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A/N: This chapter is a short one, because we are near the end!!! Only a few more chapters left, guys. I hope you enjoy :) Thanks for sticking with me if you've read this far, I really appreciate it. 

It turned out to be easier said than done, however. The first thing they had done was pull out Adriana's laptop, and look up every genre of music ever created, in their universe. Mozart added his own as well and the list became extremely long. Had they not had such pride, they could have made a horrible medley. But instead they wrote and wrote beautiful sequences of notes. Piles of sheets stacked up, the bars filled in with every imaginable combination of notes. Adriana made valuable inputs on where to fit in genres, whereas Mozart just drew the notes. His head and hands ached, and his eyelids grew heavy. They worked for a few hours, until Mozart's blond head slumped and he was snoring softly. Adriana tried to continue working without him. She even mixed Red Bull and coffee, but then she started seeing unicorns. Deciding it was time to take a break, a short break she began browsing the internet. But Adriana was lost, deep within the pages of Wikipedia articles and pointless memes.

Mozart awoke to Adriana hunched over the laptop with dark circles under her eyes. He sat there, a little dazed until Adriana turned around and looked into his eyes.

"Did you know, that penguins have knees?" she said, eyes wide and strangely crazed. He spotted the empty mugs and crushed cans and swallowed slightly, fearing for his health.

"Maybe it's time for you to take a nap" he murmured soothingly and eased the laptop out of her hands. She nodded, and Mozart stood up, turning on the lights. It was night now, light no longer streamed in from the window. He hunched over the papers, making altercations until he was satisfied. He then curled up, laying his head on the black velvet case of a trombone, and fell asleep.

They awoke when the light began streaming through the windows. Mozart cracked open his eyes slightly. His feet were stacked against the far wall, so he was facing the window. The perfect height of the case made for maximum sunlight annoyance. He groaned and sat up groggily, hands brushing through the papers. He picked it up, and flipped through it. All 37 pages. As his eyes scanned through, they widened in disbelief. It was beautiful. Not only was it starkly different from anything he had ever seen, the differences between the composers shone through, in a good way. If this didn't tear the sword from Draqueesha's grip, nothing would. He turned around to see Adriana watching him.

"Pretty cool, huh?" she smirked.

He nodded mutely. "But what do we play it on?" he questioned eyes straying over the numerous instruments scattered around the room. "Do you have a viola?"

Adriana wrinkled her nose. "A viola?"

"It's only fitting."

"Okay boss man. You're Mozart after all..." her voice trailed off uncertainly. She rummaged around, and picked up a case. "Here" she said, passing it to him. "Draqueesha left her spare here. I guess you'll pick it up fast, then. I'm gonna take a shower". She walked away, into the small bathroom and he heard the sound of water rushing. Mozart tentatively picked up the instrument, fingers stroking the lush wood. It was rosewood, her family really was rich. He picked up the bow and held it to the strings, and at once a deep, rich noise filled the small apartment, shutting out the rest of the world. Mozart felt more comfortable than he had in a long, long time. He smiled, shut his eyes for an instant and savoured the music. He played through the full thing, fumbling many times, but he eventually got the hang of it. Jazz, funk, soul, trip hop, even dubstep melded together seamlessly.

He looked up as Adriana exited the bathroom. She looked rather ridiculous, she had on a black turtleneck and black slacks and she even wore a black ski cap, her curly brown ponytail jutting out through a roughly cut hole. He burst out laughing.

"What?" she looked at him askance then checked the length of her trousers. "I know my pants are long enough, okay. I stockpile pants that cover my whole legs." She glared at him. He raised his trembling hand pointed at her face. Adriana ripped off her ski cap, irate and her cheeks flushed pink. "Aren't you going to change too?" Mozart suddenly stopped laughing. She was right. He still had on the bloodstained slacks and ripped shirt.

"Can I use your shower?" he asked sheepishly. Adriana smirked, walked over to her cupboard and tossed Mozart some clothes. "Don't you have any men's clothes?"

"No, why would I?"

"There's no way I'm wearing this." He said, holding the clothes with two fingers and away from his face, as if they smelt horrendous.

"Mozart, you stick out like a sore thumb in that." She sighed. "We won't get ten feet with you looking like a murderous hobo. Now man up, and wear my yoga pants." He exhaled slowly, eyes narrowed and walked into the bathroom. She flung a pair of shorts at his head for him to use as underwear. Mozart whipped around, rage in his eyes. "Besides", she shrugged "You might feel empowered."

Mozart walked out of the bathroom, and even though he was wearing booty shorts as underwear, he felt remarkably refreshed. Adriana's pants were too long though, and they dragged across the wet white tiles. He wondered how she even stood up in here. If he reached up, his fingers would graze the ceiling.

He re-entered the living room, and they looked at each other in determination. A certain hardness had set into their eyes, they were ready.

"Where do we go now?" Adrianna questioned, hefting a backpack filled with essentials over her back.

"I'm walking to my grave" he said, giving her a lopsided smirk.

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