Ch. 1 Lily's letter

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Lily's p.o.v
"Mum! Guess what I got today?" I ran downstairs to my mom yelling her name.
"What did you get?" She asks. I pull out a letter with a red stamp on the middle.
"It's a Hogwarts letter!! It's for a school of witchcraft and wizardry." I explain.
"Honey, you know that's not real. It is all a big hoax. Why must you believe in all of this wizard crap?" She asks.
"It's not crap!!" I yell back. I am not supposed to say that word. But I was too mad to care. I see my "perfect" sister Petunia walk down the steps, elegantly, in her beautiful, new, green dress. She looked so beautiful. I envy her so much.
"My darling Petunia, you look beautiful!" Mum says ignoring me. I march out of the front door and to the willow tree where I met my best friend Severous Snape! He was so sweet and he always made me feel better. He is already there sitting alone. I jump on his back and he falls on the ground. We both collapse on each other and laugh until we cry.
     "So did you get your Hogwarts letter?" Severous asks.
     "Yes, but I do not think that my mom is going to take me because she thinks it is down thing I'm making up." I explain to him.
     "Well that is pure rubbish! I am sure that my mom will tell take you." He reassured me. I see little miss perfect running down the hill towards me.
     "So I heard your a witch, your so different Lily! Your a freak! I'm telling mum!!" Petunia yells. I really do hate her sometimes. I thought to myself. Severous puts his arm around me.
     "Don't listen to her, she doesn't know what she is talking about. She is just jealous." Severous explains.
     "Thank you Snape." I say.
     "Well I better go, my mum will get mad at me if I am gone too long." Severous explains.
     "Ok bye." I reply. I sit under the tree for a while thinking about how much I wanted to go to Hogwarts. I have dreamed about being a witch since I was a little girl. I didn't want to go home, but I knew I had to or I was going to get in serious trouble. I walk into the front door and my mum seems like she is in the best mood.
     "Hello dear! I am so glad you are home in time for dinner!" She exclaims.
     "Hey mum, I'm sorry about this morning. You believe me right?" I ask her.
     "I suppose I must, I mean you are my daughter and why would you lie to me about something like that. I'm sorry too." She apologizes, but then Petunia had to but in.
     "Oh come on mum, you are really going to believe in her stupid wizard crap?" Petunia asks.
     "Petunia! We do not say that word in this household!" Mum scolds her.
     "Ugh whatever." She marched up to the room we share.
     "So where do we go to get to this Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry?" Mum asks.
     "Well,  I will give you the letter! It has all the information in it!" I exclaim. I run upstairs and get it from the desk. Petunia is sobbing on her bed.
     "What's wrong?" I ask her.
     "Like you would care, you freak." She barks.
     "I was just trying to help but if you are going to be like this than whatever." I get up and skip out the door. When I get downstairs I bring my mom the letter. She reads it in her head.
     "Well it looks like a teacher is going to be picking you up! So we will just wait for them! Just remember to tell me when you are leaving." She smiles and passes me dinner. "Petunia! It is time for dinner!" She yells up the stairs.
     "Coming mum!" She sobs. Finally, for once she can be jealous of me for something. I thought. She stomps down the stairs and gives me a smirk. She sits down across from me and she starts to eat the gross pea soup our mum puts out for us. I can barely choke it down as well. We are not a wealthy family, Unlike snapes family. After a hard dinner of trying to choke down that horrible pea soup, I go upstairs in my room and get ready for bed. I put my nightgown on and I suggest up in my warm blanket. It finally hits me that I will be going to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and Wizardry in September!

Hey guys! This is my new story! It is the marauders era! I really hope you like it because I am going to have a lot of fun writing it!!!😄

And to al!!!

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