Ch. 2 Diagon Alley

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     In the middle of the night I had awoken from a tapping sound coming from my window. I get up to see what it is and I notice a flying motorcycle?!?! No way, I must be dreaming. I open my window and I notice that it is Hagrid, the half giant that Snape always tells me about! He is here to take me to Hogwarts!
     "Hello! You are Lily Evans, right?" Hagrid asks.
     "Yes I am! You must be Hagrid." I reply.
     "You are good with names." He says. "Now come on we have to get your school stuff!" He exclaims.
     "Ok!" I get on the motorcycle and we fly for what seems like 2 seconds before we are there. We get to a barrier, a brick wall to be exact. But, then Hagrid pulls out an umbrella and starts rapping the bricks with it. It opens up to a beautiful Alley. Even though it is the middle of the night there are still a million people here. Hagrid lets me get my robe all by myself! I get my robe fitted when I meet a boy in there.
     "Hello." He says.
     "Hello." I reply. What is your name? I question.
     "The name is James, and yours?" He questions.
     "Lily nice to meet you, James!" I exclaim.
     "Yeah well everyone thinks that it is nice to meet me." He smirks. This James guy seems like a real jerk. I would hate to be the women he marries one day. When he gets down from the measuring stool he pushes the last out of the way, and without even paying for it, walks right out of the door.
     "Wow he was rude." I say out loud. I guess no one heard me or no one cared. But, I got my robe within 5 minutes afterwards and I headed or to see Hagrid.
     "You look nice!" He exclaimed.
     "Thank you!" I replied back. Next we went to my vault at Gringotts so he didn't have to pay for anymore of my things. I am sure he was happy about that. When we got in there I must of had a vault of at least a million gold pieces! It was amazing!! Hagrid had said that he had already gotten my books and everything bout and sent to Hogwarts so we did not need to worry about that. The last thing we needed to get was my wand. It took me quite a few tries but I finally got it. I then needed to get a pet. I chose a cat because they were my favorite house pets!! But then since I had everything else sent to Hogwarts I didn't need to get anything else. It was too bad because I really liked spendings time there. But I had to go because we were out for quite a few hours and I didn't want my mom to know I was out, or God forbid my sister, she would tell everyone. So we got back  on that flying motorcycle and took off. We finally got back home but When I got through my bedroom window I saw my mother and sister standing in the doorway of my bedroom, not looking impressed.

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