Chapter 1

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"Miss Jane your fired."

This was a phrase Miss Jane was quite use to now a days.

Victoria Jane had gone through many jobs each one lasting a shorter and shorter amount of time until finally she found the one. As she was walking down the streets of London towards the richer more luxurious area of the city for the wealthiest people in all of London. This was were the dukes and duchesses lived. And she was heading there on her way for an interview for Lord Samuel Hornridge.

When she arrived at the door a young maid opened the door and escorted Victoria into the large town home. When she walked through the big door she was greeted with a large hallway which she was then immediately escorted into a large room where Lord Hornridge and his son were sitting. As soon as Victoria walked into the room the gentleman stood. "Aahh. You must be Miss Jane if I am correct in my assumptions." "Yes sir you are correct." "Well then Miss Jane I am Lord Samuel and this is my son Joshua Hornridge." "Pleased to meet you my Lords." "So Miss Jane you come inquiring about the ladies maid position correct?" "Yes sir" "Do you have any recommendations?" "Yes sir"

I reached into my bag that was slung around my shoulder and grabbed a folded piece of paper and handed it to Lord Samuel.

He took a few minutes to read all of the recommendations and when he finally met my gaze he said "My My My what recommendations you have acquired. I can see you are more than qualified for the job. So I would like to hire you on Miss Jane. If you can start tomorrow then today we can get on with the fitting for your ladies maid outfits." "Yes sir I can start tomorrow!" "Good! Sarah would you please show Miss Jane the grounds and get her acquainted with the duties she will be preforming?" "Yes sir" Sarah replied.

Sarah escorted me out of the study and began by showing me my quarters. The quarters were a lot different than what I expected. The rooms were larger than the quarters I had had previously at other jobs. I stepped into the room and took into account the lovely decor of the room. It wasn't finely decorated but it was enough to give the room a bit of a flair.

Sarah gave me a few minutes to get use to the larger quarters and nicer things in the room before taking me down the hallway to yet another room. When she opened this one I was amazed to see a tailor, mirrors, fabrics, and the pedestal all waiting for me in the center of the room.

Sarah gave me a slight nudge so I continued forward when a woman about the age of thirty and one years came from around a mirror and ushered me up onto the pedestal. She brought a measuring tape and wrapped it around my waist and then around my bust and finally around my shoulders.
When she was done taking my measurements she said " I have waisted my time with these stupid measurements. She very easily will fit into the previous girls clothing."

I was a little hurt at the idea that I had waisted the woman's time when in fact it wasn't my idea to come here. If I had had a choice I would have chosen premade clothes because where I come from if you have even one dress that has not been sewn a thousand times then you were considered blessed and "rich" well not actually rich but more fortunate.


After Sarah finished showing me the house it was about mid afternoon and I was ready to go to bed. I decided I would eat an early dinner and then go to bed. As I walked down the corridor to the stairs a young man was blocking my way. I looked at him and realized it was Joshua Hornridge. I looked at him briefly before saying "My Lord is there anything I can get for you?" "No the only thing I would like is for you to go for a walk with me." "My Lord I hardly see that it would be appropriate for you to be seen with a person such as myself." "Well then my dear I believe to make you appropriate you will need to be dressed in something more suiting for a man like me."

A slow fury began to rise inside my chest but I followed the man's orders. He guided me down the hall to the fitting room again except this time a dress was hanging up on the mirror. It was a red corset with black stocking and a red and black skirt.

Joshua nodded to my room hinting for me to take the dress and go change. I turned on my heel and walked out of the room. I opened my door and shut it quickly behind me locking it before Joshua came. I heard him in the hall banging on the door. "Open up my lovely." I cooed back saying "Oh but my love you can't see me just yet!"

I quickly changed seeing as I had no other choice. I had to go with him at least far enough so I could turn right back and crawl out the window and run.

As I opened the door now fully changed into the dress. I had to admit and give the guy a couple of points for how the dress looked and felt. It was like it was made of silk but I knew better because while these gentlemen were rich they were not rich enough to buy silk.

Joshua gaped at me in the dress. My hair was up in a messy bun while a few tendrils of my brown hair fell around my face framing it ever so perfectly.

Joshua held out his arm and I politely wrapped my arm around him. As we started to walk down the hall I saw my opportunity. "Umm my Lord if you will excuse me one moment I need to go to the powder room." He gave me a quizzical expression but let me go all the same. I shut the door behind me sliding onto the ground.

Thoughts swirled around me. My mind frantically looking for a way out but my time was slowly running out and then it hit me quite literally actually. Joshua came barging through the door. He saw that I was making my way out the window so he pulled me back and hit me in the face. I get a sweet trickle of blood coming from my lip. The room was spinning slightly but I was steady enough to see the young man pulling his hand back for another swing. Quickly thoughts of my defense class came flooding in. I ducked and took the opportunity to punch him. My knuckles made contact with his face and immediately I felt pain shoot through my hand.

I saw joshua stumble back out the door. It gave me enough time to hop out of the window. I climbed out the window and looked down. I was on the second floor I was trying to figure out the best way to land but realized time was fleeting because behind me Joshua was waking up. I braced my self for the fall and jumped right before Joshua could grab me. "YOU LITTLE.... GET BACK HERE! I OWN YOU."

As I landed on the ground I heard a loud crack and a bolt of pain shot up my leg. My head hurt from the blow but I quickly got up not noticing much pain and took off running down the street. I ran towards St James park hoping beyond hope that I could some how hide and get away from the man chasing me. I could see St.James in a distance. All I had to do was make it across the street but before I knew it my world went black in a flash.

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