Chapter 2

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It was about mid afternoon and I decided I wanted to go for ride on my velocycle. I was riding down a road near St.James park when crash. My velocycle crashed against something sending me and the machine flying. It took me a minute to get my wits about me but when I did I noticed a form splayed out on the road. My heart pounded in my chest as a feeling of dread washed over me. It was a young girl no older than I. She was dressed in a red fancy day dress. Marks from the velocycle wheel where now over the dress and the poor girl's face. A feeling of guilt took hold in my heart. I thought to my self I can't leave this girl even if she did run out in front of me. I picked her up as gently and carefully as I could and laid her atop my velocycle. I pulled out my portable telegraph machine and sent word ahead to the manor to prepare for a young girl who had sustained a blow by my velocycle.

I quickly sat atop my velocycle turned a couple of gears and engaged the engine and roared down the street as fast as I could knowing that perhaps this young girl had fatal injuries that if not treated on time could kill her. Within minutes I arrived at my manor. I rushed inside with the limp form in my arms. Maids and butlers flocked around me and then Michelle appeared from around the corner. She was staring at me wide eyed as I carried the young woman towards her and down the corridor to a set of stairs that I took two at a time. Michelle opened the door to a room for me. I laid the girl down on the bed as carefully as I possibly could. Michelle looked over to me with a frown on her face. "How did she get hurt William?" "Well I kind of accidentally hit her with the velocycle..." "My Lord William. What in the bloody hell were you doing? Did you have your head up your butt?" I blushed slightly at the comment but immediately replied " No I did not have my head up my posterior. I was over by St.James park when out of nowhere the girl appeared. Please Michelle will you have a look at her?" Michelle looked at me for a long moment and finally turned on her heel towards the bed the girl was laying on.

I watched carefully as Michelle ran her hand up and down the girl and used different tools. After about 10 minutes of thorough examination Michelle looked towards me and said "She needs to be operated on now! She has injuries to her leg,head, ribs, and knuckles but the most perplexing one is the split lip but my priority at the moment is to get those ribs in place before she punctures something."

I looked at Michelle. Worry etched in my face. "William I don't think that you caused all of these injuries but at the moment I need you to pull your self together and help me get her preped for surgery. I am gonna go scrub up but I need you to well you know the drill."

I looked at Michelle before she left. Heat slowly filling my cheeks because Michelle basically asked me to undress the girl and scrub her down. I thought to myself. It wouldn't be so bad you could get a good glimpse at the young woman. I mean she is quite attractive now but what about when she is.... I quickly vanished these guilty pleasure thoughts from my head and rang the bell for a maid.
Next thing I know a whirlwind of my best maids flooded in preparing the girl for surgery. Within minutes she was ready with a sheet draped over her body as she was wheeled down the hall on a stretcher.

I followed closely behind and into the surgical room. There I found Michelle gowned up and the young woman on the metal table in the center of the room.

"Michelle take care of her. I intended to find out what caused this mess." "William I have never lost a patient and I don't intend to start today."

With that Michelle shooed me out of the room and I was left to worry for the young woman whom I had just met nearly an hour ago but yet felt so attracted to her.

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