Chapter Eight

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Lucy took a deep breath as she pushed open the front door. Mason immediately came around the corner.

"Wonderful you're home."

"Yup, I'm here." She smiled softly.

"Good, I'm excited for us to start trying for a child."

"After some thought Mason, I am as well. You were right we do need to start trying."

"I'm glad we can agree. Shall we then?" Mason stuck out his hand, emphasizing for her to take it.

"I was actually thinking, maybe we could get drunk. We haven't had drunk sex in forever." Lucy said while trying to present her self in a sexy manner.

"Ooooo yeah, I do love when your drunk." Mason licked his lips and nodded.

"Okay then I'll make out drinks, how about you make the environment fun yeah!" Lucy winked at him then made her way into the kitchen.

She grabbed a shot glass, then a rock glass. She poured her self a shot of vodka.

"One shot of encouragement." She whispered as she shot the burning liquid back.

She then pulled out the captain and a bottle of coke. She took a deep breath and pulled out some sleeping medication. She mixed half the dosage into his drink and gave it a stir. After she poured water into her shot glass.

"I've got the driiiinks" she sang, walking out in a ditzy dancing fashion.

Mason smiled as he played some music in the background.

The two drank and Lucy took water shots unaware to Mason. Lucy let him relax and get comfortable. Some times kissing him and dancing against him. A few drinks in she added the rest of the dosage to his drink. Judging by his sluggish actions, he would be ready for sleep soon.

"Come on Mason, let's go up stairs." She whispered sexily in his ears.

"Mmm baby" He hummed as he follows her to their room.

He tried to take control when they reached the room, but Lucy pushed him down on the bed.

"Now now, you get your self comfortable. I'll go slip into something more sexy and more to your tastes."

Lucy slipped into the bathroom and locked the door. Once she was alone she took a few deep breaths and tried to calm her self. She was terrified the sleeping medicine would not kick in soon enough. She didn't want to actually have to sleep with him. She slowly changed into some lingerie. She continued to slowly put on some makeup and just work slow hoping to get Mason asleep first.

She opened the door and walked out to find Mason sound asleep and half undressed.

She let out a sign of relief and sat on the bed. Luckily he had already pulled off his boxers which will just help her story more. Standing up she forcefully ripped her lingerie off. That's definitely what Mason would've done drunk or not.

She very quietly got into bed naked and try's to fall asleep. She has plan b just in case he try's to go again. But hopefully she will be convincing enough that he will believe they had sex. 


Lucy woke early and could still hear Mason snoring behind her. She thought it better if she continued to pretend to sleep so he sees her still naked. She laid there for at least another hour before he start to stir.

"Mm, ah lucy dear wake up"

Lucy faked a yawn and stretched.

"Good morning how did you sleep"

"Well i don't remember much after coming up here last night"

"Wow you have some nerve forgetting after you tore up my favorite lingerie set." Lucy got out of bed and stumbled around the ground looking for her clothes.

"See you just tore it straight off... now I have to buy a new one"

"Man you must've looked real sexy last night. Anyway I have to get going. I'll expect a pregnancy test when I get back next month. Say we got some time why don't we get another round in the shower before I had out to double our chances."

Lucy gave a soft chuckle, "as much as i would love that my legs are so sore from last night, I think there's a good chance. Plus I need to make you breakfast"

"Ah food sounds amazing. Yes do that instead"


"Goodbye dear, I will see you in a month." Lucy waved him off and let out a large sigh as she closed the door.

Lucy pulled out her phone and called Natsu.

"Hey beautiful, what's up?"

A soft smiled formed on Lucy's face.

"Hey wanna come over?"

"Give me 15"

Lucy hung up and heard up stairs for a shower. It felt so peaceful, knowing he would be gone a whole month. She didn't have to worry about him. She had time to get the lawyer situation figured out and she could freely see Natsu as she pleased.

"Yo Lucy, I am here."

She hurriedly rushed down the stairs. She wasn't sure what took over her but she practically threw her self into him.

Natsu looked at her surprised but reciprocated with a hug.

"Everything okay?" He asked as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"Great news, Mason is out of town for a month!"

"That's great. That mean i can do this freely with no consequences."

Natsu lift her chin and captured her lips with his. Lucy melted into the kiss. She felt greedy, like she's been holding on by a thread. Her hands cupped his cheeks pulling him closer. Lust might've been taking over her.

"Mm, Lucy you're beautiful, but you're really getting me excited over here."

"Sorry, I'm not sure what come over me."

"No need to apologize, I just think we should take things slow. And I want you to be comfortable."

"Thanks Natsu, that's means a lot to me. Now... will you help me with some spring cleaning?"

"You're lucky you're cute, fine. Where do we start?"

"Let's see, you start being opening all the curtains and windows then dusting. Then I'll start laundry and sweeping."

"Aye sir!"


"Ahh!" Lucy cried out flopping down on the couch. "Thanks for all your hard work today."

"No problem, now that the spring cleaning is done.. why do you go shower and get dressed and I'll pick you up in an hour."

Lucy raised an eyebrow.

"Hmm, and where are we going ?"

"That my dear Watson is a secret"

Lucy chuckled and nodded, "alright one hour it is."

She headed up the stairs and started to get ready. Natsu left for his apartment and took a quick shower. He suggested going out, but he doesn't actually have anywhere to take her.

"Ah nuts, guess I'd better find something to do quick."

He did about a million searches trying to find something but nothing felt right. This would be like their first official date. He felt giddy like he did in high school. He also felt conflicted, should he take her on a date like a high schooler would; movies or bowling. Or should he take her to a nice dinner and show he's a mature adult. Heck if he knew, all he knew is Lucy was chill and probably wouldn't complain much either way.

He had spent the last month or so acting as mature as he could for Lucy's sake. He wanted to prove that he could be the shoulder she could lean on. Even though it took everything in him to not go and pulverize her husband to a pulp.

"Her husband.. maybe we should go somewhere out of our town. If we go somewhere here it'll feel more like we're just two friends."

Natsu got an idea, while kind of childish he felt it might just work and lighten the mood a bit.

He through on some casual clothes and got in his car heading to Lucy's. When he arrive he knocked on the door and out came Lucy.

She was wearing some baggy mom jeans and a loose tshirt. Natsu enjoyed her outfit, she still look hot but comfortable.

"So, are you going to tell me where are we going?"

"Nah, you'll get laugh at me."

"Ahh no i won't come onnnn!!"

"Sorry Luce, ain't spilling"

"Boo you're no fun."

"Just get in the car you weirdo"

"Fine fine"

Natsu drove them out of town to Hargeon the next town over.

Lucy window gazed as they drove through the town. It has been a while since she's been in Hargeon.

"Aww look Natsu that's where we first met! Except I didn't really know you yet. Why were you on Hargeon again?"

"Gray told me something was here.. don't really remember what though. But at least I met you. Then you showed up at school and I was like hey it's that weirdo!"

"Me, the weirdo, says you!"

"You we're definitely the bigger weirdo there"

"Wooooow I am offended."

Lucy crossed her arms and peaked out the corner of her eyes. She caught Natsu peaking as well and the two of them burst out laughing. 

"Well here we are"

Lucy looked up and found they were pulling up to an Arcade.

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