Chapter Seven

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Lucy lazily check her phone noticing it was going on midnight. She sighed and glanced towards Natsu whose eyes looked heavy.

"Hey am I staying here tonight?"

Natsu yawned and checked his phone to see the time. "If you are okay with it I am." He rubbed his eyes and got off the couch. "I'm going to lay down. Are you gonna come in there or sleep out here?"

Lucy felt her face heat up. She knows he doesn't mean anything besides sleep but she couldn't help it.

"Yeah I'll come in there. Im going to grab a water and plug my phone in."

Natsu nodded and walked off into the bedroom.

Lucy opened her phone and went to her messages. Her heart clenched as she types out a fake message to Mason. "Hey the twins are sick. Gajeel won't be back tonight. Levy ask me to stay."

Her heart raced as she waited for a response. As if waiting for her to text Mason instantly responded. "Okay no problem." It didn't seem like a Mason type of text but she knew why he didn't care. She plugged phone in and grabbed a water bottle. As she approached the bedroom she stuck her hands out feeling for the bed.

She slowly felt where Natsu was laying and went on the opposite side. She crawled under the blankets and made her self comfortable. Beside her she could hear Natsu's soft breathing. She wished she could fall asleep that easily.

After today's events she was sure wouldn't sleep at all. She thought back on when she told Natsu what was going on with Mason. She was surprised she was able to get him to calm down. He was so enraged. After she continued to explain how their relationship was turning out, it only make it worse. He couldn't believe she had been dealing with him. He was mad at her for not telling anybody or seeking help. Lucy just cried and explained she was lost and confused. She thought perhaps it was just the life of a married couple. Eventually Natsu calmed down. He hugged her and comforted her the best he could.

Her body trembled at the thought of confronting her husband. She hoped he would just understand it was time to move on. Would she mention the affair or just say it was a number of other things that factored in. Lucy could feel her eyes flighting the sleep. Eventually sleep took over and she found her self in a terrible dream.

"Mason I'm leaving. I'm tired of the lying and cheating. I don't want this for us. Let's just get a divorce and you can be with your mistress."

Mason threw his glass on the ground. "Damnit Lucy! Why do you always have to fuck things up! Just shut the fuck up. You're not going anywhere. I'll sleep with who ever the fuck I want to."

Lucy took a step back. As she did mason stormed towards her grabbing her arm.

"Stop it! Let go just let me now!" She cried out.

Mason pulled her arm and slammed her against the wall. Lucy cried out in pain as she collapsed to the floor.

"You're gonna learn not to fucking disrespect me. Come here right now." Mason demanded. He undid his belt and folded it in half. As he raised arm and brought the belt down at her.

Lucy screamed and covered her self with her arms.

"Ucy lucy! Wake up" Natsu was rubbing her arms calling out to her. Lucy's eye shot open. Her face felt damp there were tears going down her cheeks and she had a sweat across her forehead.

"Are you okay? You started screaming and crying" Natsu was sitting up beside her rubbing her arms in a gentle way.

Lucy's lips trembled as she recalled her dream.

"It was a bad dream.. that's all"

"Pretty bad sound like. Wanna talk about it?" He let out a yawn and laid back down looking at her.

"No I'd rather not. Thanks for waking me up"

He smiled softly and open his arms letting her snuggle close. Lucy laid her head against his chest and took a deep breath. Natsu kissed her head and gave her a reassuring squeeze.

"Goodnight Lucy"

"Goodnight Natsu"


Lucy rolled around the bed as she started to wake up. She could smell food from the kitchen. She slowly made her way in and sat down watching Natsu cook.

"Oh morning Luce, how did you sleep? Anymore bad dreams?"

Lucy shook her head no and rubbed her eyes.

"Why are you up so early it's a Saturday?"

"I forgot I have to meet up with the stripper. He needed me for something today. I'll be back later though."

Lucy nodded and got up to make a glass of orange juice.

"Hey Natsu.. I was wondering if you would mind giving me some time to sort things out with Mason. I'd like to talk to a lawyer and figure out exactly how to confront him."

"Oh yeah I get it. The important thing is that you leave him in the end. You don't need to be around some one like him." Natsu was a calm and collected as he spoke to her. He came up to her and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and got back to cooking.

Lucy's cheeks warmed at the sweet gesture.

She had to get the courage to leave him. She was ready to be happy again.

"Also.. are you going to tell anybody.. you know about us?" Lucy asked shyly.

Natsu slide his egg onto the plate and sat down the spatula.

"Well I haven't really thought about it much. I mean what are we to begin with? Are we going to go on dates or just hanging out until everything is sorted out? I wouldn't mind getting some advice but this is personal and between us."

Lucy bit her lip. Usually she was the calm and collect one who thought things out but Natsu has been the one sounding like an actually adult. Perhaps this is very serious to him.

"I see. Are you comfortable seeing me as things are? Would it be weird for us to go on dates where we live? I feel it could be bad for our jobs."

"Heh yeah I'm sure some parents wouldn't be happy is they found out their child's teacher was out with someone besides their spouse. But almost people in our town know we are really close. I'd I wanna take you out some where we can always go to another town." He winked at her and started to eat his food.


"Listen Lucy, is it ever just too much for you. Mentally, just tell me and we will stop. But promise me no matter what you will leave him."

Lucy felt chills go down her back.

"I will. I have to."

Natsu smiled and quickly scarfed down his food.

"When will I see you again?"

"I'm not sure. Definitely on Monday though."

"Okay then Monday. I gotta get going. Feel free to leave whenever."

They waved each other off and Lucy pulled her clothes out of the dryer. She was not ready to face Mason today. Her plan was to go home shower and change then head out to find a lawyer. Hopefully she could avoid Mason as much as possible.

Lucy left Natsu's apartment and drive her sled home. When she arrived the house was quiet but she could still hear Mason's keyboard clacking in his office. Avoiding him she made her way up stairs and took a shower. After she did a little google searching to find a good lawyer.

"Hmm she seems like she helps her clients pretty well." Lucy typed the directions into her gps and started to head out. As she reached the bottom of the stairs Mason was waiting in the living room.

"Lucy glad to see you're home. We need to have a talk. Come sit."

"Sorry I actually have some business to take care of. I need to get going."

"Lucy sit down please it won't take but a few minutes."

Lucy obeyed and sat down on the couch across from him.

"I'm going out of town again I'll be gone for about a month this time. I have to go to American. I won't be here for a while so I don't won't you get emotional on me."

Lucy almost laughed at the thought of her missing him.


"Anyway I feel we are at the point where we need to start looking toward the future. Your father in trusted the company to me since you were the only daughter. It would only make sense for me to try and pass it down to my son."

Lucy swallowed the lump the was frowning in her throat. She started fearing for the worst.

"I've already called you doctor and told him to cancel you're birth-control and I've disposed of your current ones. So when you get back tonight, take a shower and get you're self dolled up for me okay? We will try a few times tonight and hopefully we will know by time I get back in town."

Lucy's eyes were wide in disbelief. Her doctor allowed him to cancel her birthcontrol with out her permission.. he wants to try for a child. She felt sick. The last thing she wanted to do was come home and sleep with him.

"Mason I'm not ready for children yet. I want to wait a few more years."

"Well Lucy you're not getting any younger. It's better we start because if it's not a boy we will need to try again."

"I'm not having kids right now. It's not happening."

A dark gleam came over Mason's eyes as she denied him what he wants. Fear came across Lucy as she stood up.

"Is that all I am leaving now." She spoke out headed toward the door.

"Yes dear, but you will be home before to late"

"I'll be back once I'm done." Lucy quickly shut the door and got in her car.

Meanwhile Mason was peering at her from the window.

"Who does she think she is talking back to me that way. Stupid bitch. I can't wait to get her pregnant once she has an heir to the company it'll all be mine. Legally it's in her name still but with an heir everything is transferred to him once he's of age. Lucy doesn't even have to be around." Mason laughed sinisterly and pulled out his phone.

"Beautiful get over here so I can fuck you. Yes she's gone hurry up."


"Hello yes I am here to see Ms. Carter." Lucy stood patiently waiting to see the lawyer she found.

"Yes right this way Ma'am." Lucy was escorted to the lawyers office and was asked to have a seat.

"Hello Mrs. Heartfilia, you're here to discuss the divorce process correct?"

Lucy nodded, "Yes, my husband has been having an affair and is sexually assaulting me."

Saying it aloud like that caused Lucy to break down into tears.

"I'm sorry he's started to control my life, who I'm around, where I go. He's taken away my birthcontrol and is going to force me to have sex and trying to get me pregnant" Lucy sobbed harder and harder the more she spoke.

"I see, do you have any evidence of these things? Or have you filed a report with the police?"

Lucy's sobbed stopped and she slowly looked at the lawyer. We're they serious..

"Well I have video evidence of another woman coming to my house. But I can not prove that he's been manipulating me and sexually assaulting me.."

"Why haven't you filed a police report then? That should have been your first step. Now it seems your husband has most of the control in the marriage. Does he own everything and is it in his name?"

"Well it depends how you look at it. It's my families company's and house but he is in charge of the company."

"Well you'll most likely lose the company but we could try and have you keep the house."

"Well I would rather keep the company as well and hire someone else. My parents worked hard to build that company, I'm not going to let my abuser get rich off my families hard work."

"Well Mrs. Heartfilia that is not how it works. Unless your parents left you the company in their will."

"You know what I will go home and pull all of my paperwork and see what I can find. Till then have a good day."

Lucy quickly gathered her things and left the building.

She sat in her car and took a deep breath. She couldn't remember at the moment but she's pretty positive the company is hers. They only time it would legally transfer is with her permission or should she bare a child and pass the company on.

Then it dawned on her. That is why Mason wants a child.. he wants to have the child inherit the company that would help him with holding the power. How is she going to get home tonight and avoid sleeping with him.

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