Friends Secret

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Three day weekends are faster than you think. It was now Tuesday, we had Monday off which was good for me. I'm a really awkward person and I wasn't looking forward to seeing Jacob in 4/7 of my classes. I told my other friend Katherine what happened over the weekend. She told me I was freaking dumb for doing this. I knew I was but I didn't care anymore. It was actually okay since a weight was lifted of my shoulders. I got to school and the bell rang for first period. We both have band for first period. I made my way to class with Katherine and I put my backpack on the table. Jacob came next to me and put his backpack on the table. Unfortunately we were both grabbing our music binders which made us stand there in awkwardness. I saw him glance my way but I pretended he wasn't there. The truth was I was avoiding him, not because I'm mad or sad, but it's because I'm super awkward. Class went normally. Thank god I don't have second period with Jacob. "He looked at you," said Katherine. "He looked awkward and slightly uncomfortable." "Ughhh." I said.

At brunch I went with my other friends and told them what happened. "It's okay, he's not even that attractive and nice as you think." Said my friend Rick. "He's not what you think he is. He can be pretty annoying and mean sometimes." Rick kept telling me. "I can be your therapist!" My friend Maria said excitedly. "Alright" I said honestly emotionless. "First of all, he has many flaws. GET OVER HIM." Maria screamed at me. "Oh wow why haven't I thought of that!" I said sarcastically. "Gabriella, you're not trying hard enough, just please get over him." Maria said. "This is just sad, but it's also funny." said Janet with a smile on her face. The bell rang and we all went to class. I walked with my friends Janet and Melanie. We sat down at our table which was next to Jacobs table. "So how are you doing Gabriella? Are you okay? What stage are you at?" Melanie and Janet shouted. I turned red as I saw Jacob look our way with the corner of my eye. "Guys I'm okay." I said slightly embarrassed. "No you're not okay, you look sad." Said Melanie. "Guys I'm just tired, okay?" I said, trying to get them to stop. "You actually thought he was going to like you?" Said my friend Sally. "Shut the heck up!" I whispered. He was still looking at us. He was sitting with his friends. They were all talking to each other, but he had his head resting on his shoulders, looking our way. I just tried to avoiding looking at him but I turned slightly red. I looked at the clock and thankfully the bell was about to ring. "Ughh I just want to go home." I thought to myself.

Later that night I was just listening to music while browsing Instagram. "DING!" It was a text from my friend Janet. "Hey Gabriella, did you know that Jacob was looking at us a lot during science today?" Oof, like I didn't know that already. "Yeah" I responded. "Do you know what his face looked like though, because I didn't want to look at him" I put my phone down waiting for an answer. "DING!" "Yeah he looked sort of understanding and sorry for you." My friend Janet said. I replied with "oof". "DING!" "Hey I have some tea to share" said Janet "it's about Maria." I was suddenly very interested. What could possibly be going on with Maria? "What is it" I said. "Let me just call you, it's easier" she said. I then received a call from Janet. "Okay so here. Please don't get mad though." "Okay" I said. Janet took a deep breath in and started spilling. "Okay so you know how Maria has always told you to get over Jacob since you started liking him?" "Yeah" I said. Did they have problems? I started wondering what's wrong. "Well..." Janet paused "she told me that she likes Jacob as well." I couldn't believe it. She also liked Jacob? I sort of just zoned out being really confused. "Hey, are you okay" Janet asked. "Yeah... I'm just... shocked!" I said. It all made sense now. "Get over him, he doesn't like you! You're too good for him, move on! You would be better with someone else!" That's what she would tell me. I thought it was just because she didn't get along with him. "I have to go" Said Janet. "Okay, bye" I said. We ended the call.

"Hey Gabriela, I need to tell you something." Ricky told me in fifth period. "Yeah what's up?" I asked. "I'm coming out of the closet!" Said Ricky "I'm gay!" "Wow really? That's great!" I said. "I'm sorry, that's not all" Ricky said with worry in his face. "Oh? What is it?" I said to Ricky. "Please don't hate me but, um, I also like Jacob" Ricky said shielding himself with his arms. WHAT! HOW MANY PEOPLE LIKE THIS BEAUTIFUL MAN! "I... I thought you thought he wasn't what 'I thought'" I told him. "I'm sorry, I just didn't want you guys to date or I would be really sad." Ricky told me. "Wow" I said. The bell rang, Ricky and I had the same 6th period but we didn't walk to class together. I was so confused. How could two of my friends and I all like the same person? This is going to break the friendship between all of us! Well he clearly doesn't like me, but what if he likes one of them? That would break the other two of us!


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