Seventeen Minutes

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It's called a crush for a reason. It's only the best feeling in the world when they like you back.  It was May 24th, just an ordinary day to some people. Not for me, I had a plan. There was this one guy I've liked for a while now, and I wanted to confess to him. His name was Jacob. He's a really good kid, I'm just not sure he likes me back. I'm not going to lie. I'm usually a really shy kid who HATES situations that involve other people but middle school was coming to an end so I decided to confess, and who knows, he might like me too.
After school I met up with my friend who was going to see what happens. "You got this" said Amy. "Haha I don't think I do but here goes nothing" I said. I opened my phone and went on to my messages. My heart beating faster and faster every second, it felt like I had a bomb inside my chest about to go off any minute now. "Hey, can I tell you something real quick?" I typed into my phone. It took me a while to send. I sort of just stared at my phone, not mentally ready. "It's ok just send it, the worse thing that will happen it he rejects you" said my friend Amy. "Oof ok" I said taking a breath. I pressed send. It was 3:06 pm. "Wait what did I just do!" I thought to myself. "Ok let's go walk to take your mind off of this while he responds" said Amy. "Ok" I said with shakiness in my voice. We just sat there for a few minutes. There was so much tension building up inside of me. "DING" I almost fell off the bench. "Oh shoot" I said reaching into my pocket to grab my phone. "Is it him?" Asked Amy? "Yeah, he said 'Okay whats up?" I said taking another deep breath. I stood up because I couldn't handle the anxiety, I need to walk. "Ahhh I'm going to confess" I screamed. I sent a text that said "Okay, I just wanted to say that I like you, and I'm pretty sure you don't like me and that's totally fine, I just wanted to confess since schools about to end." I looked at the text and without hesitation, I hit send. It didn't hit me yet. "Marked as read". "Aw shoot he read it but he's not texting" I said "He doesn't like me!" After about two minutes of waiting he was finally typing. I sort of just freaked out because he was taking a while to respond but I couldn't blame him. He finally sent and I opened the message. I couldn't really feel myself doing this but I sort of just opened my mouth really wide, stared at the message in shock, and fell onto the floor slowly until my knees met with the ground. "Oh no, what did he say" said my friend Amy. "He... he said that he's really sorry and he doesn't like me, he just doesn't want to date me. He's interested in becoming closer as friends but not dating." I told Amy. To be honest, I really didn't expect anything but I was still sad. "No, it's ok" I replied to his message. It was now 3:23 pm. Weird how much can happen in less that 20 minutes. My friend was supporting me saying how it's his loss and I will find someone soon. "DING". My mom was here. I thanked Amy and went to the car as if nothing happened. "How was your day?" My mother asked "good!" I said, faking a smile. I can fake my emotions well, I acted just like I always do. Just an ordinary day right? I went to bed later that day and stared at the ceiling. "Thank god it's a Friday. It's going to be awkward when we come back to school. At least we only have a little less than two weeks of school left." I thought to myself. I decided I was just going to bed and fell asleep.


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