Ch.23. The Alchemists Game.

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{I Don't own Nanbaka or Full-Metal Alchemist}

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Edward could tell that Mayu was worried, he could also tell that Uno knew as well, it wasn't hard to notice, after all Ed knew just how to spot when his older sister figure was worried, she would start to rub at her wrists, than she'd be a bit quiet and keep to herself more, like she was doing just this moment.

He was unsure as to why she was so worried, the last time she was worried it wasn't good for them, than again he never seemed to listen that much to her unless she went into motherly mode, which was a mode no one wanted to be the brunt end of.

"What's got you so worried?"he decided to ask the green haired female, after catching up to her, making sure the others didn't hear, for he knew she didn't want them to worry.

"It's nothing" Mayu lied, her voice a whisper so only the golden eyed boy heard her, and she soon walked a bit ahead so he wouldn't question her more, for she knew he could tell she was lying, it wasn't hard to spot with the girl.

Edward frowned, he knew it, she would never admit to it, she was always stubborn , just like him, maybe it was his fault, she had grew up with him and Al, she also worried about them a lot, yet didn't show it, she wasn't at all who others thought her to be, she wasn't a fun and games.

No in truth she was broken, she was breaking, she was a mess that was trying her hardest to hide behind the mask she made for herself, the mask that everyone knew her as, and Edward knew one day she would have to face the truth, she'd have to face her fears, she'd have to stop worrying so much.

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"So we've decided" The one known as Winter stated leaning back in her chair, she was quite enjoying this, she wondered when they should go ahead with their plans, the cold female would have asked but she just didn't feel like it instead she opted on asking something else, "Love I must ask when are you planning on collecting your son from earth, he is of age is he not?" the women asked the pink haired male.

"He may be almost of age, but I already caused him so much trouble, he wouldn't want to learn the truth now, he would probably hate me when finding out his hole entire life has been a lie" Love told the cold female with a frown, he felt guilty, his own son was seen as a monster because of him , yet he was broken out of it by a hand resting on his own, Summer gave him a small gentle smile.

"We are both at fault my dear" she told him sadly "But he is our son, he has the right to know the truth, he is old enough already, hopefully he can accept that he isn't who he thought he was, hopefully he can accept us and the truth"

Death felt sick just watching them, he hated public affection and the thought of it, he also kinda felt envious towards the two, they found each other and had a kid, a kid that was forced to be sent to earth, because of the rule they had, the rule that every child born with their blood had to be raised by humans, to face hardship, till they came of age, the coming of age for them was twenty or twenty-five.

He cast a gaze towards the blonde haired male known as Spring, whom was talking away with the lovely woman known as Fate, her long purple and pink hair was neat and her silver eyes held such wisdom, her figure was perfect and he knew he stood no chance against her, he was jealous of the beautiful female, for the fact she caught the attention of the one he would never admit out loud to liking.

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"This game of your's seems quite dangerous"

"If it wasn't it wouldn't be fun now would it?"

"You are quite heartless"

"I am a god, I do not have need for a heart" the pale white figure stated looking down at a chess board, with a smirk, he wondered who would win, for unknown to everyone his fame was just beginning, "Plus my game has only just begone, they have no clue what is in store for them".

The empty shell in-front of him frowned, blonde hair falling over his shoulders as for he had been trapped here for years, only a shell, no soul, just an empty human shell , one that was getting quite fed up with the god called Truth.

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{Question of the week: Would you rather get locked in an elevator with Envy or Be forced to listen to Misturu yelling for 24 hours straight with no break?}

{Sorry for the shortish kinda sappy chapter this week, couple more chapters to go till the ending though} 

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