Special Chapter: Halloween Special

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{I Don't own Nanbaka or Full-Metal Alchemist}

{So This is your weekly update, because it's October so Halloween Special , so whatever happens here doesn't effect the plot line what so ever, this is a AU }

{Early update: Because why not?}

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A green haired girl frowned as she sat in a chair her right arm being sewed back on by a male, "Sister I do not understand why you keep ripping your stitches, I do not wish to get caught by the school board for them finding out our secret" he told her , his face was blank as he put away his tools .

"Sorry , but not really my fault were like this" he gave her a pointed stare as she gave him a smirk getting off the chair and grabbing a rag to wipe something off her face, "Okay maybe it's my fault for pissing of that witch" she put down the rag that seemed to be covered in foundation , " But look on the bright side we can be our selves tomorrow , it's the one night no one will question us, October 31, only time us monsters can be ourselves, and maybe just maybe we can finally break this curse of ours".

"Yet we should still be careful" her younger brother told her , he was worried if anyone were to find out what they were, including his own group, they had been cursed for many years, and since than the only clue to breaking their curse was if a human could love monsters like them, the true them without running and screaming, without being afraid of them.

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The next night after school the two had removed their makeup that hid their true selves, many may find it suspicious that they always had the same costume every year, both dressed as zombies.

"Cool costumes , same as last year but super realistic as always" A male stated throwing his arm over the girls shoulder, "Mayu , you and Upa always win the costume contest with those costumes of yours, I mean it actually seems like those are real stitches".

"Thanks Rock, only reason we used the same is we kinda ran out of money to buy new ones" Mayu lied , of course they weren't really costumes her and her brother were quite actually Zombies, cursed by a witch that had a crush on the green haired girl and kinda got jealous and pissed when seeing her with anyone, next thing they know their both crawling out of dirt after the witch killed them, and cursed them to be dead but moving, so zombies.

Unlike how humans portrayed zombies to be, they were nothing like them, they could speak like a human, they were smarter than them, the only difference was that they ate brains and not human food, of course they only ate the brains of dead people, luckily they already figured that out years ago.

"Either way those costumes are quite lovely" A male grabbed her hand kissing it only to be completely ignored by the zombie whom had pulled her hand back and allowed her friend Rock to lead her over to her group of friends.

"Zombie hottie makes another appearance this year huh?" Uno questioned , he was the flirt of their group and always seemed to have a hat on his head, this year he was dressed as a vampire, last year it had been a werewolf.

Speaking of werewolves that was what Rock had dressed up as this year, he was the strong food loving one of the group, who apparently was dating the cute split personality boy known as Nico, whom was dressed as a mummy this year, not like it mattered he always had bandages covering his body.

Jyugo whom was the troublemaker of the group had dressed as a police officer this year, who knows why but he still had his shackles, the ones no one questioned him about that much, all they knew is he didn't like to talk about it.

She had some other friends but they weren't her main group, they were just some she'd hang out with, including her exes, the ones where she never told them the truth of what she was, yet they didn't really matter, even with their strange names that matched the names of sins everyone had.

"Big sis is dressed like a zombie again this year big brother" a blonde known as Alphonse stated, dressed as a knight this year, he liked to refer to her as 'big sister' for unknown reasons, his brother Edward frowned, he two had chosen the zombie look this year.

"I see Ed's copying me this year huh?" Mayu teased.

"As if , my costume may not look as real as yours, but I'm sure to win this year" he was her rival of sorts, even though he was younger than her and in a different class, though in truth he looked up to her.

"Well i love to chat but I gotta do something" Mayu walked away from her group over to where a male dressed as a butler, his long hair in a braid as he frowned watching Upa, this was Liang, a male that was friends with her smart little brother, "Go for it" she told him.

"I do not get what your hinting at" Liang told her, he didn't understand what she was hinting at, till he finally got it and his face heated up, "I couldn't do such a act Granite".

"Yes you can , just one favor tell me you'll love him no matter what?" she asked the male pushing him forward, she knew for quite some time the human had feelings for her brother, she had known ever since they moved here last year, even if his brother couldn't love because his heart doesn't beat she knew Liang would be the one to break her brothers curse.

"I promise I will Love him no matter what Granite" Liang told her unsure as to why she asked him of it, but he knew he wasn't able to chicken out, he soon went toward Upa and asked if he wanted to dance, it was a start, a start that would break Upa's curse.

Mayu would have to wait a bit longer for her own curse to break, she looked back at her friends and the male she always ignored, but maybe just maybe it wasn't that long of a wait, but it would seem luck wan't on her side for a gunshot rang out.

No one saw it coming, no one knew why it happened but one of the people in the party, weren't even apart of it, for they held a gun and aimed it right at the green haired female, before anyone knew it they were screaming her name as she dropped to the ground , holding the spot the bullet just hit, near her heart that would never beat, of course it would be fatal to a human but she wasn't at all human.

A male nicknamed as Scar had apprehended the male that had just shot someone, Upa was for once afraid but it didn't show, their secret would be out, they would have to leave again, and he knew that , every time some caught wind of them they'd have to leave.

"She's a monster I tell you a monster!" the male in Scars arms yelled "She's not human, she's a freak!" he yelled crazed look in his eyes , yet Scar didn't let him go.

"You know to much already, we let you live this long, but seeing as your risking our existence I hope my lord forgives me for this crime I have committed"  Before anyone knew the male in scar's arms had dropped to the ground after Scar snapped his neck, "The human has been disposed of, you may get up now".

Upa and Mayu whom had sat up were confused, what was going on, why did Scar say that, till they realized something different about everyone, they didn't seem like humans in costumes anymore their forms had changed into something not human.

"No need to hide your true self here, we knew for a while you guy's weren't human kinda figured it out, truth be told Nanba High-school is a place for monsters of every kind, or people just unlucky enough to get cursed" Rock told them.

"How come you never said anything?" Mayu asked confused as Envy threw an arm over her shoulder with a smirk.

"Because seeing your fear is hilarious, first zombie I ever dated" he told her "Were quite not alive ourselves, everyone in this towns got a secret".

"I actually thought our curse would be broken"  Mayu sighed "We got killed by a jealous witch that had a crush on me, pissed them off because I hung out with others more than them, but I never thought this place was filled with spooks like us".

"Just have to find the right place it would seem" Liang told her arms wrapped around Upa's waist, "My first love be a zombie who would of thought?" he leaned down to kiss the short zombie on the lips.

This Halloween it would seem the zombie's had found a place they belonged, a place that finally accepted them, and for once they weren't feeling like monsters.

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