i. A Fool's Wish.

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A Fool's Wish.

As you step into the grandeur of the Clemonte's household, the air carries a scent of fresh flowers and polished wood. The foyer greets you with marble floors that gleam under the glow of crystal chandeliers, casting prisms of light across the tapestries adorning the walls. A portrait of the three children: Francis, the eldest, sits in the middle with the beautiful Marietta and Amelia on both sides. The largest portrait is that of Leonard and Odette Clemonte, Earl and Countess of Brookshire.

Up the stairs, making your way through the ornate hallways, you find yourself in a lavishly decorated room where Marietta Clemonte, the epitome of beauty, sits before a gilded mirror. Her lady maid, Greta, with deft hands, adds the final touches to Marietta's elaborate hairstyle. The girl winces softly when she feels the ends of a hair brooch poke her scalp. Across the room sits Amelia, the youngest of the three siblings, trailing behind Marietta by four years. A gaze that holds both admiration and awe as she watches her sister.

"You look beautiful, Marietta." Amelia smiles, and her sister looks back at her through the mirror's reflection. "Don't be so nervous." She adds.

Marietta gives her a small smile. "I'm not nervous. I just hope I don't make a fool of myself in front of the queen."

"All finished." Greta chimes in after finishing Marietta's hair.

Marietta glanced at herself in the mirror, taking in her appearance. The dress hugged her figure elegantly, the soft fabric cascading down in gentle folds. Her hair was done up nicely in beautiful curls, leaving protagonism to the gorgeous earrings that dangled from her ears, matching the necklace that complemented the neckline of the dress. She could admit she did indeed look beautiful.

Odette Clemonte glided into the room with an air of elegance. As she looked at her eldest daughter, a smile graced her lips. "You look absolutely gorgeous, my dear. You will do excellent." She remarked with admiration and confidence.

"I do hope so." Marietta smiles.

Odette moves a curl out of Marietta's face. "We shall be leaving soon. Before we depart, I have a letter for you from Francis." She tells her, handing the girl the letter.

Marietta smiled gratefully as she held the letter in her hands. Her brother, Francis, has spent the past two years traveling overseas and exploring the world. While the siblings miss each other dearly, they send each other letters to keep their connection alive despite the distance.

"My dearest sister,

I have been surrounded by the most gorgeous mountains these past few days. I have been closely studying the wilderness and the beauty of it all. It pains me to have to leave this behind soon. Regardless, reuniting with our family is a greater desire. Your upcoming debut fills me with pride, and a tad of worry, for your future suitors have no idea what they are getting into. I count the days until I can return. Until then, know my greatest wishes are with you.

With all my love,

Marietta, with a soft smile, shared the contents of Francis' letter, "Francis sends his best wishes on my debut. He will soon be making his journey back home to us as well." She informs. An immediate smile ties itself on the lips of Amelia and Odette, thrilled at the thought of Francis coming back.

"My Lady." One of the housemaids spoke from the hallway. "The carriage is ready." With this, Odette squeezes Marietta's hand before walking out of the room with her daughters behind her.

As the women stepped outside, Marietta caught sight of their neighbors, the Bridgertons, readying to get in the carriages as well. Daphne Bridgerton's face lit up with excitement, flashing a wide grin at Marietta, who could not help but return a smile, conveying her happiness for her friend and herself.

As the carriage journeyed on with the Clemontes, Marietta's mind drifted from the conversation within. Her father's recount of his responsibilities at Brookshire, Amelia's longing for her horse, and all other dialogues blurred into the background. Marietta's focus was solely on the world unfolding outside the carriage.

The lush greenery of the countryside swept by in a mesmerizing landscape, each tree and flower waving in the gentle breeze. Marietta's eyes were drawn to the vibrant hues of the wildflowers that lined the roadside, their petals swaying along the carriage. Marietta's distraction stemmed from the nerve-wracking desire of wanting to do well, which caused her to seek solace in the serene scenery passing by.

Marietta's absorption in her thoughts was so profound that she failed to register their arrival, only snapping out of her reverie when her father stood before the carriage, offering his hand to help her alight. The sudden realization of their journey's end jolted her back to the present.

She accepted her father's hand, allowing herself to be guided down from the carriage. As she stepped onto the solid ground, the touch of reality seeped in, and she finally grasped the significance of the moment. The tangible sensation of her father's hand in hers grounded her, bringing her back to the present with clarity.

Leonard gazed at his daughter with pride, his eyes reflecting admiration. "You look beautiful." He remarked warmly. "I know you will do great, my dear. You always manage to exceed my expectations." The words enveloped her like a comforting embrace.

She squeezed his hand, smiling. "Today will not be the exception." She nods her head. Her father departs, going over to lock his arm with Amelia's.

"Marietta!" She excitedly hears, spinning to face Daphne with locked arms with her brother, Viscount Anthony Bridgerton. Marietta smiled at her dear friend before her gaze turned solid as she looked at her friend's brother.

"My Lord." She nodded her head before her eyes burnt back at his face.

Anthony could not bite his tongue when it came to Marietta, the one person who could fuel his bitter distaste. It had been that way ever since they were young. "I must say, I am surprised to see you join the marital crowd." He opened his mouth.

Fighting back all urges to roll her eyes at him, she merely fakes a smile. "Why would that be?" She asks him though she knows the next words out of his mouth will be equally as distasteful.

"Who would ever marry you?" Anthony retorts. "Brother." Daphne scolds, softly hitting her brother's chest with the back of her hand.

Marietta chuckled softly, "Is that why you're still unmarried, My Lord?"

"No, it is only because I have standards, unlike whoever chooses to marry you." He answers back at the girl who this time, lets the roll of her eyes win her over.

Daphne, tired of the pair, interrupts with the clearing of her throat. "That is enough. We shall be going in now." She smiles wide at Marietta.

"I agree, sister." Anthony nods. "I shall be ever so attentive in hopes you make a fool of yourself." He smiles at Marietta before walking away with Daphne.

Odette walks over to her daughter as the pair make their way into the room all the other debutants are. Here she would get the final touches and wait for their names to be called. Then, they would officially be presented to the queen.

    The room was abuzz with nervous debutants and stressed mamas, each one absorbed in the flurry of last-minute preparations and delicate adjustments to ensure their daughters looked impeccable. The air crackled with a mix of excitement and tension, creating a palpable energy that enveloped the room.

    "Daphne," Marietta called next to her where her dearest friend stood, dazing off like Marietta had previously done. "Don't fret. You are going to be excellent. Trust me." She assures her.

    Daphne gratefully smiles at her. "I am excited, really. However, these nerves might just be the end of me." She fans her face, looking around the room at the other debutants.

    "Oh, you two will be great." Odette chimed in, fixing the back of Marietta's corset.

    "It will go by quickly. Do not worry." Violet Bridgerton smiled at the two girls, her gaze holding onto her daughter.

    No matter how swiftly time seemed to pass in reality, Marietta experienced it as if it were dragging on mercilessly. Her heart pounded against her chest with increasing intensity as each girl exited the room one by one. The suspenseful atmosphere only served to amplify her nerves, stretching the wait into an eternity in her mind.

    As her heart raced with anticipation, a footman entered the room, his presence signaling her turn as he looked at her and nodded his head. She glanced back at Daphne, who smiled reassuringly, providing a sense of comfort. Odette nodded at her daughter, following behind Marietta.

    Marietta stood still outside the grand doors, aware that behind them awaited the queen herself. The weight of the moment hung heavy in the air, causing Marietta's heart to flutter. She waited to hear her name being announced inside the grand room and for the large doors to open, revealing her to the crown. She could feel her mother's presence two steps behind her, which gave her confidence she did not necessarily lack but was not currently displaying.

    "Miss Marietta Clemonte." The words bounced off the walls inside, and her heart picked up a pace. She blinked and exhaled softly. "Presented by her mother, the Honorable Countess of Brookshire, Odette Clemonte."

    As the grand doors swung open, Marietta stepped into the room with unwavering confidence, a radiant smile gracing her face. The whispers and murmurs of the onlookers faded into the background as she remained focused and composed, exuding a quiet strength.

Upon reaching the queen, Marietta's smile remained, not faltering in the slightest, her eyes fixed on the regal figure before her. With graceful poise, she executed a curtsy, a display of respect and elegance. The room fell silent, awaiting the queen's reaction.

The queen rose from her chair, a smile adorning her face as she gazed at the young woman before her. Once the queen stopped a foot away, Marietta looked up at her. "Beautiful." Queen Charlotte whispered before settling back into her seat, acknowledging Marietta with a word that echoed approval.

With a smile, she stood back up straight and walked to where her father and sister stood amongst the crowd. Leonard smiled at his daughter, nodding his head. Amelia latched her hand with her sister's, squeezing gently. "You did wonderfully," She whispered.

Marietta smiled to herself and looked up in front of her, where her eyes met with Anthony's. His brow rose, showing her he was surprised she did not fail miserably like he had hoped she would. She smiles at him, it is enough for him to know that if he were standing in front of her, she would laugh in his face.

author speaks!

unsure how i feel about this chapter but i wanted to give an intro on the family dynamics and such !!

any thoughts???

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