ii. The Season's Desire.

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The Season's Desire.

It poured down on Marietta like ice that everything she had ever prepared for had arrived, and there was no more hiding from it. She would attend Lady Danbury's ball later that night-- the first ball of the season; her first event out in the marriage mart. Some men will see Marietta and think of her as a potential wife-- Bless their hearts.

On the other hand, she worries that no good suitors will be interested in her. Although the lack of a man's interest in Marietta would never mean the end of the world for her, she does not wish to disappoint her family. She knows better than to believe she could ever disappoint her family with such a foolish situation. But she knows the society she lives in would never stand behind a prominent family's oldest daughter going unmarried. This could very well harm her family name and she will not taint what her family has worked for.

Her doubts are in vain. Her mere presence commands attention. With no doubt, she'll have countless suitors and among them, there will be great men. Yet only lucky ones will catch her attention, after all, it is not easy to win her over. Lucky, indeed.

"Are you nervous, dear?" Odette interrupts her daughter's endless train of thoughts, noticing the girl staring out the window while her tea goes cold in front of her.

Marietta's gaze quickly falls on her mother, a dashing smile painted over her lips. "Perhaps a bit. All of this is a bit overwhelming." She admits and Odette furrows her eyebrows slightly. "Nothing I could not handle." The girl smiles, assuring her mother.

"Of course not. You are our daughter after all." Leonard Clemonte smiles proudly at his daughter, his hand warm over his wife's, who smiles in equal pride. Their children have always been their biggest pride and joy, even fools know this.

The sound of rapid footsteps through the halls makes them all turn their heads to the doors where Amelia appears soon after, running inside the room. She pants catching her breath but an excited smile plays on her lips. She is desperate to spill all her words out. How she did not fall is a miracle.

Odette gets up from her seat, standing next to her youngest child. "Amelia, what is it?" She asks as she places her hand on her shoulder, trying to calm the girl down. Leonard furrows his eyebrows, having scooted closer to the edge of his seat in curiosity.

"I had to come the moment Eloise showed me." Amelia lets out in between breaths.

Marietta stares at her sister, "Amy if you do not breathe first, you might pass." She tells her sister who begins to breathe at a calmer pace.

"A new gossip column was made under an, well, anonymous author. Everyone is reading it." This catches the attention of the other three who have no idea what Amelia is talking about. "She called Daphne the season's incomparable. And you-" Amelia cuts herself off, offering the paper to her sister who grabs it instantly out of curiosity.

Her eyes scan the words. 'The Queen's admiration for her beauty has certainly confirmed what this author has already known-- Marietta Clemonte is a rare dazzling gem whose beauty knows no measure. The season's desire.' She finishes reading, her eyes widening. Her curiosity is piqued, wanting to know who this Lady Whistledown who speaks such words of her is.

Her mother grabs the paper from her daughter's hand, reading it out loud so Leonard may be informed as well. "You'll be the talk of the season." Odette smiles at her daughter, in awe at what the paper read of her daughter.

Marietta Clemonte was used to being in society's eye. They dissect her every move, word, and aspect. It's what being a woman from a renowned family was like. Hell, it's what being a woman is like. They watch her carefully, waiting for her to tumble, and if she ever did, they'd pounce on her like wild beasts.

The Queen's approval only intensifies the eyes. People are not waiting for her to tumble anymore, they're hopeful that she will. And she will be more than glad to prove them wrong.

"The season's desire," Amelia repeats with a teasing smile. "I think we shall have to board the doors so suitors do not come. There will be countless amounts of them." She drops next to her father, sitting comfortably on the cushioned furniture.

"And most of them will not be worthy of your sister. I am not worried about how many come to the doors." Leonard replies to his youngest daughter, shrugging slightly. Odette laughs lightly at her husband's words.

They do not worry because they know their daughter will not settle for just any man. They did not raise her to do that. It is not the woman she is. The suitors have their work cut out for them because she will not cave.

"I'll be out with Daphne. I will be back in time to get ready for tonight." Marietta assures as she gets up from her seat.

She steps outside, breathing in the fresh air that immediately makes her loose curls dance in the wind. The Clemonte household stands tall with towering columns and other architectural details. She walks out the gates and a few feet later, she's escorted past the Bridgerton's gates by a footman who opens the doors for her. She waits patiently in the foyer for her dear friend to walk down the stairs.

"My day was going great before this encounter." She hears, and she turns to face Anthony as he walks into view. He cockily smirked, as if he accomplished to offend her.

"Tread lightly. Didn't you hear? I'm the season's desire." Marietta grinned, knowing her success would annoy him, and given the look on his face, she aced.

Anthony shakes his head, "Pity of the man who succeeds. " He follows up, putting his hands behind his back in instinct as he speaks. "Oh, how you would love to be him." She teases.

"I think I would much rather die a painful death." He blinks.

The squeals of excitement coming from the stairs as Daphne makes her way down, smiling wide at her friend cut her off before she can reply. Daphne stops before Marietta but the smile never faints. "Oh, did you read it? Please tell me you have read it." She asks desperately.

"I have." Marietta laughs at her friend's reaction. "I was telling your brother all of it. You know how exciting my success is to him." She spares a glance to Anthony who bitterly smiles at her.

Daphne doesn't even administer what Marietta has said because excitement is still coursing through her veins. She becomes a stranger to the look Anthony is giving her friend, even when her eyes are on his sister and her focus is on her words. His eyes are burning into the side of her head in pure irritation. When Marietta's eyes fall back on him and she, in turn, offers him a grin, he shakes his head and walks away.

"This is all so great, Ettie." Daphne interlocks her arm with Marietta's as they begin walking to the doors.

author speaks!
a little short but focused on family dynamics & some anthony !

- daph & ettie 💕💗💓💖💞💘
the season's incomparable & desire
i know that's right!!!!!

- clemonte family i love u so much

- anthony & ettie banter is so
fun to write leave me alone

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