Monsters Unleashed

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it took a while but they finally arrived at the old Bellwood Mining town. They pulled up in the car park of the mining town, and stopped just outside the exit, with Edwin, RJ, Blake, Sasha and Clarisse on board. "so whats your assessment Clarisse" Edwin said as he and the others got out of the Van. "well its obviously remote enough and it looks abandoned and where else would this guy get randamonium" Clarisse said. "want me and Blake to do a little look around" Sasha asked. "absolutely not this guy has every costume we ever faced who knows what you might run in to" Edwin said. "hes right guys" RJ said. "cant you just get RJ to do a scan" Blake groaned. "you do realise i wouldn't be able to sense monsters i can only sense living things" RJ said. "no but you would be able to sense the iron masked guy" Edwin said.  RJ sighed. "fine ill see if ill be able to sense anything but be warned we might not get the iron masked guy since i need something he touched" he warned.

he closed his eyes and they began to glow pink. Blake shuddered. "that always creeped me out as a kid" he said. "this way i sense life" RJ said leading the gang to a room in the window they saw old man wickles. "whats wickles doing here" Sasha asked confused. "lets find out" Edwin said. Edwin busted threw the door drawing the attention of the men in the room. " Well well Old Man wickles back at the monster game again i see along with your ugly complacences" Edwin said.

"Accomplices.  Young man, we're investors, and we're listening to his pitch. Shhh" one of the men said to Edwin. the group looked at each other in confusion and RJ pulled Edwin back. "So as I was saying, the Old Tyme Mining Town, a summer camp for kids where they can have an authentic mining experience. They can dig for 18 hours straight, just like in the golden days of yore. They have the time of their lives, and we get free miners!" wickles said before laughing.

"Mr Wickles we have a few questions about your ties to the recent monster attacks on bellwood"Clarisse said." I don't know nothing bout no monsters" the old man said. "Then would you care to explain why we found randamonium at your mansion" RJ asked. "There's randamonium all over the place. I come home with it in my shorts." He said pointing to the glowing green footprints.

"Look I'm just going to speed this whole thing up cause frankly I'm
Afraid are you continuing the work of Dr Jonathan Jacobo your old cell mate" Blake asked stepping forward.

"Jacobo? We hated each other. In the prison cafeteria, he used to steal my Tater Tots! And he got the lead in My Fair Lady." Wickles said. "Then why did we find a monster making book in your library" Clarisse asked.

"I haven't been to my manor in months I've been staying with my daughter" Wickles said. "Told you he wasn't behind this" RJ whispered to the group.

"Wait a minute you your the group of kids THAT SENT ME TO JAIL" he shouted. "Glad to see he remembers us" Sasha said. "Look we are really sorry about that and for thinking your the one behind the recent break in sin the museum so we are just going to
Go" RJ said leaving the room with the group.

"I told you guys he wasn't behind this" RJ said. "So what now" Sasha asked. "We look around duh" Blake said.

"Can you cast a spell RJ to try and find us where these things are coming from" Sasha asked. "It's not that simple I would need something of the monsters" RJ said. Clarisse reaches into her pocket. "Like the pterodactyl scale" she said showing it to him.

"Exactly like that" RJ said smiling. He took the scale and waved his hand around it. The scale began to glow pink and RJs eyes turned that colour as well. 

The scale began to float and levitate and fly on its own leading them to where the monsters were being made. "We just have to follow the scale" RJ said leading the group. Edwin and Clarisse followed RJ. "I got a bad feeling about this" Sasha said as she followed the group. "So do i" Blake said as he was the last one to follow the group.


The group were now in the main building of the old mining town looking for any clues. the scale glowing a bright pink led them to a dead end. "Well that was time well spent" Blake said. "There must be a secret entrance" RJ said.

"I'm going to have a look around" Sasha said. "Just don't stray to far" Edwin said.

Sasha began to look around for a secret switch or something when she felt something behind her. "Blake is that you why do u feel so honey" she asked. 

She turned around and saw the white red eyed figure of one of the skeleton men. "AAAAAAAAAAAAA" she screamed

Her scream drew the attention of the others. They saw her run as fast as she could. "Sasha what's wrong" Clarisse asked. "ITS THE SKELETON MEN THERE HERE" she screamed as she ran over. The group went wide eyed and tried to find the switch.

Blake leaves against something that looked like a leaver. When it did it revealed what looked like a elevator. Sasha was the first one in then Blake and Clarisse and finally Edwin and RJ.

As the elevator went down the group took a sigh of relief not knowing what was awaiting for them down below.


"HOLY HELLY" Blake said shocked as he saw where the elevator lead to. The other four were wide eyed. What they saw was a secret underground laboratory filled with chemicals and test tubes and a door leading somewhere. "This place is like a mad scientists dream" Sasha said as they got out of the elevator.

Clarisse walked over to the hatch that had runes on the top of it. "Guys come look at this. the group gathered around Clarisse. "Beware who enters the Monster Hive inside your fears will come alive" she read out loud. "At least we know where these things are coming from" Blake said.

"But how do we get in" RJ asked. "Simple we use our powers" Edwin said

Edwin Put his hands in front of the door and once and frost began to spread all over it making it weak. Clarisse stepper forwarf and shot a bolt of electricity at it. RJ covered his ears.

It made a small hole in it but not big enough for anyone to get threw. RJ stepped forward. "Stand back guys" he warned them. The four took a step back. RJ put his hands forward which were in pink orbs and made his eyes glow pink. "Eradiko" He said. A large pink blast came out of his hand making the door explode.

"the four took cover and saw the massive whole their pink loving friend made. RJ just turned around and smiled. "Remind me to never get on your bad side R" Blake said slightly scared.

"Duly noted" RJ said to him. The group entered the monster hive and saw a large machine eminiting a green light and a large busted metal grate explains how the Pterodactyl ghost got loose.

"Guys look it's the costumes from the museum" Edwin pointed to the hooked up customers. "Zombie" Clarisse said. "Miner 49er and the Tar Monster" RJ said. "And Captain Cutler" Blake said.

"Who wants to bet the rest are here to" Sasha said. "What's most important right now is shutting off this machine the last thing we need is this guy transforming any more costumes" Edwin said. "RJ can you find the rest of the costumes" Clarisse said.

RJ nodded. "I'm going to check in the back where that strange light is coming from" RJ said pointing to the back of the monster hive. He went their with Clarisse. "And I'm going up there be careful you two with you luck you'd set this place on fire" Edwin said before wings came from his back and he flew up onto the catwalk and walked away.

"Oh yeah one time that happened" Blake said. He sighed in frustration and walked over to a corner tripping on something and accidentally stepping on a secret switch. "Blake look" Sasha said pointing to a control panel that suddenly appeared.

"Wonder what it does" Blake said pressing a button that made it light up. "Cool" he said pressing another button. "Blake stop that you don't know what that does" Sasha said scolding her friend. "Come on you know you want to just press one little button" Blake urged her.

Sasha groaned. "Fine" she said giving in. She pressed a button. "Felt Good didn't it" Blake asked smirking. "It did" she said giggling.

They both began to press buttons on the control panel not knowing that behind them the monster making machine was transforming the costumes of Zombie, Captain Cutler, Miner 49er, and the tar monster into real life monsters.

The glowing green caskets dropped behind them and began to open. A groan escaped from one of the mobsters. "What was that" Sasha asked.

They both turned around and went wide eyed in fear. "Captain Cutler" Blake cries seeing the glowing green divers suite come alive. "Miner 49er" Sasha cries at the sight of the ghostly Miner. "And the Tar Monster"
She cried at the sight of the gloopy liquid monster as it was the last to come alive. "Aaaaa" the tar monster roared.

"Ok. Now Blake. We." Sasha said in a calm voice. "ARE YOI CRAZY WE ARE GONNA DIE" Blake said shaking Sasha. Blake slapped her. "Did you just hit me" Sasha asked. "Yes" Blake said. "Why" she asked. "BECAUSE YOUR ACTING LIKE A CRAZY PERSON" he shouted.

All the monsters smirked and cornered the two teens. "Did you two find any" Edwin stopped as he saw the sight of the monsters. RJ went wide eyed and so did Clarisse. The monsters attention was drawn to Clarisse and RJ. "S Sasha did it I tried to stop her" Blake said pointing at Sasha. "SERIOUSLY" she shouted.

"Someone get the control pannel maybe it will stop the machine" Clarisse cried. "On it" RJ said he fired a pink beam at the control pannel and wrapped it up in the pink energy and brought it over to him. "Edwin get down" RJ said as he flew up with Clarisse to avoid the monsters.

Edwin sprouted wings and flew to the other side of the room. Near the exit. RJ flew other with Clarisse and Blake ran other with Sasha on his back.
"quick to the elevator" Edwin said as the ran out of the monster hive.

As they almost reached the elevator sparks started flying from the circuitry box and out came the 10,000 volt ghost. "It's the 10,000 volt ghost" RJ cries as they all got into the elevator and began to rise up. "We're gonna die"
Blake said looking down at the electrical ghost.

"Think positive Blake" RJ said as he hugged the Control pannel."Yeah the fact we're gonna die quickly" Blake said. "Wait for me" the 10,000 volt ghost said bearing its teeth to the teens trying to escape. The monster grabbed onto a light near by making it able to reach the exit as the core five got off of the elevator. The group slowly began to back away. Unkowing to them the skeleton men were behind them ready to pounce on them. The two skeletal figures jumped out scaring the group. "AAAAA" the group screamed and ran in one direction.

"Come on people pick up the pace" Blake said as he out ran the others who were running away from the 10,000 volt ghost ad skeleton men.


When Edwin, RJ, Clarisse, and Sasha finally got out of the building they saw Blake already in the Van. "HURRRY UP GUYS THERE RIGHT BEHIND YOU" Blake called out to his friends. The group ran as fast as they could into the van.

"End of the line Core Five" the 10,000 volt ghost cried out. Just as Edwin had started the Van the 10,000 volt ghost caused a explosion near where they parked. "DIEEEEEE" the monster cried.

"FLOOR IT"Blake said as he pushed hard down on edwins leg on the acceleration pedal as they drive as far away from the monster hive to find somewhere safe and secure

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