The Plan and the Chase

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The core five were driving unsure what to do or where to go. Now that more costumes have been transformed into real monsters they were unsure what to do.

"How could you two be so stupid" Clarisse said glaring Sasha and Blake. "How were we supposed to know that control panel was what turned the costumes into real life monsters" Blake said pointing to the control panel that Edwin was holding.

"Let's just be glad we got out of there and the rest of the costumes are now safe and away from the monster hive" RJ said. "Why can't we go back to manor" Sasha asked. "Yeah I thought you put protective spells around the manor" Blake said to RJ.

"I did but it won't take long for the monsters to find us there and wait for us to leave" RJ said. "He has a point" Edwin said. "So what do we do now" Sasha asked. "I have no idea" Clarisse said. "Yeah are expertise fall under criminals in monster costumes not real monsters" RJ said looking down at his hands.

the group stopped just outside bellewood near a lake. "Clarisse is there anything you know about Randimonium that can help usEdwin said. "No I do" Clarisse stopped before going wide eyed. "Wait I got it"
She said. "What the other four asked. "It's simple very simple" she said going into the back and pulling out tools and wires from a compartment. "All we have to do is rewire the control panel and then plug it back into the base" Clarisse said.

"Then we just push the button the creates them" Blake said. "And instead of creating monsters all the monsters threw out the city will be destroyed and turn back into costumes" RJ said smiling. "Exactly" Clarisse said pointing to him.

Clarisse grabbed the control panel and began the plan to stop the monsters invading Bellewood and set things right once again.


Meanwhile back in Bellewood in Ben and Joes house. Gwen, Joe, Ben, Kevin, Albedo, and Charmcaster were trying to find the core five. " where could they be" Ben said. "Well I can't sense them I would need something belonging to one of them" Gwen said.

"There's got to be some way" Albedo said. they heard the sound of the TV on. They turned and saw Joe sitting on the couch watching TV. "What are you doing" Kevin said. "Watching TV I'm bored" Joe said. Joe started flipping threw channels but went wide eyed and stopped at the news channel.

"Guys get over here" he said to his friends. "What" Albedo asked as they came over to the TV. "Look" he said. The groups attention turned to the TV and saw a reporter

"This just in a monster army has invaded Bellewood and are wrecking havoc on the city" the reporter said. "Coooool" Joe said grinning. "Are we sure he wasn't dropped on his head as a baby" Albedo whispered to Ben. "they all seem to be after the core five" the reporter said.

They turned and saw the 10,000 volt ghost setting fire to a massive amount of pictures of the core five. "DIEEEEE" the monster cried as the pictures were set aflame. "WOAH" they all said in shock. "If your watching this I beg you core five please turn your selfs in please for the city's sake" the reporter begged to the camera.

Suddenly a loud thumping came throw the TV and the cameras turned and saw a large iron door in the new room come off its hinges and showed a large black knight suit of armour alive and glowing green. "Sorry your cancelled" the monster said before the report stopped.

The group were left wide eyed in shocked. "We have now really got find them before these things find them and turn them into a bonfire" Joe said.

"We still have no way of finding him" Albedo said. "Actually was might" Charmcaster Said. "How" Gwen asked. "It's simple little gwennie you can sense people's energy signatures right" Charmcaster asked. "Yeah" Gwen said confused.

"Then it's simple all you have to do is search for a energy signature that's similar to Ben And joes but is on the same level as yours" Charmcaster said. "That actually sounds like a good plan"
Kevin said.

"Well I did come up with it" Charmcaster said smirking. "That's my girl" Joe said kissing her cheek.

The group quickly ran out to their cars and began to drive away looking for the core five before the monsters fund them.

Meanwhile out side of Bellwood Clarisse was just finishing the rewiring of the control panel. Blake was looking out at the lake just outside the van. "Man I almost forgot how pretty places like this are" he said smiling out towards the lake. He picked up a stone and tossed it into the lake.

As it was about to fall into the water he heard a loud thump and began to hear a creepy sound and a green light coming from the lake. As it began to emerge from the lake he saw it was Captain cutlers Ghost. He ran into the van. "Blake what's going on" RJ Said.

"Edwin we need to go now" He said. "Why Edwin asked. Suddenly two arrows pierced threw the back of the van. "THATS WHY" he shouted. Edwin started the engine and tried to drive away but they couldn't. Captain Cutler was pulling the chains that the arrows were attached to To try and pull them into the lake. RJ opened the back doors of the van. "TUUUUURBO" he shouted and a small pink hurricane appeared from out of no where and sent Captain Cutler flying back into the lake.

RJ quickly closed the back doors and Edwin began to drive back into Bellwood. "How's the control panel coming along C" Edwin asked. As he drove threw the streets of Bellwood. "It's done" Clarisse said as she dropped the screw driver.

"It's official this is without a doubt the most terrifying day of my life"
Sasha said. "Relax Sasha we're almost there" RJ said trying to calm his friend.

Suddenly they heard a all to familiar cry coming closer. "Oh no" Blake said. "Please please let this be a bat"
Sasha begged. "Sasha" Edwin said. "Yeah" Sasha said. "I'm putting the van in cruise i want you to take the wheel" Edwin said. "Sasha went wide eyed as she took over for Edwin.

As Edwin got in the back the pterodactyl Ghost picked up the van by the rear making the core five fall backwards as only the two front were keeping the van on the road. As it put it back down on the road Edwin opened up the back doors. "All right you over grown chicken take this" Edwin said as he grabbed the flamethrower

The flames had no effect on the monster. It grabbed the flamethrower and crushed it. "So it's immune to both ice and fire great" Edwin said. "I seriously hate dinosaurs right now" Sasha said.

The groups attention was brought to Sasha and all went wide eyed. "Sasha" Edwin said. "Yeah Ed" Sasha said. "Who's driving the van" Edwin asked. "Blake is" Sasha said. They turned to the front and saw Blake driving. "Relax guys I'm driving" Blake said. "Can this get any worse" Clarisse said.

As on cue the pterodactyl ghost pulled the carpet out of the van as the Edwin, Clarisse, RJ, and Sasha tried to hang on to the back doors and each other so they didn't fall onto the road.

The pterodactyl Ghost tried to bite them to make them let go. RJ fires a pink rope that wrapped around the pterodactyl ghosts beak making it unable to bite people. Suddenly they heard a car horn. "Blake what's that" RJ said. "Uh a gas tanker that appeared to be driven by Zombie" Blake said slightly scared. "Then turn the wheel" Clarisse said.

"Yeah yeah I know" Blake said as he barley dodged the gas tanker. "Guys it's going to break my rope" RJ said. As the pterodactyl Ghost struggled to break the pink rope around its beak. The struggling teens finally pulled them selfs off of the carpet and back into the van.

Unfortunately for them the pterodactyl ghosts beak was now free. Blake drove the van under a sigh which the Pterodactyl ghost tried to go threw but ended up stuck with the words I'm a lil party popper next to it. The gang giggled as they finally arrived to the Monster Hive with hopes of setting things right

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