The gang break up

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In a toy factory the luna ghost broke threw the window with a captive RJ Tennyson. "Hahaha" the ghost laughed. "Guys could you please hurry" RJ said.

The ghost jumped from one vat to another. "Edwin, Clarisse please hurry up every time I use try to use my powers this ghost" RJ said before he was interrupted by a slapping sound and went wide eyed. "Please" he said before the ghost gagged him.

On a catwalk Clarsse a girl with long mousy brown hair and Hazel eyes was holding a walkie talkie. "Edwin are you there.come in Edwin" she said into the walkie talkie.

Edwin was looking in a reflective surface. "I'm here C" he said into his walkie talkie. "Well no surprise RJ has been kidnapped again now don't forget the plan when the Ghost comes around the corner Sasha and Blake will jump Out of the barrel and I'll send a blast of electricity distracting the ghost " Clarisse said looking down at a black barrel containing the other two members

"And I'll freeze it And then release the net onto the ghost capturing it" Edwin said. Suddenly they heard the laugh of the ghost and stopped.

The ghost stopped to examine it and heard whispering. "Look Blake stop the nail biting we are busy trying to save are friend" she said to a nail biting Blake. "Well sorry ok but I'm scared the plan won't work" he said. Blake came out of the barrel and was face to face with the Luna ghost. Blake went pale and wide eyed. "Boo" the ghost said and Blake screamed

Sasha came up from the barrel and blocked Blakes view of the ghost. "Blake are friend is in trouble and now is not the time for this"Sasha said. Blake pointed behind Sasha. "Uh oh the ghosts right behind me isn't it" she asked scared. She slowly turned around and saw the ghost light a match showing its teeth. The both screamed.

"EDWIN NOW" Clarisse said. Edwin came out and fired a wave of ice at the ghost but the ghost blocked it with his fire clarisse fired a bolt of electricity but the ghost flew up and missed and it hit Edwin sending him to the ground.

Sasha hopped on blakes back and Blake used his super speed to try and get away. The ghost started following them.

Edwin got back up and tried to use his ice breath to hit the ghost but instead it made the platform that Clarisse was standing on icy. Clarisse slipped and if it wasn't for a chain Clarisse would be dead. "Uh sorry C" Edwin said. "Just get me down from here" she said annoyed.

"Wait Edwin did you release the net" Clarisse asked. "Yeah but I don't know what happened" Edwin said. Suddenly the net Edwin was in charge of came down on top of him. "Just great Clarisse said hanging upside down.

Meanwhile Blake and Sasha were trying to get away from the Luna ghost. "Come on Blake pick up the pace I don't want that ghost to get us" Sasha said to Blake who thanks to his alien power was running at super speed. "I don't see you doing anything to stop this thing" Blake said frustrated.

They heard the ghosts laughter. Sasha turned around.  They looked forward and saw that they were heading towards razor sharp blades "Man I hate doing this" Sasha groaned.  She opened her mouth and out came out.  they reached for the blades they were heading towards and ate them

She quickly chewed it and spat out a powerful blast towards the ghost that just barley missed it. "Oh no I think i made it angrier" Sasha said. "Relax I got this Blake said. He speeded up he turned and saw they were out running it

When Blake turned around he saw he and Sasha were heading straight into a huge pile of dolls. "Blake stop" Sasha said. "I'm trying" Blake said. He finally stoped just as they were about to hit the pile. They thought they were safe before they heard the cackling of the Luna ghost. "Oh right that guy" Blake said. The ghost stopped in front of them And just as he was about to launch fire at the two 10 year olds a bolt of electricity sent him flying straight into the pile of dolls

Edwin and Clarisse came over. "You two ok?" Asked Edwin. " yeah we're fine" Sasha said getting off of Blake's back. "RJ how you holding up " Clarissa asked. RJ came up from the pile of dolls and took off his gag. "I'm fine I think a teddy bear broke my fall" he said rubbing his back.

Suddenly a huge crowed came in and rushed over to the super powered kids. People were asking for autographs and camera guys with reporters kept asking them questions. "Kids what's the key of your success" one reporter asked them. "Simple team work if you known each other as long as we have it just comes naturally" Edwin said.

He went over to the ghost. "Now let's see who's behind this ghost" Edwin said before taking the mask off revealing a old man. "Old man Smithers" the gang said surprised. "Smithers was angry that Pamela Anderson who is currently making a doll here in this factory refused to go out with him"Clarisse said. "How could she I'm a lover boy that could rival George clooney he said. "Maybe because you grope little boys" Blake said.

"But how did he fly" a reporter asked. " very simple" clarisse said. She took off the Luna ghost costume revealing some balloon suite. "This balloons fill with concentrated helium giving the Luna ghost" she said pressing the red button on top. "The ability to fly" the balloons began to fill and Smithers began to fly. "And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you freaky kids I'll get you for this" he shouted at the gang

"Yeah yeah that's what they all say " Edwin said.


After they arrested Smithers the gang left the family where they met their social worker Elaine. "Children are you all right" she asked them. "Yeah we're fine" Sasha said. "Oh thank goodness" Elaine said relieved. "I have some news" she said to the group. "What?" They all asked at the same time.

"We have decided that it would be bst for a while to split you up" she said. "B but why" RJ asked saddened. "It seems that you five can't stay out of trouble so it would be best for a while to keep you separated" she said. "What we help people we put criminals away" Edwin said. "And put all of your lives at risk" Elaine said.

"I'm sorry but it's for your own good now please get in the car your things are in their and I'll be driving you to your new cares homes tonight" Elaine said sternly.

The five kids reluctantly went into the car taking one last at each other as they prepared to say goodbye. Looks like the case of the Luna ghost was their last case

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