The reunion disaster

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It's been 6 years since the five last had contact with each other but that didn't mean they didn't miss each other. Far from it they missed each other more than anything and would give anything to reunite and help out again. Well tonight they get there wish.

Tonight is the opening of the Bellwood Museum of Criminology which just so happens to be featuring the costumes of the groups old villains. The Black Knight Ghost, The Tar Monster, Cotton candy glob you name it every costume from their old cases was there.

The four were sitting in a limo driving them to the event and spent the whole time catching up. "It feels weird you know it's been so long" Edwin said. "Yeah I almost forgot how popular we all once were" Clarisse said. "Well it's because of are hard work that's helped made this all possible" RJ said.

"You sure your going to be ok out their RJ with your condition and all" Sasha asked concerned. It was no secret that RJ had Asperger's Syndrome one of the most common types of autism. "I'm fine I'm wearing my ear plugs so it should help quiet down the noise" RJ said.

Suddenly the limo stopped signalling to the group that they had arrived. As soon as the group stepped out they were swarmed by Reporters, Photographers , and fans.

When they started walking up
The stair way they gladly signed autographs and accepted gifts from the different people. "So Edwin I'm
Sure I'm asking what everyone's asking why did you all split up after the case of the Lunar ghost" a male reporter asked. "Well as you may know we all grew up in the foster care system and a sad truth is no one really stays together we were unfortunately separated after that case and this is actually the first time we've seen each other in six years" Edwin said.

"Oh so do you think that after tonight could symbolize the return of the legendary Core Five" the reporter asked. "We'll see but right now are main concern is making it threw the evening and showing people the many costumes we have collected over the years" Edwin said before leaving.


Inside the museum Edwin was leading a group of reporters and photographers.

"Edwin would you care to explain some of the exhibits" a reporter asked. "Absolutely" Edwin replied.

"The core five is proud to donate the costumes we helped unmask in the past" he said.

"Like the costume from are very first case the case of The Black Knight Ghost" RJ pointed to the costume of the black knight ghost with a sword in its hand reading to stroke down its enemies.

"And of course the 10,000 volt ghost" Clarisse showed the costume of the electrical ghost that had lights on inside it. "Who wasn't nearly as shocking as your powers Clarisse" Blake added.

The group of reporters chuckled at that joke. "and the museum also has the skeleton men and the terrifying Pterodactyl Ghost" Sasha said as she motioned to the skeleton costumes and the Green humanoid pterodactyl costume.

"We also donated the costumes of are less infamous villains like chicken stein" Clarisse said.

"Clarisse can we get a shot of you next to the black knight ghost" a reporter asked. They followed Clarisse to the black Knight Ghost costume.

RJ went and looked out the window sadly looking at the moon. Edwin noticed this. "Hey RJ are you ok" He asked. "I could be better" RJ said. "Looking at all these costumes all
The years we spent it just it just it makes me wonder who my parents. Do I have siblings do I have cousins" RJ said.

"RJ family is not all what it's cracked up to be trust me I found mine" Edwin said. "Yeah I know your grandfather is a millionaire" RJ said. "The point is no matter what are family's are like they'll never fit the dream we envisioned growing up we'll never get those years we spent growing up without them back" Edwin said.

"So try to cheer up after all this night is about us are friends are accomplishments all we've went three together as a team" Edwin said. "I guess your right and I will try to enjoy these events" RJ said smiling. "There's the RJ I know" Edwin said to him smiling.

Edwin left RJ alone with his thoughts. RJ was about to leave and just as he was about to he thought he saw one of the pterodactyl ghosts eyes turn bright blood red. He ignored it and left.

RJ was drinking Some juice when Clarisse came over." you ok Clarisse" "yeah im fine just a little tired" she said stretching out. "i know the feeling" RJ said placing his glass down. "i have this feeling something bad is going to happen" RJ said. "what makes you think that" Clarisse asked. "i dont know but i just have this feeling" RJ said. Sasha came over. "hey guys" she said. "what you guys talking about" she asked. just as Clarisse was about to answer everything went dark.

suddenly lighting struck the window smashing it. "what the heck is going on" Blake asked as he and Edwin came over from the costume of the tar monster. RJ noticed the curtains had gone around the Pterodactyl ghost costume and saw something green coming from the bottom. he slowly walked over to it and grabbed the curtains. he opened it and went wide eyed. he saw that the Pterodactyl ghost had come alive" "AAAAAAAA" it roared. everyone turned to look at it and went wide eyed. "what the"RJ said as the pterodactyl broke threw the glass case and RJ fell to the floor. "RJ" Edwin said running over to get him away. the pterodactyl ghost started flying about the museum and the cameras were all on it. "guys we need a plan" Edwin said. "oh i have one run the heck out of here" Blake said coming out from behind the creeper. "i agree because in case you haven't noticed we are dealing with a actual MONSTER HERE" Sasha shouted. the Pterodactyl grabbed the Black Knight ghost costume. "i got it" Clarisse said,. "RJ put it in a bubble and bring it to the curtains and well tie it" Clarisse said. RJ nodded and flew up. "when can he fly" Blake asked.

RJ flew into the path of the flying monster and his hands were in pink orbs. RJ put the ghost into a pink bubble. and it kept banging against it. RJ flew him self and directed the bubble to the curtains where the rest were waiting. as soon as the pterodactyl ghost was between the curtains they wrapped it around it. they all grabbed the ropes and wrapped them around the curtains. Edwin blew ice cold breath against the ropes and curtains covering it in ice. "yes we did it" Sasha said. they group cheered before they heard the sound of ice breaking. they turned and saw that the Pterodactyl ghost was able to break its away out. "oh come on" Blake said. the pterodactyl ghost began to fly again. "im on it" RJ said he flew up again and so did Edwin. RJ and Edwin got ready to attack the monster.

"THE CORE FIVE" a voice shouted. Edwin RJ and the others attention was brought to the window where they saw a figure dressed in black and wearing a steel mask standing on the frame. "this is only the first step on the path of your demise" he said. they saw the costume of red beards ghost getting knocked over by the pterodactyl ghost after it crashed through and knocked over the Skeleton men.

"and this time you freaks will be the ones unmasked as the moronic idiots you truly are" the figure said. the pterodactyl ghost grabbed the 10,000 volt ghost costume and flew to the window and the figure grabbed on to it. " HAHAHAHAHAHA" he laughed manically as he flew into the night.


the Police were currently cello taping off the skeleton men exhibit and checking where the pterodactyl ghost could have come from. RJs eyes were glowing pink as he tried to sense where the monster could have come from but no luck. his eyes returned to normal .

"no guys nothing" he said. "how could this thing had gotten in here" Sasha said. "wait guys what have we learnt" Clarisse asked the group. "pterodactyls are immune to ice" Edwin said jokingly.

"no when ever something gets in there is usually a secret door" Clarisse said. "but the Pterodactyl ghost never left its stand" Blake said. "exactly which means" Clarisse said walking over to the former stand of the Pterodactyl ghost. she felt around it and lifted it up revealing a secret hatch. the others gathered around it. "the only way in was from this" Clarisse said. "hey whats that" RJ asked pointing to a glowing green scale. Clarisse picked it up.

"a reptilian scale" Clarisse said. "it must have came off the Pterodactyl ghost as it flew in" Edwin said. "kids" a reporter said. the group turned to a group of reporters. 2do you have anything to say" a reporter asked. "RJ grabbed Edwin's arm. "Ed we usually talk to the press after we solve it i dont think now is a good time to talk to them" RJ whispered. "relax R the press are on our side" Edwin whispered back.

the group stepped forward to the cameras and prepared them self's to be interviewed and the group knew this meant one thing

the core five are back

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