Team 10 and the mystery of the living monsters

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It was the next day after the museum fiasco and a group of kids were pulling up to the criminology museum. "Why are we hear again Gwen" asked a boy. "Because Ben we have to do this for are criminology class" Gwen said. "It's a museum not like it's going anywhere" another boy said. "Joes got a point Gwen" a slightly older boy said.

"Shut up Kevin" Gwen said. The group got out of the car and walked up the steps to the museum. the entered and Kevin's attention was immediately drawn to one of the posters. He ran over to it. "Hey guys check this out" he said. They went over to it. "What is it Kevin" Gwen ask. "Look" he said pointing to the poster. What they saw was five kids. But they were drawn to the one in the pink and purple. "No way" Ben said. "He looks like you two when you were 10" Gwen said. "Ah great another alternative universe version of us" Joe said.

They noticed police arrive and heading into the wing they were headed to. The follower them and went wide eyed. "Woah" Kevin said. The turned around and saw two smashed display cases a knocked over pirate costume and a smashed window. Gwen went over to  a police man. "Excuse me officer but what's happened" she asked.

"There was a break in last night during the muesuems opening party" the policeman said to her. "Do you know who did it" Ben asked coming over. "You should know kid you were there" the man said to Ben. "What I wasn't here last night" Ben said confused. "You think I would forget the face of one of the best mystery detectives in the world" the man said to him.

"Can you explain what happened Gwen said. "Sure thing it was during the party and suddenly lightning hit the window and suddenly one of the costumes came alive and started trashing the place and took off with two of the costumes and a mysterious figure appeared and made a threat against the core five" The man said.

"Who's the core five" Gwen asked. "The core five are a bunch of mystery solving kids with super powers their the ones who donated all these costumes from their past cases now if you'll excuse me I need to go" the man said walking away.

Joe and Kevin came over. "we heard everything" Joe said. "But I'm still confused how can one of the costumes come alive" Kevin asked rubbing the back of his head. "I don't know but it just be something to do with this core five group" Ben said. "One of which looks like you guys but in pink and purple" Kevin said.

Joe took out his phone. "I'll call Albedo see what he can find out about these kids" Joe said. "And in the mean time I think we should keep an eye out" Gwen said. "For what monsters" Kevin said. "Exactly" Gwen said.

Meanwhile the core five were in a house that belonged to Edwin's Grandfather but they said Edwin could use it for his stay at Bellwood. The group were currently in the living room feeling disappointed in themselves for letting the pterodactyl ghost and the mask figure get away.

"It's all my fault I should have used my magic to knock it out" RJ said from the couch. "No it's not I should have made a electrical cage for the Pterodactyl Ghost" Clarisse said sitting on the arm of the couch. "It's no ones fault" Edwin said.

"He's right you saw that thing it was almost indestructible" Sasha said. "So What now in case you forgot thanks to our screw up that masked figure got away with two of the costumes" Blake said to the group.

"Yeah the Black Knight Ghost and the 10,000 Volt ghost" RJ said. "And how long will it be till either of those two decide to make a comeback and pay us a visit as well" Clarisse said. " what are going to do" Sasha asked. "We're going to do what we do best and solve this mystery" Edwin said standing in front of the fire place.

"But how" Blake asked. "I think we need to figure out who would be smart enough to be able to create a real Pterodactyl Ghost" Clarisse said thinking. "What about the original Pterodactyl Ghost Dr Jonathan Jacobo" RJ said taking out his laptop from his bag.

He logged into the computer and looked up Jacobs's file on his computer. "That's right that guy was a screw ball he stole millions to finance his experiments trying to create real Monsters" Sasha said sitting down next to RJ. "So you think Jacobo is behind this" Edwin asked.

"Impossible Jacobo died years ago during a prison riot he was shanked in the hip and bled out by the time the guards got to him it was to late" Clarisse said. "Ouch" Blake said.

RJ started typing up on his laptop. "Well how about this Jacobos old cell mate was released from prison two months ago Old man wickles" RJ said pulling up a new file. "The original Black Knight Ghost Of course of wickles is behind it it makes sense as why the Pterodactyl Ghost took the Black Knight Ghost" Blake said.

"But then why would it also take the 10,000 volt ghost that doesn't make sense" RJ said. "Well I think that is a good question to ask old man wickles" Clarisse said. "Your right C I think mr Wickles deserves a visit" Edwin said. "But how are we going to get their" RJ asked.

Edwin smirked. "Follow me" he said. They followed him out to a garage. Edwin opened it and they saw a van with a orange hood and the top of it was green and it had blue and black wheels and had pink and purple roses on the side. and the inside was a pale blue. "Edwin where did you get this" RJ asked. "A birthday present from grandpa and in it are tools and science equipment to run DNA analysis and cup holders "Edwin said. "Perfect I can find out what this scale is made of" Clarisse said pulling out the glowing scale out of her pocket.

"So what are we waiting for" Blake said.

The five got into the van and began to drive Edwin driving, RJ next to him,Sasha next to RJ, and Blake in the back with Clarisse who began to run a DNA analysis of the Pterodactyl Scale.

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