The Return of The Black Knight Ghost

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the group were driving to old wickles manor to see if he had anything to do with the Pterodactyl ghost making a comeback. "guys what if wickles isnt behind this" RJ asked. "if hes not hes not but doesn't hurt too look" Edwin said. "guys were almost there" Clarisse said looking out the indow.

the van stopped. and they all got out of the van and walked up to the large old manor. they walked up the steps past the dead plants. "its times like this i wish that we would investigate a burger king or a Mr smoothie" Blake said. they were about to pull on a chain which they assumed was a door bell. "Hey" a voice said. they turned and saw a couple of kids on bikes. "great job last night" one said. "losers" they both said before laughing and going away. "its times like this i really hate kids" Clarisse said. Edwin pulled on the chain "YOU ARE TRESPASSING ON WICKLES MANOR LEAVE NOW OR PAY THE PRICE" a voice boomed. Edwin was about to pull it again. "E dont who knows what could happen we,re not exactly dong great right now" Sasha said. "relax S what could possibly happen from me ringing a door bell" he said. he pulled the chain again and suddenly l the floor underneath them disappeared and all five fell threw a trap door .Then, they ended up in a metal ball, and began to roll on a ball track under the mansion. Then, the ball came to a stop when it hit a buffer, and everyone fell on each other in pain. "RJ can you get your boot out my face" Blake groaned with RJ pink boot in his face. "Sorry Blake" RJ said as he moved over.

"and Edwin this this what could happen from ringing a doorbell" Sasha said to Edwin who was currently on the bottom of the group. " AT 7PM THE OWNER WILL BE HOME TO SET YOU FREE" the voice said. "oh great so we are stuck here until 7pm" Blake said. "maybe not i got an idea" RJ said. he moved over to the lock. he slowly lasered off the lock with a single beam of pink energy from his finger tip. suddenly the cage opened. "alright R" Sasha said getting out. RJ helped Edwin up. "i enjoy my powers" RJ said smiling.


Later, everyone was in the main courtroom of the large mansion, which showed a large stone statue of Old Man Wickles, wearing the Black Knight Ghost armour, in the center of the large courtroom. "ok guys me RJ and Clarisse will go this way and you two will go that way" Edwin said pointing in two different directions.

Sasha and Blake nodded and went down a long hallway.

"right guys lets go" Edwin said leading the way. "feels like old times doesn't it" Clarisse said smiling. "yeah expect this time the monsters are real" RJ said as he and Clarisse followed Edwin.


Meanwhle back at the house of Gwen Tennyson Albedo at the request of Joe Tennyson was doing research on the core five. "so hows it going" asked a voice. Albedo turned and saw Hope aka Charmcaster. "its interesting these kids have been at it for a while and their powers i know them all" Albedo said. "then tell" Charmcaster said walking over to him. Albedo brought up a picture of Edwin. "this boy has the power to turn intangible the power to breathe out ice and snow and the power to manipulate it and fly" Albedo said. "sort of like big chill" Charmcaster said. "yes exactly" Albedo said. he pulled up a picture of Clarisse. "this girl has the power of Technokinesis, Electrokinesis, Electricity Generation, Electrical Telekinesis, Force Field Generation, Electrical Telepathy, Mnemokinesis, and Levitation the powers of brainstorm" Albedo said. "what about her" Charmcaster said pointing to a picture of Sasha. "she has the same powers as upchuck" Albedo said.

"the one whos power is to spit out energy blasts" Charmcaster said. albedo nodded. he brought up a picture of Blake. "and he has the same powers of XLR8" Albedo said. he brought up a picture of RJ and Charmcaster went wide eyed. "why is there a picture of Ben wearing pink and purple" Charmcaster asked. "this is RJ hes the last member of the core five" Albedo said. "what are his powers" Charmcaster asked. "he has the exact same powers of Gwen meaning hes an Anodite like her" Albedo said. "ill go call Joe and let him Ben Kevin and the princess know what we found out" Charmcaster said leaving the room.


meanwhile Sasha and Blake were looking for clues but so far had turned up with nothing. "man i cant believe that this is where winckles grew up" Blake said. "yeah almost everything in here has a black knight on it" Sasha said looking at a portrait of a black knight riding a horse. "no wonder he turned to a life of crime" Blake said as he and Sasha continued to look for clues.


Edwin RJ and Clarisse where wondering about when they found strange glowling footprints. "guys look footprints" RJ said. "and that glow is the same colour as the Pterodactyl scale" Clarisse said wide eyed. they started to follow them.


meanwhile Sasha had just left winckles bedroom finding nothing. "you find anything" she asked Blake who was fast asleep on a couch outside the room. she groaned and hit him. "owwwwww" he said waking up.


meanwhile with Edwin RJ and Clarisse, they walked upstairs and they ended up in a library. The place looked like it was part of an actual library from the past, with Art Deco designed walls and pillars, along with having something that was out of the 19th century.

"Well, it looks like Wickles shares his old pal Jacobo's fascination with the supernatural." Clarisse said, as she looks at some of the books on the shelves, then read some of the covers on the books. "He collects everything from Piri Reis and Aleister Crowley." she said.

"He collects dust, too." RJ shivered to himself . "No. The dust is good. We can tell what he's been reading lately." Edwin explained to his pink wearing friend, then looked and found a book with no dust on it on the shelf in front of him. "Like here!"

"what is it?" RJ asked about the cover. It was rather strange, and it was alien-like in nature. "It's an obsolete Celtic text, used by secret societies in the mid-19th century." Clarisse said, as they looked at the signatures on the first page. "The book belonged to J. Jacobo." RJ said as he saw the signature. "The original Pterodactyl Ghost." he said. "Maybe he gave it to Wickles before he died." Edwin said grimly, and walked over to a table to read it.

................................................................................................................................................................back with Sasha and Blake they were now wondering about still looking for clues. "i swear we have searched every bit of this floor and still nothing" Sasha said annoyed.

"yeah just like the old days" Blake said sitting down near an old record player covered in dust and cobwebs.


"Can you read it?" RJ asked Clarisse. "It's an amalgamation of magic and science." Clarisse explained, as Edwin and, RJ, looked at each other with confusion.

'Here's a list of ingredients, on how to create your own carbon-based organic, composite predators.'" Clarisse,s eyes went wide in fear. "Oh no. This is an instruction manual on how to create-"

"-Monsters." Edwin. Clarisse and RJ finished in unison with shock and fear


meanwhile Sasha and Blake were still searching expect this time Blake was fiddling about with the record player. "would you stop that" Sasha said. "what im bored" Blake said. he finally got it playing and it started playing baby got back. Sasha stopped it. "whoa i guess Winckles likes big butts" Blake said laughing. "oh ha ha" Sasha said sarcastically. "what is your problem s" Blake asked. "oh i dont know maybe the fact every monster we have ever battled is coming back to life" Sasha said. "relax so far only the Pterodactyl ghost has come back besides if we can take those guys before when we were kids we can do it again" Blake said reassuring Sasha.

"i guess your right" Sasha said. " plus remember most of those guys were to dumb and we,re a lot smarter now then we were 10" Blake said., sasha started giggling. "your right" Sasha said. "exactly besides i laugh at the face of danger" Blake said. "hahahahaha" he laughed. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" A voice boomed. blake jumped back and felt around and felt something metal and went wide eyed.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA" the voice boomed again. "ITS THE BLACK KNIGHT GHOST" Sasha screamed in fear, at the sight of seeing the suit of armour...ALIVE!! The eye sockets glowed an evil green, and there was a green mist inside the armour, which looked menacing, along with the evil laugh. Blake jumped down from his arms picked up Sasha and started running as fast as he could.


Back in the library, Edwin, RJ, and Clarisse suddenly heard Sasha and Blake's terrified and blood-curling scream. "Let's go." Clarisse told them, and grabbed the book, and followed after Edwin, and RJ.


" Get the door, Sasha!" Blake yelled immediately, as he and Blake locked the doors, and then started to barricade the double doors with large tables, antique chairs, anything they could find in the room around them to hold down the door, so that the Black Knight Ghost doesn't get through.

Blake then placed a pillow on the pile. "you idoit! Get heavy things!" Sasha told Blake putting a barrel on the pile and Blake helped lifting it up. "Come on, Sahsa put you back into it! lets See him get through this!" And with that, the two placed the clock tower on the pile of junk barricading the two large old oak wooden doors. "Phew! That's heavy" he said.

But, unbeknown to them, the Black Knight Ghost had a secret passageway, and it was now in the same room with the two friends, and they didn't know about it."We outsmarted that moron!"Blake smiled, as he looked at the pile. something fell down and the black night ghost picked it up. "Thanks" Sasha said putting it back on the pile. ""You're welcome." The Black Knight Ghost said in a dark tone, as Sasha's eyes go wide in fear. both she and and Blake backed into the pile. the Black knight was about to strike them with his sword when the two doors behind it opened.

"Yo, Metalhead!" Edwin then charges into the room, with RJ and Clarisse just behind him, and with a large knight's shield in his hand. the two teens looked over and sighed, seeing their friends run up to the Black Knight Ghost.

"Yes?" The Black Knight Ghost turned to the boy, taking his attention off of Sasha and Blake. Edwin brought up the shield. "Bring it." He said. The black Knight Ghost hit the shield five times which hit Edwin in the face. "Well he certainly brought it" Edwin said as he fell head first to the floor.

Just as the Black Knight Ghost was about to chop his head off with his sword RJ put a pink bubble around him drawing his attention to RJ. The Black knight ghost tried to strike RJ but he was able to dive it.

"RJ hold this thing off I'll see if theirs something in here about these creatures having a weak point" Clarisse said. RJ dragged her into the courtroom with the black knight ghost following.

RJ blocked its attacks by putting up a a pink wall. The black night ghost began to hit it repeatedly with his sword. Just as it was cracking RJ pushed it back into a stack of armoury and the sword went right threw the living suite of armour.

"Yes I got it" RJ said. "Oh hehehe that tickles" The monster said giggling. "Oh this is bad" RJ said wide eyed. The black knight ghost tried to stab RJ again but RJ wrapped him in a pink net. "Please tell you've found something that won't hold him for long" RJ said Clarssie. "Yes I got it" Clarisse said. The black knight ghost broke free and walked over to RJ preparing to strike him down.

Clarisse quickly walked over and kicked it right in his round tables. As she did the head popped off. "Right in the round tables" it said in pain. "RUN" Clarisse shouted.

As she did the others came running threw and the five teenagers quickly ran out and drove away as fast as they could to get away from the monster

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