Episode 2- Hey, Van👽

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"Everything you want is coming. Relax and let the universe pick the timing and the way. You just need to trust that what you want is coming, and watch how fast it comes."

- Abraham Hicks


Elena doodled a leather jacket in her notebook with the tip of her tongue sticking out as she concentrated deeply. Kate rolled her eyes at this and pressed her pale, fuchsia lips together. She then snatched the pencil away and tsked.

"Study," Kate hissed in response to Elena's scowl. So that I don't have to teach you. I need some me time. I need to find a park in the evening...

"I want to go home," Elena protested, tapping her textbook distastefully, bringing Kate back to reality.

The latter sighed and replied sarcastically, "This happens to people who force their little sisters to act like Barbie."

"Shut up! Go on being Dexter for all I care!" Elena muttered.

"Without their will," Kate stressed. "Hey, just because I dye my own hair doesn't make me a dexter. And I don't even dye my whole hair, just a strand," she said, pointing to the electric blue curl in her loosely tied ponytail.

She couldn't concentrate when her wavy hair curtained her face, so she had tied it around roughly.

"I don't dye other's hair, so I'm not a dexter," she added further.

"Shut up, nerdo. One teacher is enough," Elena groaned. "I meant Dexter from Cartoon Network. Since you're so fond of experimenting and wearing glasses... even though you don't need them."

"Yeah, and you're that mean, annoying sister, Dee Dee, who disturbs me every time."

"Nebula!" Elena whispered in mock horror.

"I'm not nebulying. It's the bitter truth, sis," she emphasized and glanced around.

The teacher's dull voice droned on and on about historical figures, oblivious to the zombied state of the students who looked at each other with pained expressions. All except Kate.

She listened to every word with a smile gracing her face and adjusted her glasses. She only wore them while studying or experimenting and believed they would help "switch-on-the-inner-nerd" in her.


The bell rang after an agonizing hour, and Elena rushed outside in hopes of finding the cafeteria soon. Kate joined her side, and they pouted together saying, "Hungry."

"I hope they serve pizzas here," Elena sighed, clutching her rumbling tummy.

"Ew, no. I would really love some chocolate mousse right now," Kate replied with a grin.

"Yeah and this is a five-star resort." Elena shook her head with a soft smile on her face, knowing her sister's love for chocolates.

"Earth to El," Kate singsonged after a minute as she snapped her fingers in her twin's face. "No lotteries yet, stop daydreaming."

"Hey, we haven't got all day, Russo!" someone screeched from behind the line. Elena gave an apologetic look to nobody in particular and quickly grabbed some pasta for both of them.

The cafeteria was almost full, and they had to search for empty seats. Everyone gazed at them as they whispered amongst themselves. Some of them even pointed openly at the twins without worrying that they were being so obvious.

At the same time, a pair of blue stilettos strutted along the tiled floor with their rhythmic taps silencing the whole cafeteria. Anyone who was in her way quickly scurried away and the ones seated saw Ashley arriving with her clones.

She looked like a model out of a fashion magazine in her sweetheart blue dress which matched her ocean blue eyes perfectly. Her blonde hair hung loosely around her shoulders with soft curls lining its end.

She was pretty no doubt, but her doll-like face always had this high and mighty expression... as if others were too below her rank. For her, she was most beautiful, important and popular, and this meant to be known and followed by the whole school.

She sat on her "throne" in the center of the cafeteria, along with her "gals" by her right and left side. She gave a look at the enchanted crowd and waved slightly as if addressing her subjects. She adjusted her crystal crown which probably never left her head even while she slept.

The twins saw the whole scenario and whispered amongst themselves.

"Isn't one dress enough for a day?"

"Asteroid would be a perfect code word for her. What do you think, El?"

"Aye-Aye! She's just like the asteroids between Mars and Jupiter... unnecessary," Elena said with a soft chuckle.

They found a spot and sat down, each devouring the pasta as if they had never seen food in life. They happened to hear some cheerleaders who were gushing excitedly among themselves.

"They're going to be here soon," one of them sighed dreamily. The others squealed and giggled at this, and the twins looked at the group with furrowed eyebrows.

"Who?" Elena asked them curiously, hoping one of them would be the one they wanted to meet.

They just giggled in unison, their faces plastered with identical giddy smiles making them look creepy. Before the twins could ask who they meant for the second time, a loud squeal erupted, and the girls ogled in front of them with lovesick eyes.

Enter the school's ice king, Ivan Moore; a boy with sexy, dark-brown hair, and piercing, blue eyes which looked frozen with the lack of warmth in them.

His dark eyelashes and eyebrows made his baby blue eyes stand out even more. A serious expression stayed on his fair, clean-shaven face, which had olive undertones lining his cheeks.

At 5'10, he stood straight with a toned and lean body. He wore a simple navy blue T-shirt and jeans with a black leather jacket complimenting his extremely handsome looks.

In a stark contrast, stood his best friend, Maxwell Steele, called Max by everyone at school. His deep-set forest green eyes were bright and cheerful, contrasting against his pale face. He had a broad forehead with spiked light-brown hair, which gave him a boy-next-door look.

He gave the staring crowd a heartwarming grin, which revealed his straight white teeth, and his square jaw stretched with this action.

He was slightly taller than Ivan and had a lean, athletic physique. He was clad in a plain aubergine T-shirt and blue jeans. A dark-blue denim shirt completed his look. Unlike Ivan's cold gaze, his appeared warm and friendly.

The twins whispers were drowned amongst the squealing girls who pretended to swoon, stabbing their hearts with imaginary daggers.

"Puberty hit him like a truck," Elena whispered to Kate.

"They can't hear us, you know? They're screaming as if these two are some celebrities," Kate said with an eye roll, a little laugh escaping from her small mouth.

"He has grown so hot," Elena sighed dreamily, gawking at Ivan who remained oblivious to the squealing girls. It was nothing new to him as this happened every day.

In fact, he never wanted attention, but he had looks to die for. His countless female fans never failed to squeal when he went past them... even with a permanent cold and empty glare plastered on his face.

According to Aurora Weekly, the school's newspaper, Ivan had smiled for only a mere three times in his entire school life.

"What are you doing? Stop staring at him like a creep," Kate chided.

"Shut up! I'm not a creep," Elena hissed with a scowl. "Look at him, he's so cute."

"So... you still have a crush on him? I should have known," Kate said with a mischievous grin.

"Hey, he's still standing, let's go before he begins eating," Elena urged, and got up abruptly, dragging Kate's arm way too roughly.

They nodded at each other and whispered, "Ready!"





"Hey, Van!" the twins screeched like a car that comes to an abrupt stop.

Everyone, literally everyone including the lunch lady, ceased their activities and gaped at the racing twins who looked like mad women.

They crashed into a startled Ivan, who was clearly taken aback by their sudden embrace. He felt a beautiful apricity in their bear hug, like how the sun warms one up on a wintry day. He quickly withdrew himself and put on a mask of indifference.

Cue the dramatic gasps from the whole school.

"Hasn't your mother taught you not to hug random strangers?" Ivan deadpanned, his cold blue eyes, though captivating and hypnotizing, were stiff, unwelcoming and hostile.

The twins felt as if they had been hit by a brick. Their huge identical grins slowly wavered to slight smiles, to thin lines and finally to frowns. They clearly hadn't expected this and were at a loss for words.

"Are you guys real or am I seeing double?" Max intervened with a grin, trying to lighten the situation, but his smile soon faltered upon seeing Ivan's death glare.

The halls were as silent as a grave. Everyone watched the scene with their mouths hung open in shock because nobody had ever hugged the ice king before.

A look of understanding passed over the twins and they nodded at each other in silent approval with the words, "Initiate Nebula."

"It was her idea!" they said at the same time and pointed their index fingers at each other. They continued arguing like five-year-olds, even though they were seventeen. They were unaware that Ivan and Max had left, the former with an icy glare and the latter with a suspicious frown.

The cafeteria was active with a bustle, gossiping about the recent encounter. It would surely be written about in the upcoming Weekly.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the break, and the twins started to leave for their next class, which was their favorite, Astronomy. They were stopped midway by Ashley who cornered them while everyone left.

"Stay away from Ivan. He's mine!" she warned with a menacing glare.

"Never knew that he came with a label," Kate muttered sarcastically.

"What?" Ashley demanded.

"You heard her perfectly. Saying it for the second time won't change it," Elena retorted with a smirk. "Besides no one wants a fake Barbie like you."

"I'm not a mess like you, Russo," Ashley spat, assessing her with a disgusted frown.

"I figure if I'm a mess, then I might as well be a hot mess," Elena said and smiled way too sweetly at her.

"You don't deserve a chance, he's way out of your league," Ashley declared with a glare.

"Probably," Elena continued coolly. "But, I'll make sure that we make a way into his heart--"

"Again," the twins whispered simultaneously.


Hey, everybody! ❤ I'm back with the 2nd episode, and I had a lot of fun writing it. What do you think of the following?



What do you think is going to happen next? Any ideas? Feel free to comment and share them with me. I would love to know what you think about this book. 😁

Have a nice day everyone!

Keep smiling! 💕
Lots of love ❤💙

The credit of this comeback goes to Pinterest, it isn't mine, though I wish it was. 😜

"I figure if I'm a mess, then I might as well be a hot mess."

Oh! And before you leave, check out something below...

Sneak-Peek of Episode 3:



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