CHAPTER 1: Reuniting with best friends

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Song for this chapter -

*Friends - Ella Henderson
*New rules - Dua Lipa


It's been two days since we shifted here. It has been a little tiresome.

I woke up on the sound of notification in my phone and looked around my messy room, full of different boxes that were still left to be unpacked.

GOD!! I hate cleaning up.

I unlocked my phone and saw two messages from SHELLEY.

"Gonna pick you up at 8. Excited to meet you Hayd. I'm sure Christi is gonna love this surprise."

Shelley Hale was my best friend since 1st grade and Christi, who is Noah Christian, joined us in 3rd grade. We used to live together but since I left this city due to my grandfather's poor health, we stayed in different parts of the country and we hardly met. We used to call and text but that also became less due to my family issues.
But now I am finally back here.

I was going to come, two days later but our flights got canceled and my grandmother decided to take the earlier flight so here we are. I told this to SHELLEY and she made a plan to surprise Noah. So I'm excited to meet them.

I showered and I got dressed up for the first day of my new school although I am joining it in mid-term. I've heard a lot about Brookville High from Shelley and Noah and I never paid attention to it. Now I feel stupid.

When I went down, I saw G mother sitting on the couch.

"Good morning G-Mother", I greeted.

"Morning sweetheart", she smiled.

She gestured towards the hot chocolate and scrambled eggs prepared on the counter. I already started to sense my mouth watering by seeing the hot chocolate.

"Where's the whipped cream?", I asked looking at the plane chocolate surface of my hot chocolate.

"I read some article today and I came to know that whipped cream is injurious to my heart", she said.

"What? It's whipped cream not heroin or alcohol", I said amusingly.

"No, it promotes weight gain."

"What the h-", I stopped short as she raised an eyebrow.

My grandmother was a real health-conscious woman and she looked younger than her age. She was really beautiful and since my parents left, she has been taking care of me and she loves me a lot and I love her too.
She has some strict rules although I'm 17 now, unlike other guardians. Rules like,

No swear words.
No dating till 20 years old.
Not losing the v-thing before 20.
No sneaking out.
No night outs.
No consuming things which get you high.
And now, no whipped cream.

I don't know how will I ever live my life like other normal teenagers. Most of their ultimatum age is 18 but mine is 20.

Seriously! Are you kidding me??

But still, I love her the most.

"So, prepared for the first day of school?", she asked.

"I guess so", I replied sipping my hot chocolate.

"Be careful by those bad boys of Brookville, I don't want any trouble for now."

"Of course.", I rolled my eyes.

I was gathering up my time table and books until I heard a car horn, which was of Shelley. I got excited and ran towards the door.

"I'm going G mother, take care"

"When you come back home, then let me meet Shelley and Noah too and take care", she told.

As I got out of the house, I saw a Mustang which was actually of Noah but I only saw my beautiful best friend, who looks even more beautiful now with her chocolate brown eyes and that wavy hair.

We hugged each other and squealed like 5-year-olds.

"I missed you dipshit", she said while hugging me.

"I missed you too Pigshit", I mumbled.

She gestured me to sit in the car and I did.

"Where is Christi and why do you have his Mustang? ", I asked surprisingly.

"I'm gonna give him such a big surprise, he needed to pay back something, right? So ba daaa.", she said grinning and I gave her a look.

"Actually last night, he got quite wasted so I drove him home and his mom told me to bring it back tomorrow as she didn't want me to go home alone at 2 am", she said.

"You guys were out till 2 am?", I questioned surprisingly.

"Yeah! High school parties and my curfew is till 2 am", she said like it was really obvious.

Of course, it's obvious, they don't have my G mother and her rules.

We remained silent for a few minutes. Shelley turned on the radio and there was some punk music being played.
I never liked punk music. I'm more of a pop-soft-song person.

My eyes wandered towards the street which was recognizable. It was the way towards Christi's house. I had a deja vu remembering how we used to surf here during the winter and cycling during the summertime.

"Get ready for the show Hayd", she said dramatically as we reached his driveway.

I got out of the car and hid behind the tree so that he can't see me. And as soon Shelley pressed the horn, he was out of the door, smiling at her. Boy, he has grown so cute and handsome. I bet girls and guys are crazy about these two friends of mine.

"Leave that driving seat of my baby or else I will bite your knees", he said to Shelley giving her a glare.

"Oh little boy wanna drive his babyyy", she said mockingly and tossed him the keys.

They're such a kid like before. I missed them so much.

"I'm going to sit beside the driver's seat and it's an order", I said while walking towards them.

As soon as he turned back, he smiled widely and squealed.

"Haydennnnnnn!", he ran and hugged me tightly.

"When did you come? Why didn't you tell me? How're you? Did you bring my favorite cashew nuts cookies?", he started bombarding questions.

"I came the day before yesterday. I didn't tell you because I wanted to see this precious moment. I'm fine and yes I brought those cookies.", I answered his question and smiled.

"What, in the name of the Lord happened son that you squealed so loud?", Mrs. Christian said coming out of the house.

"Nothing m-", Noah was cut short as her mother saw me.

"Oh, Hayden! Sweetheart, how're you? Weren't you supposed to come after two days?", she said softly while caressing my cheeks.

"I'm good Mrs. Christian. How're you?"

"No Mrs. Christian. Just Hannah, remember? And yeah I am also good. Now I know why this boy squealed like he saw a giant animal."

"Not giant animal Mom but definitely this weird creature",he said slinging his arm around my neck.

"Yes, Hannah", I smiled ignoring Noah's previous statement.

"Shelley, sweetheart did you reached home safely yesterday?", she asked softly.

"Yes mom, she reached safely that's why she's here with my Mustang and okay now we're getting late. Let us go.
Goodbye.", Noah said in place of Shelley.

"Goodbye, kids", she waved at us.

And we left the driveway and head towards school. Christi was driving and I was sitting beside him and Shelley back.

"So, how have you been? And how's granny?", asked Christi.

"I've been fine and she too", I told.

"And what's up with those rules?", asked Shelley.

"They suck", I sighed heavily.

"Don't worry girl, we're gonna break 'em soon", Shelley said in a very casual way.

"As if!", I and Noah sighed simultaneously.

"What subjects do we have in common?", asked Noah.

"I have Trig, English, Chemistry, World History, and Spanish.", I told them.

"Holy mother of Jesus!! You've Spanish and Trig and English", Shelley exclaimed.

"So what? We don't even have those subject just world history and chemistry.", Christi said sadly.

"The RAD boys go to the Spanish class and one of them goes to Chemistry and English too. That's so awesome. I'm jealous. English is the only class I have with them."

"Shut up! Stupid fangirl", Noah flinched.

"Guys, what are RAD boys?", I asked them frowning.

"You never heard when I told right?", Shelley said with disappointment on her face.

I tried to remember them but I failed.

"And we're here. Good luck with first-day Hayd.", announced Noah.


So hey my dear readers, if you're reading this then thanks for reading it till here and giving my book a chance. I hope I'm not disappointing y'all with the first chapter. I'll try to improve more and more. Hope you like it and if you found mistakes then let me know, please. Vote, comment, and share please if you like it.
I Will update soon.

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