CHAPTER 2: Miller, Hayden Miller.

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Songs for the Chapter:

•Old town road- Lil Nas X
•Lose yourself -Eminem


When I entered in Brookville High, I felt goosebumps. I don't know why. Maybe it was a new place that's why.

"You should go to the principal's office first and let her know about your presence and get the info about your locker etc. And we're heading towards our class. Join us later. Good luck, bye", said Shelley.

"Yeah, okay", I waved goodbye.

I maneuvered my eyes all way round but I didn't know the way to the principal's office. And Noah and Shelley were nowhere to be seen. In fact, there were no people to be seen too as the bell had already rung. With a perplexed mind, I started wandering there until I saw a car being parked in the parking area.

A girl came out of it who was dressed up like a...

Oh, where are my manners!

But I am not lying, she looked like those hookers in Hollywood who wear extra tight dresses. And she was wearing an extra extra tight dress which didn't even reach her mid-thigh. If she tilts downward even a little bit then I swear, her ass will be clearly visible.

I went to her and said politely,

"Hey! I'm kinda new here. Can you please tell me the way towards the principal's office?"

"Of course, lady. You see that passage near that hall. You have to go straight and then turn right and you'll find a room. When you'll enter that room. Go straight and you'll found a door to the principal's office.", she said gently with a tight smile on her face.

"Thank you so much", I said and started walking towards the way she told me. It was a long way though.

I can see a few classrooms while I was passing through them. Children studying and teacher teaching. In one class, the kids were laughing really loudly and the teacher was shouting.

In my earlier school, there were really strict rules and regulations. And we weren't supposed to talk even for a few seconds. Neither we can bring phones inside the class. But Brookville High has some different standards and I guess I like it.

I was in my thoughts, till I bumped into something hard and my head got hurt. It was the door towards the room I guess. When I opened the door, it appeared like a locker room. It was strange to know that the principal's office was inside a locker room. Well, the way was complicated too.

I started walking until I found a boy half-naked.

"Holy mother of Jesus Christ", I screamed.

The boy turned towards me and said,

"Who the hell are you?", raising an eyebrow.

"I-I-I, umm, I'm kind of sort of new here and-"

"And you wanted to have a show of boys on your first day, entering directly into the boy's locker room and finding the hottest boy of Brookville High and hook with him right there", he started walking towards me and I started walking back till there was no space left and I got hit by the locker.

He was hot, yes but he was a big pervy jerky boy at the same time and I wanted to kick him right there on his crotch when he started touching me.

"Listen, you are misunderstood. I'm not that type of girl alright. And just back off, please. Leave me alone. I was going to the principal's office.", I pleaded.

"Oh, baby! You're such a naughty liar. Come let's ho-", he was cut short as he fell down.

"Son of a bitch"

A boy from nowhere came and punched him hard that he just fell on the ground. He was also half-naked and cute but he was not a pervy jerk.
And I liked him for doing this to that guy. They started fighting and cursing each other and I didn't want to stand there like a statue and I also wanted to fight for myself. So I took the first thing that came into my vision which was a shoe. An expensive one, I can tell.

"Move aside", I shouted to that boy.

And I started beating that pervy jerky boy with that shoe. And he kept saying only one thing,

"Leave me bitch, leave me", which just earned him some more shoe-beating.

Then the other boy launched few punches at him again.

Boy! He looked cute.

"What is happening here?", a bold voice came from the doorway.

"Not now", the Saviour boy whispered in a frustrated tone to himself.

"Mr. Brown, Mr. Turner, and you Ms.", the man said looking at us respectively and stopped at me.

"Miller, Hayden Miller", I told him with a puzzled expression.

" Yeah, you three in my office. Now.", he ordered.

I was thinking who he was till I really knew. He was none other than the Principal of Brookville High. And his office was definitely not inside this locker room as that girl told me.

Such a bitch! Why would she do this to a complete stranger who was nothing but kind to her? Okay! Maybe I mentally judged her a little but I was talking to her politely. But she is a bitch and I don't regret judging her.

We were walking behind the principal. The pervy jerky boy who was Turner was cursing him silently and the savior boy who was Brown walked silently with an expression that was very casual. He came to the side where I was walking.

"No offense, but just out of curiosity, did you copy the style of James Bond back there?", he asked me in a very serious tone.

"What?", I asked frowning.

"You said and I quote "Miller. Hayden Miller""

"Oh that. No, I didn't copy him. The principal was calling out surnames so I just said, you know. But he didn't know me so I thought about telling my full name.", I explained.

"I got it.", Brown smiled."How did you end up there? I'm sure you were not there to see naked boys on the first day."

"Actually-", I was cut short as we reached the office which was in a really opposite direction than the one I was told earlier. That Bitch!

"So who will explain to me the reason for the fighting which was so much valuable for two high schoolers in the first period and what was a girl doing in the boy's locker room in the first period?", he asked to all three of us.

"Sir, I'm new here so I got kind of misled to reach your office and I went into the locker room by mistake", I started to explain.

"Fair enough! And what about the fight? Mr. Brown? Mr. Turner?", he asked the boys.

"This asshole was harassing her and then I came there and you saw what happened next", The Saviour boy whose name was Brown said.

"He is lying. I was just telling her about the school and he started beating me from nowhere because of Austin", Turner said.

"What? Seriously, I don't believe you. How foolish are you? You're lying in front of your own victim?", Brown said mockingly.

"Shut up mother-", Turner said but Brown cut him short by clutching his shirt collar.

"Stop it, both of you.", The principal interrupted them.

"Miss Miller, is Mr. Turner lying?", The principal asked me.

"Yes Sir, he is. In fact, he was being very rude to me and when I told him to back off, he was just getting closer.", I explained with a terrified voice.

"Mr. Turner, suspension for three days. Mr. Brown, detention for today, and Ms. Miller, you should go back home today and come with a fresh mood tomorrow.", the principal told us.

"Sir, but Brown didn't do anything. Why are you giving him detention?", I asked him because of the guilt rising inside me.

"Yes, he did. Although he helped you. He got involved in a fight inside the school which is strictly prohibited here and Mr. Brown I have an advice for you.", I remained silent as Brown nodded.

"It would be better if you keep a distance from Mr. Austin. As far as I can see, his influence his not doing any good to you than bad.", The principal proceeded.

"Why are you dragging him into this conversation? He has nothing to do with this. Turner was lying.", Brown argued.

"I know about his last fights with Mr. Turner and his friends", the principal said.

I started feeling like a third wheel because I didn't understand a single thing they were talking about.

"Turner and his friends are assholes.", Brown said.

"Language Mr. Brown.", the principal raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry, sir. I'll be in the detention. Thank you.", with an eye roll Brown left.

"Sorry Ms. Miller, I totally forgot about you. I knew your father. He was a really great person and a very good friend of mine. Sometimes I really miss him", Principal Henry said as I read the name on his table.

"Yeah, I miss him too", I sighed and thought about dad. Then I came back from my thoughts.

"So, I'm going home. Thank you, sir", I smiled.

"Call me Henry.", he told me.

"Okay, Henry.", I said and started walking towards the main gate. Principal Henry seemed like a nice man. At least to me, he was.

Oh, I forgot to say thanks to Brown for helping me.

And he was nowhere to be found. So I thought about thanking him tomorrow.

I didn't know how to go back home because Shelley dropped me here and I didn't have money to book a cab. So I thought about walking but my house was at a long distance from here and I thought to go to my favorite spot and wait till dispersal which was in 2 hours.

I messaged Shelley,

Pick me up from Oldtown (my place).

My place was Country Cafe which was in the old town. When I was young, I used to visit it with my father. I always ordered my favorite hot chocolate and Dad ordered lemonade. The country cafe has been a good part of my life until now. And I had a friend there too. Shelley and Noah knew about it when I took them there in 4th grade. And they used to refer to it as 'my place' because I introduced it to them.

I arrived there in half-hour and saw that nothing has changed. It looked more old now. No renovation. Nothing. It wasn't that fancy and flimsy kind of cafe. It looked like it has been forbidden years ago. Then I entered the cafe and it looked like new and refreshing.

The quote, "Don't judge a book by its cover" suits best on Country Cafe.


What do you guys think about Brown??

So, a new chapter guys. I hope y'all love it and if you find any mistake or have any ideas, please share it with me. Thanks for the last 6 votes and 6 reads. I hope to grow soon. Do not forget to vote and comment.

PS : There is the counter of Country Cafe in the above picture. Just an outside view.

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