CHAPTER 4: Hot but hypocrite

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Songs for the chapter-

Gaze- Adhitia Sofyan
• Anything could happen- Elle Goudling


As we reached my place, G-mother looked very happy to meet Shell and Christy after a long time.

"Oh someone has grown into a really charming man and also someone has grown into a really pretty lady, I must say.", said G mother and Noah, And Shelley grinned.

"And someone has become too young and hotter than before", Noah said.

"I have always been like this", G-mother said with a fake proud style.

"Hey, G mother. I have to go to CC at 6 pm. So it's okay right?", I asked.

"Totally cool, sweetheart.", She said with a smile.

"Thank you.", I exclaimed.

"Don't forget your curfew time", she reminded me in a strict tone.

"Okay, I'm really hungry. Can I get my favorite cookies Hayd?", Noah said interrupting us in a rush.

"Yeah, I will bring them and Shell, I may have some handful of Twix and Sour Patch Kids and Twinkies and Skittles.", I said causing her mouth to water.

"O M G, feed me soon then", Shelley squealed.

After spending 4 hours at my place, we left for Country Cafe to meet Noah's guy. This time I was sitting back while Shelley sat beside Noah who was driving as always.

"What happened? You look tense", I said seeing Noah's tensed face.

"Nothing. It's just... I'm nervous. I've never met him in front of people I know. And today I'm going to meet him in front of four people.", he said.

"We are not four, we are two asshat", Shelley said.

"His friends. Remember?", Noah said with an eye roll.

"Sorry, I forgot", Shelley said with a non-humorous laugh.

A silence fell. I notice a polaroid camera kept on the backside. Noah always loved it. I and Shelley gifted him on his 10th birthday. He has always loved photography and he really loved a polaroid.

"This cam still works?", I asked him.

"Yes, it does.", Noah said proudly.

"Gifts given by me are not supposed to be damaged soon", Shelley said.

"We gave that together Shelley Belley.", I said.

"I know.", she pouted.

We reached there 10 minutes earlier and we were sitting there.

"Christy is really hungry for his snack today", said Shelley teasingly.

"Why would he not", I joined her with a laugh.

I was going to capture him with my phone when I noticed I left my phone in the car because we were playing songs from it.

"Guys, I think I forgot my phone in the car. I'm going to bring it.", I told them.

"Are you going to snatch my phone as Shell did before?", Noah asked curiosity dripping from his eyes.

"No. I am not. Now give me the keys", I said.

I went to the car and took out my phone and I started walking back till I heard a conversation between two boys. One was bent down because he was tying his laces and the other one was standing idle. They both looked very very attractive but the standing- guy was hot and cute and he was the epitome of good looks.

"I'm not interested in talking to you. So don't ask me anything ", the bent down boy said.

"Same to you mofo. But why would he take us to this cheap place?", the standing one said.

And that one sentence of his, changed my whole perspective towards him.

The more they look good from outside, the more bad they are from inside but not everyone. Some people are both good outwards and inwards but he wasn't one of them. How dare he called Country Cafe a cheap place? He is cheap not this place.

I wanted to say it on his face but I didn't want to waste my time on a cheap person like him for my best
friend's special day. So I walked away.

"He is coming", Noah said with a blush on his cheeks and nervousness on his face.

"It will be cool. Don't stress out. It's not like he is coming here to meet your family.", I said calming him down.

"Holy mother of hot guys!!! What are the RAD boys doing hereeeeeee?", Shelley started squealing.

"What? Who?", I asked frowning.

I followed Shelley's gaze and found three guys walking which included that cheap standing motionless guy and that Brown who helped me today and the other one was I guess the shoelace tying guy. And they look really good and handsome except that cheap guy. And they reached our table and sat in front of us. The other two guys looked confused except Brown. And Shelley was totally drooling over them. I can't blame her but still, she should control herself.

"Hey!", said Noah with a nervous chuckle.

"Hi", Brown replied with a blush. " Hey, you're the girl from the morning right?", He said when he noticed me.

I nodded. I was confused and absent-minded at that time.

"So you're the unlucky guy who has to handle this asshole", said the shoelace tying guy mockingly.

"Yes, he is. Now stop being a dick. I am nervous.", Brown whispered to him but I heard because I was in a close range than others.

"I told you he seemed interested in Christian.", The cheap guy whispered with an eye roll.

"Yeah whatever", the other guy said with an eye roll.

"Ahem Ahem", Brown cleared his throat. "Time for introduction guys. You go first babe". And Noah blushed again.

"So I'm Noah Christian."

"Oh, we know you. The cute guy of course but I didn't know you were gay", said the other guy smiling.

"When do you ever know anything", the cheap guy said rudely.

"Okay, okay guys. Chill. I am Dylan Brown", Brown said. Finally, I know his full name because Brown sounded really weird.

"And I am Shelley Hale", she said over-excited.

I texted in our group.


Why are you acting like you are overacting Shell, and Christy why are these two guys fighting verbally?

Shelley Belley-

Because we don't get the chance to talk to sexy boys like them easily. And why is Dylan gay? I'm so jealous of you Christy right now.


Shut up you both and concentrate here. They have started doubting.

"I am Ryan Smith", the other guy said.

"And I am Hay-", Dylan cut me off by introducing me on his own.

"She's Miller. Hayden Miller", Dylan said grinning.

"Was that James Bond thing and how do you know her", Noah inquired.

"Yeah. Long story.", Dylan smiled looking at me.

"Thanks for saving me today. I searched for you but you were nowhere to be found.", I said to him.

"It's totally okay. That guy is a son of a bitch.", Dylan said.

"What happened? Which guy?", That cheap guy asked.

"Turner happened", Dylan sighed.

Then the cheap good looking ugly guy again opened his mouth and said-

"And I am the hot the sexy the most handsome boy. Au-"

"And you are Mr. Cheap person who calls this beautiful place which makes the best hot chocolate in this whole city, cheap but also sits here with no shame. Or we can say a hypocrite.", I cut him off bursting out my frustration seeing him for the past few minutes.

"No, he is Austin", Shelley said whining.

"Whoa! Whoa! Girl. Why are you talking to ME like that? And I don't even like hot chocolate." Cheap Austin said.

"Don't act innocent, I heard you saying it a 'cheap place' hypocrite.", I said.

"Yeah, you are right. He totally said that", Ryan said.

"Hey, you weren't even listening to me right?", Austin said to Ryan.

"Okay, guys. Save it for later.", Dylan said sighing heavily.

"Yes, please.", Noah insisted.

Someone from staff announced our order was ready.

"I'm going to pick the order. Shell come with me", I dragged Shelley from her chair who was sitting like she was stuck to the chair.

"Stop the way you are acting around them. It's so girlish", I told her on the way.

"I am a girl. What am I supposed to act like? Boyish? Or gayish?", she said rolling her eyes.

"Okay whatever", I replied offensively.

We picked our order which had 6 hot chocolate with whipped cream and 5 hamburgers and 1 veggie burger.
I was a vegetarian so it explains that.

"I need to go to the washroom", Shelley said.

"Right now? We are like carrying a handful of things?", I said.

"Emergency. Go and keep it fast on the table. First, keep whatever you have then come fast again and take mine", Shelley ordered.

I went to keep it on the table and the boys looked surprised. They were laughing but when I went there they all become silent. I just rolled my eyes and went to Shelley again and took her thing and she went and I brought it on the table.

They all started tasting.

"It really is tasty", said Dylan.

"Tell me about it.", I said.

" Yes, it's amazing...mmmm. Great taste Hayden.", Ryan said.

"Thanks", I said.

Austin also started drinking his hot chocolate which surprised me as I remembered him saying " I don't even like hot chocolate" in a girly tone.

"What?", he asked as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Hypocrite", I said to myself and ignored him.

"You guys started without me?", Shelley said after coming back from the washroom.

"Are you Queen Elizabeth? That we should be waiting for you?", Ryan said.

"No, but at least I don't fight with my best friend unnecessarily.", Shelley said offended.

And Austin gave her a high five and said,

"He is not my best friend".

"Neither is he mine", said Ryan.

They were both very rude to each other.

I don't know why but that cheap hypocrite was staring at me continuously making me uncomfortable in his gaze.

I maneuvered my eyes and saw Dylan taking out a cigarette. I was going to stop him but then the beautiful lady from the morning came and said,

"Sir, sorry but you can't smoke here. Do you see that board? No smoking allowed."

"It's a metaphor, see: You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don't give it the power to do its killing.", Dylan said. As I remembered those lines.

"Did you just quote the great Augustus Waters who gives a forever within a numbered days and who is on a rollercoaster that goes up?", I asked him overwhelmed.
And the lady left us.

"Yes yes yes", he also smiled overwhelmingly.

" Oh! I like you so much already.", I said to him.

"Who is that?", Shelley and Ryan asked simultaneously.

"You don't know Mr. Waters?", Dylan asked with a serious expression.

"He is a character from a really beautiful book The fault in our stars who uses a cigarette as a metaphor.", Austin the boy whom I hated for reading such a good book said.

"Since when did you start reading the books Brownie?", Noah asked surprised.

"I didn't read it. Yesterday, Austin was crying-", Dylan said when that stupid started whining in between.

"Stop it. I didn't cry or anything. He is lying."

"And when I asked him why was he crying then he told me about it all. His death etc. And I found that cigarette thing really cool so I just started doing it since morning", Dylan said in a rush.

I don't know why but I felt happy that someone around me read books and especially the book which I liked so much because people around me have never been a bookworm like me. But I hated the fact that the person was none other than stupid cheap hypocrite Austin.

And then the staring continued again. His gaze kept me very conscious. I didn't like it. So I started him too. He raised his brow and winked at me.


"Hey, can we leave? You know I have to go right?", I said to Noah and Shelley.

"Yeah, I think you should be here and I can drop her, and then I can come back as you should be here", Shelley told Noah.

"Okay but I don't want any scratch on my baby", said Noah.

"Wait, why is she going so early?", that hypocrite said.

"You don't need to know a cheap guy", I said rudely.

"I'm not interested either", he said rolling his eyes.

"Nice meeting y'all but not you hypocrite. Bye.", I said to them.

"Nice meeting too you to, Miller. Hayden Miller.", Dylan said.

"Bye Hayden. Bye Shelley", Ryan said.

"I'll be back. Don't say bye to me", Shelley said.

"I know", Ryan said.

"Give me the keys now", Shelley said to Noah.

And then we left for my place. I was so happy to leave just because of that hypocrite and his stare. They were all good. I liked them except him.


Did you like their first meeting? Who did you like the most?

Hello dear people, whoever is reading this. Thank you so much for reading it till here. I hope you liked this chapter. Please let me know if you did. And if you find any mistake, feel free to point out. At last, don't forget to vote and comment.

PS: Austin's gaze and smile on the side. Don't forget to see it.

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