CHAPTER 5- No more creepy stares!

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Songs for the chapter

Eyeroll – Jades Goudreault
• Ride- Twenty-one Pilots


Shelley was driving the car and I sat beside her. I've never driven a car. I am scared of driving. It was a quarter to 8. So we were on time.

"So were they the RAD boys and if so, why are they called that?", I asked out of curiosity.

"Yes they were the RAD boys and they are called so because R stands for Ryan, A stands for Austin and D stands for-"

"Dylan", I said cutting off her explanation.

"Yes, and they are kind of best friends so they are always together and are popular and everyone has a crush on them. So, do you understand?", Shelley said.

"Yeah, but if they are best friends then why do Ryan and that cheapy hypocritical homo sapien were talking like they are enemies.",I asked.

"First of all, stop calling Austin that. He is such a hottie and he was good to you. I mean no one can say such things to his face otherwise whole Brookville knows what happens and they are frenemies. They once had a fight or something. No one actually knows about it. That's it.", She said.

"That's why he's such a narcissist.", I said rolling my eyes.

"Stop it, girl. Well, why didn't you tell us about what happened with you in school?", Shelley asked.

"Nothing. It's stupid.", I said.

"Okay, we have arrived at Hayden Miller's house. You may leave", Shelley said in a fake polite voice as we turned into my driveway.

And we reached my house.

"Bye. Meet you tomorrow.", Shelley said.

"Bye", I waved and then entered inside by opening the door with the key I had. G-mother was sitting on the couch and she was watching Pretty Little Liars so she didn't notice me. I didn't like that show just because she watched it like 24*7.

"Someone please change the show", I said.

"Oh, hon' you're home", she said embracing me into a warm hug.

"Yes, G mother right before the curfew", I said smirking.

"You saved yourself from being grounded", she laughed.

"Thanks to the Lord", I said raising my hands upwards.

"Let's do dinner and you should sleep early. School night.", she said in a serious tone.

"Okay, I'll change and come downstairs.", I told her and left for my room.

I changed and then went for dinner. We had mashed potatoes, quinoa, and spicy tofu for dinner and I didn't like them all. As soon as we finished dinner. I went off to sleep.

"Good night, Hayden", G mother said.

"Good night G mother", I said.

I was laying on my bed with sleepless eyes. I took out 'The fault in our stars' from my yet-to-be-organized-bookshelf. And I remembered how Austin had also read it. And why had I started hating him so much?

He actually didn't cause me any harm.

He turned my sentiments.

He was a stranger, he didn't even know me. There are many people who talk shit about so many places I don't fight with them.

So what? I can't confront everyone but he was in front of me being a total hypocrite.

Why am I even thinking about him?

I stopped the conversation between my inner selves.
And I drift off to sleep I don't know when.

I woke up at the sound of the alarm clock. 

Holy Christ! I am late. Very late.

I quickly get off from my bed calculating I only have 20 minutes to get ready. I stepped into the washroom and brushed my teeth too fast. I wondered why did G-mother wake me up if I didn't.

I showered and got dressed up and I went downstairs and I saw, G mother wasn't home. Where could she go early this morning? Does she have any meetings or something this early? She was a philanthropist and she worked for a few foster homes.

I had 7 minutes until Noah and Shelley arrive so I took a handful of Lucky Charms and Cheerios and mixed them with milk. I was eating too fast.

"Oh Hayden, honey, don't eat like that. It's bad for your health!", G mother said coming from the doorway.

"Yeah, they are going to be here and I need to awavow 'em fast", I said in a gibberish way while eating.
" Done", I said as I finished.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here. I had some things to deal with. So sorry" she said very apologetically.

"It's okay. I have you always. But what things? Is everything good?", I said.

"Come I'll show you", she said. And then I walked behind her and we went to the garage which had been abandoned for a long time. And what I saw next made me so happy.

"Oh, my Jesus Christ!!!! You. Bought. A. Bike. For. Me.
It's so beautiful.", I said astonishingly. I have always loved bikes. I never liked the car and motorbikes more than the bikes. My last bike got damaged in an accident last year.

"As you can see. And from tomorrow, you can go to school on your own, if you want.", G-mother smiled.

"Yeah, that would be great.", I said happily.

"Do you like it?", she asked.

"I love it. You are the best", And I hugged her tightly.

"Okay, okay. Now time to go", She said as we heard a car horn.

"Bye. Love ya", I said to her.

And then I went out of my house. And today Noah and Shelley were both there to pick me, unlike yesterday.

"Did you pooped really well today?", Shelley asked as I sat at the back.

"Yes why?", I said amused.

"You look like the happiest pooper on the earth", Noah said.

"Oh, that's because I'm not going to ride with you two fools from tomorrow.", I said.

"Why? Leaving us again", Shelley asked.

"No, I got a new bike.", I said singing.

"Wow, someone is very happy. Congratulations", Noah said.

"I need to see it...the love of your life. I remember how we use to bike race earlier and you always beat us up. You have always been great with bikes.", Shelley said reminiscing those good memories.

"I've told you guys to not watch Titanic so many times. Always getting emo over small things", Noah said.

"Shut up, Christy", we both said again to him with an eye roll for the umpteenth time.

And we all laughed after two seconds. We reached school after few minutes. I went to my locker and took out my Trig. Book and a notebook. Shelley's locker was 4 blocks from mine. So she was also there. She had Pre Calc. I was going to say her bye till my eyes saw someone who really made anger rile up inside me.

"Shell, hey, listen, who is that person?", I whispered to her.

"Who?", she asked.

"That redhead, bimbo who is dressed up like-",

"Like she's going straight to a place where escorts are hired and she's totally going to get laid.", Shelley completed my sentence.

"Yeah kinda", I said looking at that bitch.

"She's Linda Beech Fecker, like a bitch and a fucker. What happened?", she asked.

"She misled me to the principal's office yesterday. And I ended up in the boy's locker room getting slightly abused by a total jerk and that's when Dylan helped me. It was all because of her. Such a bitch.", I told her.

"You actually cussed. And it's best that it was for her. She's a total bitch as her name says and also a fucker. I don't know why she did that. It's not like you were the center of attraction.", she said.

We started walking away. And then she saw me and came to me.

"Did you reach the principal's office safely?", she asked in that fake polite but a bitchy tone of hers.

"Why did you do that to me?", I asked without using a cuss word.

"Oh, don't act so innocent girl. No one talks to me like that. I'm Linda Beech Fecker. You don't have the right to talk to me directly", she said and then just left.

I wanted to fight with her. Tell her what kind of a person is she but then that stupid bell rang.

"We will sort it later. Let's get to our classes", Shelley said to me.

And she went. And I went to my class. The teacher was teaching and he didn't notice me and I got some stares as I was the new kid in the school. So I was just trying to grasp things. And later the period got over. It was time for the Chemistry class.

I had a little hard time finding the chemistry class but then I found it. When I went into the class. I saw only one girl making some notes. Maybe I came early.

"Hey, I am Hayden. I'm new here. Can you tell me what are we currently studying?", I said.

"Hi, Hayden. I'm Violet and welcome here. We are currently studying the atomic structure. Everyone must be coming by now", she told me as the bell rang.

"Thank you", I said and sat beside her.

And the class started filling up and it started again. The stares and all those things till I really get an amused stare.

What the hill!!! What is this creepy staring person doing here?

Hypocritical cheapy narcissistic Austin!

He just stared and smirked at me and sat at the first seat.
It actually made me surprised. Mostly people like him sit at the last benches. He was 3 seats after mine in the other row. He looked back at me with a blank expression this time.

Such a creep!

And the teacher came and started teaching and I wrote a few things in my notebook which I understood.

That also finally got over. It was a break and Shelley texted in our group if we were free then head to the cafeteria. And the cafeteria was the only place which I knew properly. I went and spotted her sitting at the corner side.

"Why are you sitting this far?", I asked.

"We always sit here.", she said.

"You know what, that cheap hypocrite was in my chemistry class and he was staring me like a creep.", I told her totally freaked out.

"You're so lucky. Girls in the chemistry class must be jealous of you.", she said.

"Shut up, dude.", I said.

"Hey my old grannys, what's up", Noah said.

"Anything but your brain. See it's there. Invisible", I gestured towards the floor.

"Hey guys", Dylan came from nowhere and sat beside Shelley.

"You are sitting with us? Like here. With us in the school cafeteria.", Noah said to him amused.

"Yeah, aren't we kind of official now as our friends know everything.", Dylan.

"Yeah, right you can surely sit with us", Shelley said to Dylan.

"Of course I will sit with you.", Ryan said arriving from the backside and sat beside Shelley.

"I didn't say it to you dumbass", Shelley said with an eye roll.

"I know", he grinned. And Noah clicked a photo on his polaroid. He is doing the photography for this year's yearbook.

"We should hang out after school like at my home at 4 maybe.", Dylan said.

"No, at my home.", Noah said.

"Okay, my sweet baby.", Dylan said.

"Everyone is coming right?" Ryan asked.

"No, I can not. I have to go to CC. I'll be there for an hour or two.", I told them. I needed to meet Aunt Annie today. And I can go as I have my bike now.

"It's okay. We can catch up later", Dylan said.

"Hey Noah, bro you owe me. Remember?", that cheapy Austin came from nowhere and said.

"Yeah, bro. Check your inbox", Noah said to him.

"Why do you owe HIM?", I asked Noah in a low voice.

"None of your business HEIDI", and then he left.

Many people were glaring at our table, so I thought that it's would not be good if I shouted that my name was not Heidi. But it's better to not talk to him.


I had Spanish including Dylan and Ryan which was good because they were not strangers now and also Austin the rude hypocrite and that was a bad thing.

I went to the class with Dylan. And that class was a little different from other classes. It had a window and I loved the window side. So I sat near the window.

"Don't sit there.", Dylan said.

"Why?", I frowned.

"Because it's my seat." Austin from nowhere came and said in an arrogant tone.

I pretended to peek at the chair and the desk and I gained an eye roll from him and I don't know why he actually looked hot but I don't even care.

"I can't find your name written anywhere near here", I mocked.

"Whatever! Sit anywhere else", he said and Dylan gestured me to sit behind him.

Dylan was sitting in the row beside mine and he was exactly one seat after me. So if I sit behind him. I have to face this arrogant hypocritical cheap Austin. So I stuck to the window seat.

"No, I won't go anywhere.", I said.

"Why are you so stubborn?", he asked with a raised brow.

"I'm not stubborn, rudy", I said.

"What's rudy? Okay fine. Sit here today but tomorrow I'll sit here", he said as he was pissed at me.

"Whoever sits first, will sit here.", I said making a deal.

"But it's no-", he was cut short by a teacher's voice.

"Good morning, students. Mr. Austin, any problem?", she said seeing us standing at MY place.

"No, ma'am. I am just helping the new kid", he said and sat beside Dylan.

No God! I can't tolerate more creepy stares from him.


What do you think about this chapter? Do you like Austin stares?

Hello dear people, whoever is reading this. Thank you so much for reading it till here. I hope you liked this chapter. Please let me know if you did. And if you find any mistake, feel free to point out. At last, don't forget to vote and comment.

PS: Hayden's new bike on the side.

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