CHAPTER 6 - Neither Stubborn Nor Heidi

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Songs for the chapter

• We'll meet again- Vera Lynn
•Hot chocolate - Tom Hanks


The teacher was teaching and it was all going over my head because I was studying Spanish for the first time and I only knew 'HOLA' means hello. Austin the cocky- narcissistic-hypocrite was thankfully not staring me but he was focused on writing the notes I guess. He was writing continuously as the teacher taught and his desk was shifting at its place which was disturbing me a lot.

"Can't you write a little slow and nicely so that your desk stays stable", I whispered to him with a fake smile.

"No", he whispered flatly.

"What do you mean by no?", I whispered to him irritated.

"No, is a word for giving negative replies", he whispered sarcastically.

"Ms. Hayden right?", the teacher said and I got nervous because she was talking to me. I stood up and said,

"Yes, Ma'am"

"¿Que pasó?", she said and I didn't understand what it meant.

"Uh...umm..-", I stuttered as I was cut short by Austin the fast writer whisper.

"She is asking what happened. You say 'nada'".

I didn't know whether to trust him or not but I said,

"Nada", to the teacher.

"si tienes algun problema entonces dime", she said and I again didn't understand.

"Say bueno", Austin the Spanish expert whispered.

"Bueno", I said to the teacher.

"Okay good to know that you understand Spanish. So there will be a test for you after 2 weeks, which will be Monday, after this week, of all the things before chapter 8.", she said in English and gave me a shock.

How am I supposed to give a Spanish test when I don't even know it's ABCD???

"Okay ma'am", I said and sat down and she continued teaching. I was thinking to take help from someone and by someone, I can see Dylan because he was sitting like in front of me and Ryan wasn't even present in class I don't know why. And Austin the smart guy I didn't like was not even worth considering. I passed  a note to Dylan in which I wrote,


Then he passed me a note which said,

'I SUCK IN SPANISH :-( ' And with that note, my ray of hope was gone. Now I have to study on my own.

And that period got over after a few minutes. And after three hours of more classes which included English, World History, and free time, the school got over.
Austin continued his stares in the English period too which kept me cautious and warm and annoyed.

We were on the way home and surprisingly Noah let Shelley drive the car. So I was sitting beside Shelley and Noah at back texting, of course, his brownie.

"You guys know what, I had a Spanish test after two weeks and I don't know how to study for it because I don't even know basics", I rambled.

And I got no response. Noah was texting and Shelley was busy driving and lip-syncing Lady Gaga's song blasting on the radio.

"I said something", I said again. Still no response. Then I reduced the volume of the song and then shouted,

"Are you guys even listening to me? I am saying that I have-"

"Yeah, we were listening", Shelley said.

"Yes", Noah said.

"So you should have replied", I said flatly.

"Take Austin's help. He is very good in Spanish", Noah said.

"Whatever! I don't need his help and I would never take his help.", I said sharply.

"He won't help you either Hayd. I was surprised when he talked to you yesterday. He never actually talks to girls commonly. Except for bitches like Beech Frecker and sleeping with-", Shelley said and Noah cut her off.

"Okay, so stop your bitchy rant. Shell, we arrived. Now get your lame ass outta my beautiful car.", he said jokingly.

"Bye", I said to both of them. Tomorrow was Sunday so I wasn't going to meet them. I could've called to CC at 4 pm but they had plans already.

I opened the door by the other key as G-mother wasn't home. I was thinking about what Shell said about Austin the-also got a perverted attitude guy.

If he didn't talk to girls commonly then why was he staring at me? Okay, she didn't say that he never stared girls so that's fine. But still, I don't like him.

I went to my room and took a quick shower. Then came back downstairs and ate some cashew nut cookies. The doorbell rang and I went to open the door.

"How was school today", G mother asked coming inside.
I poured out water in a glass and gave it to her.

"It was good. You went to foster home?", I said.

"Yes.", she said while gulping down the water.

"Oh, hey GM. I need to go to CC at 4 so I'll take the bike okay?", I asked.

"Sure, but come back at the time.", she said in a caring tone.

"Yea, I will.", I said.

I took my Spanish textbook and my phone and took off for CC. Riding gave me peace.

As I reached there, I parked my bike and took my backpack inside the cafe. It wasn't much crowded. I went to the counter and I found the same lady from last evening.

"Same order?", she asked with a smile.

"Yes.", I smiled back.

"Hayden right?"

"Yeah....uh.What's your name?", I asked to be friendly.

"Savannah", she said.

"You are really beautiful, Savannah.", I said as it just came out of my mouth.

"You too, Hayden.", she gave a gentle smile.

"Is Aunt Annie here today?", I asked her.

"Yeah, she must be coming.", she told me and then I went and sat at my favorite spot.

I took out my textbook to study until Aunt Annie or my order came and I wasn't able to understand because it was out of my intellect. The sentence was really complex and I was having trouble. My head started aching.

"Can I sit here if you don't mind?", someone from the back said, and as I recognized that voice I turned my head backward in surprise to see none other than-

Mr. Hypocrite!!!! Austin!!!

"What are you doing here?", I asked him stunned.

"Answer my question first.", he said flatly.

"What question?", I asked confused.

"Can I sit here?", he repeated his question.

"Why? I can see plenty of empty seats here.", I said sardonically.

"Because I...uh...actually had a fear of sitting alone in a strange...crowded place.", he said it more like a question.

"Basically it's, not a crowded place.",I said maneuvering my eyes all around then look at his face.

He looked good. He was wearing a peach-colored sweatshirt and black jeans with galaxy shoes. It was all really branded. I wanted those shoes of his because I loved galaxy shoes a lot but they were expensive so I can't buy them on my own.

"Are you even listening to me? Stop gawping my sexy body.", he said waving a hand in front of my face as I came back to my senses.

He looked very hot and cute and sexy but doesn't matter because he was a narcissistic, pretentious, and hypocritical guy.

"Shut up narcissist, and tell what were you saying?",I asked in a flat tone.

"I said, it may be not crowded but it's strange. So can I sit here?", he said in a fake polite way.

"Yeah, okay," I said irked.

And he sat in front of me and texted someone. He wasn't only a fast writer but also a fast typer too.

"What are YOU doing here? Didn't you think this is a 'cheap place'?", I asked him mockingly.

"Maybe I liked the hot chocolate very much.", he said with a smirk.

"You didn't like hot chocolate too.", I exclaimed.

"So what? I like it now and also this place.", he said in a casual way.

"Yeah, hypocrite!", I mumbled to myself.

"I'm not a HYPOCRITE.", he said attentively.

"Yes, you are.", I said.

"No, I am not.", he said.





"Okay, whatever. Don't talk to me. I'm not interested", I said flatly.

"Hayden Miller, your order is ready", the staff announced breaking our argument. He smirked and gestured me to pick my order. And I went after rolling my eyes on him.

"Enjoy your meal", Savannah said.

"Thanks", I said smiling.

As I went and sat at my chair, Austin was looking at me weirdly.

"What?",I asked him. And his eyes bored into mine with a serious expression on his face.

He didn't reply so I started eating the cake. But his gaze was annoying me a lot so I said again,

"What? What's with that look?", I asked but still no reply.

" I'm asking something, reply to me."

"Hey, you? I'm talking to you. Why. Are. You. Staring. Me. Like. That." I started waving my palm in front of his face.

"Wait, you got paralyzed or what?", I asked him shocked.

"You were the one who said and I quote, 'Don't talk to me'", he mimicked me.

"Yeah, fine", I said rolling my eyes.

"So, wanna talk to me now? I know you are desperate to talk to me. Who isn't?", he said with a fake pride accent.

"Narcissist", I mumbled again while sipping my hot chocolate.

"Trust me. I'm not lying. Girls love me like this", he said.

"I don't care. I'm not girls", I said.

"Wait, you are a boy? No, you are trans?", he said narrowing his eyes on me.

"No, dumb guy. I meant I'm not those girls", I said air quoting.

"Firstly, I'm not dumb. You are. You were the one who didn't use a pronoun in a sentence.", he said grimly.

"Okay, my fault.", I said.

"Just Austin, your order is ready", the staff announced.

"Sounds like my order. I'll be back soon pretty girl.", he winked at me.

Did he just called me a pretty girl... Jesus Christ!! He is giving me such warm irritations.

I looked at the counter side and found Austin the pervert flirting with a staff girl, who was literally blushing. And I didn't like it. I don't know why. Maybe because I don't like guys who play like this.

"Missed me?", Austin the flirt said crashing my filthy opinion of him.

"Shut up", I said rolling my eyes.

"I know you did.", he said smirking. He brought

I ignored him and started consuming my food. I saw his food tray when he kept it on the table. He ordered a hot chocolate with choco chips and marshmallows and a cheesecake.

"You like hot chocolate with marshmallows? And what is with 'Just Austin'?", I said making a bizarre face.

"Yeah, don't make that face. It's tastier than your simple whipped cream one", he said with assurity.

"You started drinking it from yesterday. So don't even get started on what's tasty and what's not and yes for your information whipped cream is best", I said.

"Why are you always so stubborn, Heidi?", he said glaring.

"I. Am. Not. Heidi.", I said.

"So you accept you are stubborn?", he said raising his left brow.

"No, I'm not stubborn", I said.

"So, you are Heidi then?", He said smirking.

"No! I'm not stubborn neither I'm Heidi...ugh!! You are so annoying", I said getting pissed.

"Okay Heidi.", he smirked.

"Hayden!!! Oh, my doll, I missed you so much", someone hugged me from back and she was Aunt Annie as I recognized her lovely voice.

"I missed you so much more, Aunt", I stood and hugged her back.

"It's been 6 years since I saw you. You've grown up into such a beautiful girl", she said glowingly.

"You look so beautiful too. And CC has also been maintained so nicely.", I said to her holding her hand.

"I miss how you and George used to come here and we spend the evenings together and arrange this little cafe. I miss him so much", she said with a glimmer of pain in her eyes.

I missed Dad too. And Aunt Annie was his closest friend so his absence mattered a lot to her too.

"Won't you introduce me to her, Heidi?", Austin the guy- who saved me from having a breakdown right here right now, said breaking the silence.

"Oh, I am so sorry. I totally forgot about you, son.", she said to Austin. And his eyes got a tinge of discomfort but he hid them really fast and said,

"Hey, gorgeous", to Aunt Annie.

So, his 'pretty girl' meant nothing. He complimented people randomly. No offense to Aunt Annie. She really was gorgeous.

"You and your boyfriend look really adorable together", Aunt Annie said to me and it totally freaked me out.


Do you like this chapter? So they met again...did you liked their second meeting? Figuratively third but it was actually second.

Hello dear people, whoever is reading this. Thank you so much for reading it till here. I hope you liked this chapter. Please let me know if you did. And if you find any mistake, feel free to point out. At last, don't forget to vote and comment.

PS: There's a pic of beautiful Savannah on the side. I liked her a lot.

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