Chapter 12

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"Why didn't you tell me my best friend was your mate!" Dan yelled barging in to my room scaring me and my baby half to death. Alessandro was happily eating away until he came yelling now he is crying.

Since I am still breast feeding I quickly pulled the baby blanket over myself so he wouldn't see anything he did not need to see.

"Dang it Dan, I'm feeding here" I scolded sending him a stern glare while lightly bouncing Alessandro to try and calm him down.

Dan rubbed the back of his neck and gave an apologetic look. I gave him one last stern look then focused my attention on my baby who was still crying.

"Why didn't you tell me our brother was your mate!"

Oh for the love of all things pancakes. What is with these people? Alessandro's cries got louder as I looked up at a sheepish Sarah and her look alike.

"Has anyone ever heard of the word knocking, you know where you give someone a warning before they allow you to come in?"

"Sorry" They all said looking rather sheepish, I would have laughed if not for the crying baby in my arms. I bounced him a little more cooing at him and offered him more milk which he took and quieted down but there was still a few sniffles from him. I gently caressed his face lightly trailing my fingers down his little face until he completely calmed down.

I wiped the tears from his eyes and looked back to the trio standing in my room. Dan was looking at me with awe as Sarah and her sister who's name I still don't known yet, looked at my baby with adoring eyes.

"You are a natural" Sarah's sister said. "My name is Rebecca by the way but you can call me Becky, or Beck, or Becca. Which ever is fine."

I smile at her. "Nice to meet you Becca. Though I could say differently for Sarah and Dan."

I threw a playful glare at the two only to realize that they were looking at each other as if casted under a spell. My eyes widened as I recognized that look, the same look I give with Zeph. Well damn. Wait, they lived in the same house for a while, how are they barely finding out they are mates?

"They have been ignoring the pull and they are different grades and groups at school. While Dan is training we are doing other things." Becca stated answering my question.

I turned my gaze away from the two and looked at Becca. She and Sarah looked exactly alike making them identical twins, except Becca's hair was a little bit more lighter and had a deep red to it, like mine.

I looked back at the couple still staring at each other and cleared my throat rather loudly to get their attention. It didn't work. I tried again a little louder but that just hurt my throat.

"I got this" Becca said snapping her fingers and walked over to Dan and punched him on the arm.

"Ow" he yelped finally looking away from Sarah and at smug Becca. "Jeez Becky what was that for?"

Becca rolled her eyes and looked at her sister. A deep blush was presented in her face as she stepped from one foot to another. Becca raised an eyebrow at her not saying anything making Sarah squirm a little and Dan quickly went to her side.

"I found my mate" She said burying her face in Dans chest making me laugh and her to shoot a glare in my direction. Becca just raised and eyebrow

"I can see that."

I couldn't help but find this scene bittersweet. Right now two mates have found each other after they practically ignored each other and I can't even get a compliment or a smile out of mine. My Zeph.

I sighed heavily as I thought about what he said. His words cut me really deep and I don't think they will ever fully heal. Especially after he insulted Alessandro. I looked down at my son and smiled. His eyes are closed as he is still sucking on my breast getting every last drop of milk. His cheeks were flushed from crying and that just made him look even more adorable and me more protective. No one will hurt my son. Not even my so called mate and Alpha.


Dan's voice brought me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw everyone staring at me with concern. I gave them all a soft smile hoping to reassure them that I am alright.

"So back to the original question. Why didn't you tell us that Zeph was your mate?" Sarah asked

I gave a soft sigh looking back at Alessandro.

"because I was rejected. He doesn't want me" I forced my tears to stay back as I focused on my baby. "he doesn't want a whore for a mate"

There was complete silence in the room. Alessandro finished eating and I carefully cleaned myself up making sure I don't flash everyone one in the room. 

Once I covered I brought Alessandro to my chest and began to burp him lightly while he was still asleep. I don't want him to get a stomach ache, he still gets those even after Ryan gave him the medicine.

"You are not a whore Sasha"

I looked up and stared at Becca. He eyes were soft bringing me some comfort but also stern.

"I barely know you and I can tell you are not a whore. I heard your story from my father." A sheepish look came over her. "I kind of spied through the door when you first came. I heard there was a rough in our territory and that they were bringing it to the pack house and I wanted to see for myself. But I never really had the courage to come up and talk to you. Honestly I was scared. Usually people who have been kidnapped and raped are paranoid and I do not know how to deal with a psycho lady with a kid. So yeah sorry about that."

I was a little stunned at her confession, not really angry and I totally understand where she is coming from I would try to avoid someone psychoticly unstable as well.

"Well, that was a really weird confession" Dan said standing beside Sarah. Becca just shrugged.

"Thank you" I said softly. I really mean it though. For a few moments they were able to take my mind off what happened a few moments ago in the hallway. They weren't mad that I kept who my mate was a secret. And something tells me that I can trust these three with anything.

I really need to go for a run. It felt too long since I let my wolf out and she needs to stretch her legs and be free after the events that just took place.

I got up off the bed and placed Alessandro in the crib that was a few feet away. 

"Can you guys watch over the baby. I am going for a run to clear my head and stretch my legs.

"Sure, we will all watch him" Sarah said.

I nodded my head and headed outside. I didn't bother to bring shoes with me as I took my first steps into the forest. My wolf calming at the familiar surrounding. I carefully took off my clothes and hang them neatly on a low branch so I can get them when I come back. I let my mind drift to my wolf form and I felt the transformation. 

I loved the feeling of shifting. I don't know why, even as a child my first shift was not that bad. Sure it hurt like hell but it went by quickly which is hard to believe since shift usually take a while.

Once I was on all fours I quickly dashed through the trees. The thrill of running pumped in my veins as I pushed to go faster. I don't know where exactly I am going but I can't stop.

Suddenly I heard the noise of running or flowing water. It sounded very familiar and usually they don't. I slowed my pace as I ran towards the sound. I sniffed the air and it smelled so clear. Shining lights caught my attention ahead where the sound of water was coming from. My paws stopped as I reached my destination.

The water was so clear and beautiful while the waterfall made a mist in the air creating a beautiful rainbow. If I were in human form I would be smiling right now. This was the same spot I was in when Alessandro and I were caught. The beauty of this place seemed even more beautiful if that is even possible. 

"Beautiful isn't it?" A voice said from behind me making me jump about a mile in the air and face the intruder.

Zeph quickly raised his hands. "I mean no harm."

'No harm my ass' I thought. He gave me a sad smile and took off his shirt and handed it to me.

"Here, can you shift back, I want to talk to you."

I studied him for a moment and took the shirt. Might as well get this over with. I ran behind a thick tree and changed back into human form quickly putting on the shirt. I felt dwarfed in his shirt. It literally went about mid thigh, a little shorter and the sleeves went just above my elbow. 

The alluring smell of pumpkin spice filled my nose and I savored the smell. Just because he rejected me doesn't mean I won't appreciate his scent. 

I came out from behind the tree and walked over to Zeph who was seated with his feet in the water just watching it. I took a seat next to him and watched the water sparkle sending off different colors the truely made this place magical.

"It's because of this river that we are called the Crytal Water Pack." He said. I stayed quiet while he continued. "My great great grandfather found it when he migrated here from Europe. He wrote that it was this very lake that lured him here and the land was perfect for a lone wolf. Time went on and he found his mate. Her name was Crystal and she was a human but that didn't matter to him. As time went on more and more wolves began to settle here and my great great grandfather became alpha. He wanted to name the pack that had meaning. He stood in this very spot when he decided. He was looking in the waters and he saw that the water shined like crystals creating an unimaginable beauty, just like his love. So he named the pack Crystal Water."

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked quietly.

He turned his head to me and I was shocked to see tears falling down his face.

"Because he loved his mate so much that he named the pack after her, she was everything to him. And you are everything to me."

I froze when he said that. What the heck, he rejected me. He doesn't want me.

"I was wrong about you Sasha" He continued. "I jumped to conclusion, did horrible and unforgivable things especially to you and your son. I am so sorry love."

I was frozen. How do I respond to this? Not a few hours ago did he call me a whore and my son a disgrace and now he is crying in front of me asking for forgiveness.

"Why?" I asked. "What made you change your mind?"

"My father told me about your past. How you were kidnapped and you barely escaped."

Ah, that makes sense. i felt my wolf wanting to get closer to him and I listened. I moved next to him and took his hand. This gesture startled him as he napped his head at me with wide eyes.

"You did jump to conclusion Zephania. You insulted me and my pride. And you also degrade my son, my baby."

He hung his head and squeezed my hand.

"I want to forgive you, but I can't. Not yet." I said my voice cracking at the end.

"I understand" He said nodding his head in defeat. "But I hope you can forgive me soon. I can't become alpha without you. I can't become the man I am meant to be if you and Alessandro are not by my side. I love you Sasha. Even when I thought you didn't wait for me and started your own family. I couldn't stop loving you from the moment I met you."

A smile lit my face, even with tears falling out of them, as I heard him say my son's name. I placed my head on his shoulder and sighed.

"In time Zeph. In time"

We sat in silence for a while. My head was still rested in his shoulder as we watched the water shine even brighter in the light. I closed my eyes and felt content. There is still grovelling he has to do to make everything up to me and Alessandro, but I knew in my heart that he is already forgiven. I know that some might say he needs to suffer and stuff like that, but why make the one I love do that? I can't.

I fell asleep just as I felt someone kiss my head and pick me up. With the wonderful smell of pumpkin spice and the tingles I knew it was my mate. I relaxed in his hold and let him carry me home. 

Maybe tomorrow he will make me pancakes.

Mystery POV

I watched as the man picked her up and carried her way from the lake. She has grown so much since the last time I saw her.

She is beautiful.

I quietly moved away from the bush I was hiding in and ran out of the territory. Everyone will be thrilled that we found her. 

I ran up to one of the trackers that was with me. He waited outside the boarders as a look out. He was also one of our fastest men in the pack.

"John quick go tell the Alpha we found her"

He nodded his head and sprang off to our territory. Hang on Sasha we will come and get you in time. 

I looked over at the territory again memorizing her scent. Once satisfied I ran home with happiness bubbling inside me. 

* I hope you like it! Remember I am posting up songs for each chapter so if you want a certain song just comment and I will dedicate the chapter to you.

Thank You!!!!!!!


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