Chapter 13

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Hey guys! Sorry for the wait, school is getting crazy and and kind of had a litte writers block but everything is okay now! I know some of you were getting impatient lol but hopefully I will have sooner updates. 

Also, during spring break which is from March 2-10 I don't know if I will be updating that week. My friends and I are road tripping to Orlando and I wont have any internet so yeah.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter and I made it especially longer today as an apology for keeping you waiting.



I woke up to the sounds sounds of lttle baby giggles and laughing from someone else that sounded like deep bells. 

"Peek-a-boo" The deep voice said playfully followed by more little giggling. It must be Dan playing with Alessandro again.

I opened my eyes a little to see and was shocked to find that it was Zeph playing with him. Zeph was leaning over the crib covering his eyes and opening them startling Alessandro and making him laugh. A smile stretched on my face as I watched the two interact with each other. I couldn't help but look to the future, that we would have a nice family and have children of our own. It was a beautiful sight and I hope that it will become a reality. 

"Come here little guy" I heard Zeph say snapping me out of my day dream. I watched as he gently picked up Alessandro and sat in the rocking chair. Alessandro cuddled up against Zeph. 

"I'm sorry for everything I have ever done to you and your mother" He says rocking back and forth. "I let you guys down and I will never forgive myself for it. But I want to make it up to you guys, especially your mommy. I want to be your dad even though you are not mine by blood, I will love you."

Tears welled in my eyes as I listened and a smile began to spread across my face. I guess my biggest fear wasn't that my mate would regect me, but that he would reject my son and when I heard him say those word I felt my wolf and my self want to jump everywhere in happiness. 

"I'm sure he will love you as well" I spoke softly startling Zeph as he clutched on the Alessandro as if protecting him from something making me smile more at his protectiveness.

"Your awake" He says a little embarrasesed judging by the hint of pink on his cheeks.

"Sorry" I giggled.

"No it's, it's fine" He stuttered getting up from the rocking chair and coming over to me.

As they came closer Alessandro began to fuss in his arms reaching out for me. Zeph gently hands him over and I take him in my arms craddling him to my chest.

"He looks a lot like you you know" 

I looked up at Zeph and smile.

"I always knew he was beautiful" I joked wanting to hear his laugh again and I was not disappointed. He chuckled and it made my heart flutter.

"You are beautiful" He said running a hand through his black hair. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It looked as if he was debating something in his head. Finally he looked at me and his baby blue eyes were sad making me frown. Why is he sad?

"Sasha I need to ask you something. You don't have to answer I just, I just need to know."

I nodded my head a bit scared of what he was going to ask. He took a deep breath and looked into my eyes.

"Sasha, who is Alessandro's biological father?"

I felt my body stiffen as images of that monster popped in my head. Him on top of me and beating me every chance he could get. Then he would let the others come in as soon as he finished. But I knew that Lorenzo was my son's father because I was empregnated on my birthday, he was the only one to touch me for three months and by that time I knew I was pregnant. 


I snapped my head look at Zeph and he flinched. He must have seen the turmoil in my eyes. I was never good at hiding my emotions when it came to what those monsters did to me. After Alessandro was born they never touched me until he was a month old. I would beg them to stop as they tore in to me while Alessandro was crying. Sometimes they would man handle him as he cried and there was nothing I could do. Especially from Lorenzo. He kept saying that he needs a strong son. That was when I planned to run away and I did and I am not going back to that hell hole.

 I opened and closed my mouth unable to find the right words.

"I. . " 

I was unable to answer as Zeph began to shake his head.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked that question. I mean it must have been hard with you being kidnapped and r@ped and then having a kid. I mean It must have been traumatic and here I am bringing it up like an idiot. Ugh, sometimes I swear I don't think.  I am so sorry." he babbled in one breathe making me smile a little. 

"You have nothing to be sorry for Zeph. Yeah you jumped to conclusion but it's in the past now." I sighed ann began to bounce Alessandro "Beside, I think Al here likes you"

When I said Alessandro's nick name he made a scruntchy face making me laugh.

"You don't like that name sweety?" 

He replied with a baby yell and little squeal making both Zeph and I laugh. 

"Yeah, Al is not sticking with me either" Zeph said taking Alessandro and tossing him in the air giving me a heart attack.

"Zeph! Don't do that you will drop him!"

"Relax Sash, I got him look he's even enjoying it." Zeph dismissed my complaining and tossed him in the air again making my heart stutter then relax when I heard him laugh.

I grumbled under my breath and got out of bed heading for the bathroom to wash up but ended up smiling as I heard my mate laugh. I quickly took a shower and brushed my teeth when I realized something. I didn't bring in extra clothes with me. Dang it! 

I tightly wrapped the biggest towel I had in the bathroom around me and peeked out the door. Zeph was lying on the bed with Alessandro on his chest making funny faced at him. It still amazes me at how quickly they formed a bond even though Zeph started out as a jerk.

I took a deep breathe and stepped out of the bathroom. Zephs looked in my direction when he heard the door open fully and I swear his eyes got darker than his usual baby blue. A blush creeped on to my face as I quickly ran to my closet and closed the door beind me turning on the light. I let out a puff of air and looked for something to wear.

I decided on a pair of comfy looking pants and a yellow shirt with a smiley face on it. I grabbed a brush that I keep on the top shelf and brushed my hair putting it up in a messy bun. I stepped out of the closet with still a bit embarrassed that he saw me like that. But when I looked at him he was still playing with Alessandro on his chest. I walked over to the bed and layed next to him putting my head on his shoulder as he kept playing. Occasonally I would join in and we would all laugh. 

After some time my tummy began to rumble making Zeph look at me with amusment.

"You hungry?" He asked making me blush. I nodded my head either way because I really was hungry.He chuckled and stood up with Alessandro still in his arms. I soon followed after and we made our way to the kitchen. He passed me my baby as we entered and began to take out some eggs.

"Is there anything specifi. ."

He didn't get to finish before I blurted out "Pancakes"

I swear my face was on fire with how hot I was feeling. I literally wanted the earth to eat me up as he laughed. 

"Pancakes it is" 

He took out many different ingredients, some I have never seen Maria or Lizzy use when making pancakes. This confused me but I said nothing as I watched my mate make pancakes. His muscles flexed everytie he mixed the batter along with some eggs. If the heavenly smell of pancakes wasn't enough to make me want to drool, looking at this man in front of me made me want to li. .  woah woah hold up. No, don't go there.

Ugh, but he is so handsome.

"You okay there little mate" Zeph said as he flipped a pancake in the aid with a satisfied grin as it landed perfectly in the pan.

"No, no everything is fine."

I played with Alessandro's hair as Zeph made breakfast.

"Bon appetite" Zeph said placing a plate in front of me filled with pancakes, scrammbed eggs and bacon. Oh it smelled delicious. He also placed a glass of orange juice and milk in front of me. Okay I am in heaven.

I anxiously grabbed the jar of warn think syrup and poured it over my pancakes eggs and bacon.

"You just put syrup on your eggs and bacon" Zeph said making me look at him. His face was scrunched up in an adorable manner. I smiled at him and nodded.

"I know. It's great!"

It was kind of difficult to eat as I still had Alessandro in my hand but Zeph soon took him so I can enjoy my meal. And Oh did I enjoy it. I don't know why but it was the best pancakes I have ever had. They were so good and after five minutes my plate was practically licked clean.

"Wow, you sure can eat." 

I looked at Zeph and blushed. 

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked self concious. He quickly shook his head.

"No, no its not bad. Actually it's better than girls skipping meals and just eating rice cakes."

I smiled up at him and began to clean up. I placed my plate in the sink to wash off the sticky syrup before stacking the dished and getting the water ready for cleaning. I heard shuffling in the back ground and a few moment later Zeph appeared by my side helping me. We didn't say anything just enjoying the quiet.

"Hello everybody!"

Was enjoying the quiet.

I turned my head and looked at my tall friend.

"Can I help you with anything?" I asked Dan as he sauntered his way into the kitchen where Alessandro was playing in his walker.

"Yes, yes you can. You see I am looking for my friend who was suppose to help me patrol this morning. Have you seen him?"

I looked over at Dan and saw him intently staring at Zeph.

"Sorry man, I got a little distracted" Zeph shrugged not sounding sorry at all.

Dan narrowed his eyes then smiled.

"About damn time you got your head out of your as-"

"Daniel!" I yelled causing him to stop. "What have I told you about cursing in front of my baby?"

I placed my hand on my hips as I sternly glared at Dan while he shuffled his feet and looked like a little boy putting on a pouty face.

"To not to" He replied causing Zeph to snort.

"Exactly, now apologize" I ordered. Dan turned towards Alessandro who was looking up at him with a mischeivious smile.

"Sorry Little Al"

"Good, now I better not here you curse again. Am I understood?"

"Yes ma'am" Dan said.

"Wow, way to go Sasha." Sarah said walking in to the kitchen followed by Rebecca.

"Hey, you're my mate and suppose to be on my side" Dan explaimed.

Sarah laughed.


We all turned our attention to Zeph who was looking between his sister and Dan. 

"You guys are mate? When the he-"

"Language!" I scolded.

"When the heck were you going to tell me about this?" Zeph continued changing his choice of words.

Dan smiled and rubbed the back of his neck.

"We sort of just found out yesterday man. Sorry"

Zeph ran a hand down his face and looked at the couple.

"I'll let it go if you do one thing for me"

Sarah and Dan looked at each other as Becca rolled her eyes.

"Sure" They said at the same time.

"I need you to watch the baby tomight?" I snapped my head in his direction giving his a questioning stare. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Sure of course man." Dan said happily picking up Alessandro making him throw up on Dan's shirt. "Really?" 

Everyone laughed as Dan held Alessandro out at a distance. I looked at Zeph.

"Why do they need to watch him tonight?"

"Because, I am taking you on a date" He said smiling. My gaze soften as my stomach filled with a strange tingling feeling. Though the feeling went away as I heard a loud squeal noise. I turned and looked at Sarah who was jumping up and down with excitement and Becca was just saking her head at her sister.

"OMG! This is really happening. My big brother is going on a date with his mate. Hey that rhymed, and Zeph what time. Hey that rhymed again. Becca you try."

We all stood there and just stared at Sarah.

"Okay" Becca said as she grabbed my hand and began to lead me upstairs with Sarah following right behind.

"Hey where are you guys going" Zeph yelled.

"To get her ready" Sarah yelled back.

I began to feel nervous and I soon discovered why.

Twently outfits, ten shoes, makeup and an hour on hair later, I was ready. I swear it was torture trying on new clothes. Becca, Sarah, Maria and Liz were all looking at me in 'awe' as I stood in front of them. And yes I did say Maria and Lizzy. Sometime during the torture they came in to check on us and decided to help.

"Oh Zeph is going to have a heart attack" Sarah cried.

I looked at her mortified. "Why would he do that?"

The girls chuckled at me.

"Girl, you are one fine mama" Becca said smirking. I really haven't looked at my reflection yet so I don't know what I look like.

Lizzy grabbed my hand and led me to a full length mirror. But when I looked, I did not recognize the girl in front of me. I was wearing an elegant yet casualy yellow sundress with a white cardigan and white sandals with a little flower on them. My hair was curled without a single strand popping out and pulled a little back by a white and yellow flowered headband. I was wearing eyeliner that made my brown eyes look exotic with a clear lip gloss coating my lips that somehow looked fuller. Browl eye shadow was lightly placed in my eyes and the colors of the whole outfit seemed to make my tanned skin glow.

I felt beautiful.

"Is that really me?" I asked not wanting to believe that girl in front of me was real.

"You better believe it" Becca said just as the door knocked.

Maria went over to get it.

"Hey mom, is she ready?" I heard Zephs voice making my heart race.

"Yep she will be down in a minute" Maria said. I heard the door close and Maria came back over. "Alright, its show time"

All the girls laughed as I was led down the stairs. With each step I took my heart would beat just a little bit faster. Then finally I saw him and he looked as hansome as ever. He was wearing a simple pair of blue jeans with a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbow. His hair was damp and  looked as if he just ran his fingers through it putting it to the side while some of his black locks fell on his forehead near his eyes.

"You look gorgeous." He said once I got down. I blushed at the compliment.

"You look pretty handsome too" I said making him smile.

He took my hand and opened to front door. "Shall we?"

His deep voice sent a shiver down my spine. We waved goodbye to everyone and shouted some threats to anyone who would harm my baby making them laugh.

Zeph led me to a very nice and shiney looking car. Don't ask me the model all I know is that it is silver and shiney!

He opened the door for me and we were on our way. The drive was fairly quiet and I didn't mind that. after about ten or fifteen minutes we finally pulled up to a small diner looking place. Zeph got out and jogged over to my side and opened the door.

"Thank you" I said and he held out his arm for me. I gladly took it and we went inside. 

It was a cute looking place. The inside was a little dim of light with candles on every table. The theme was very old but had character I can't really describe. It was wonderful. 

"Hello, welcome to Javier's can I be of assistance?" Said the hostess at the door. She looked to be about early twenties. 

"Yes I have a reservation. Abrahms" Zeph said smiling politely. The hostess looked on the board thing and smiled.

"Of course I will show you to your table"

We followed her to our table which was in a private corner of the restraunt. There weren't many people here but they were all spaced out so its hard to really judge.

"Here are your menu's and someone will be here shortly"

We smiled at her and she walked away. I looked at Zeph and smiled.

"This place looks lovely."

"Yeah, my parents like to come here so I thought I would give it a try" He said looking a little embarrassed. I smiled and reached across the table for his hand. 

I felt the sparks as soon as our skin touched and it was wonderful. We both looked into each others eyes getting lost. 

"Hello my name is Jacob and I will be your waiter for the evening. Is there anything I can get you to drink?"

We both snapped out of our gaze and looked at the waiter. He was a good looking guy with long blonde locks, a nice build and hazel eye, but he was nothing compared to my Zephania.

"Um."I quickly looked down at the menu and felt like crying. I don't know what any of this says. I looked over at Zeph and saw him staring at me. He must have saw the pleading in my eye as he quickly told the waiter some random drink. Tears welled in my eyes.

"Hey, hey Sasha look at me"

I looked up at him and his gaze softened.

"Oh sweetheart it's okay" He tried to sooth.

"No it's not" I said quietly as a tear fell "I'm pathetic"

Zeph quickly came to my side and wiped away the tear that fell.

"You are not pathedic do you hear me" He said sternly. "You are a survivor, you are strong. It was not your fault you didn't get an education. it was that bastard who kidnapped you and when I ind him he will wish he had never laid a hand or insulted you. You are beautiful and smart."

"But I can't read" I cried.

"I'll teach you" He said.

I looked up at him. "Really"

"Of course my love. Anything"

I quickly pulled him into a tight hug saying 'thank you' over and over again.

"You don't need to thank me sweetheart. I would do anything for you."

We soon broke apart when the waiter came back with our drinks which was pink lemonade. Tonight has been one of the best nights ever. Throughout the entire evening we talked and got to know one another and I found myself falling more and more for this man. Even without the mating pull I would have definitly fallen for this guy. My wolf was humming with joy as our mate accepted up.

Soon we pulled up to the pack house.

"I had fun tonight" I said looking at him as he smiled.

"Me too."

I didn't notice that we were leaning closer to one another until I felt his lips press against my own. I swear I saw fireworks lighting off in my head as sparks tingled throughout my body. It was a simple kiss and it was beautiful.

We pulled away slowly and looked at each other. 

"I love you" He said quietly. My body froze when he said that. Did he really mean tha? Oh my gosh I am so happy.

I was about to open my mouth to say that I love him back when suddenly the glass of the back window shattered. A scream left my lips as Zeph shielded me from the flying glass. Growls were rining in the air as someone yelled rogues.

"Shit" Zeph curse and looked at me. "Baby I need you to listen to me. You have to get to the pack house. When I say run, I want you to run."

"No, no i will fight with you" I said.

"No, Sasha please. i need to get you to safetly. Please" He pleased and cursed when more growls were heard. "Sasha please."

"Okay" I said with a heavy heart. He nodded and kissed me on last time before he left the car. I tried to look out the window but there was fog covering my few from the chilly night air. 

"SASHA RUN!" Zeph yelled. I went to pull open the door when all of a sudden it locked. I turned my head to the driver side and saw a man I have never seen before.

"Hello cupcake" He said making my skin crawl. I quickly turned and tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge.

"Nuh uh cupcake you're not going anywhere."

Suddenly a cloth was placed over my mouth making me feel dizzy with the smell it was releasing.

"That's it cupcake just fall asleep."

I tried to fight off the drowziness but it wan't working. 

"Sasha! No!" was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

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