Chapter 14

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Hey everyone!

Again sorry for the lateness, I had a few personal things going on and it was my friends birthday so we went out and I put this on hold until I got back. I didn't want to wait till the morning to post this so here you go. Sorry for the grammar and stuff its pretty late right now but I hope you enjoy the chapter and tell me what you think. I know it's not the best but hey, it's better than nothing.

Thank you!!!!!



"What you did was stupid! I told you to just grab her without making a scene and you do the exact opposite!"

I felt like groaning out loud when I heard someone yell making the pounding in my head worse. I snuggled into the soft bed pushing my head further into the pillow.

Wait, pillow?

I quickly opened my eyes and found myself in a bed with dark burgundy sheets and a dark blue comforter while I was surround by soft pillow. Then I remembered.

Zeph and I went on our first date when we were attacked. Oh gosh, I hope he is okay. What about my baby?

My breathing became labored and as I thought of possible scenarios of what happened to either one of them.

"You're awake"

 I snapped my head to where I heard the voice. There stood a man, a very tall man, with dark brown hair and warm dark brown eye very much like mine.

"W-where am I?" I asked slowly feeling kind of scared.

"You don't remember me?" The guy said looking hurt. 

I studied him more closely. I noticed he has a scar on his face right above his left brow. Flashes of memories rushed into my head.

"Ha ha you can't catch me." The boy laughed while running in the open yard.

"I will and when I do you are gonna regret ever taking my dolly" The I cried.

"Only babies play with dollie" he taunted making me more angry.

There was laughing to the left side and I looked and found two women sitting on the chairs outside smiling and laughing while to big men were by the barbecue looking at us laughing as well.

"Daddy your suppose to be helping me" I Stomped angrily as a watched my father smile.

"I'm sorry babygirl but you got this one. Remember what I taught you?"

"But, but, Uncle Gabe?" I turned to my uncle who looked almost identical with my daddy.

Uncle Gabe crouched down and whispered in my ear. "You got this darling, stand up for yourself like a true alpha"

I puffed out my chest and nodded.

"I will"

I left both men hearing them laugh and walked over to the boy who was in the process of trying to rip off my dolly's head while sitting on the steps to my tree house.

"Hey meanie" I said cathing his attention. He looked up at me just as I pushed him off the steps.

He fell dropping my doll. I picked it up and hugged it to my chest as he laid on the floor. Now I felt like the meanie. I ran to him and helped him up. He got a bad cut on his left eyebrow.

"That was some push cousin" He said smiling and hugging me. I laughed and hugged him back as we walked to our parents.

"I love you Sashie" He said

"Love you to Benny"

I looked at the man in front of me in a daze.


A soft smile appeared on his face.

"Hey cousin long time no see." Tears filling my eyes as well as his. I jumped off the bed I was in and into his open arms.

He wrapped his long and muscular arms around me tightly as if I would disappear in an instant.

"I missed you so much Sashie" He sniffled in to my hair.

"I missed you to Benny" I cried into his chest.

His embrace felt warm and comforting. All of his hugs, as long as I can remember, felt like this. I remember when he came to visit we would always chase each other and by the end of the day we would cuddle up on the sofa watching the Lion King.

Then I remembered that night 11 years ago. He was there when we were attacked, no one survived. I pulled away from him and looked up.

"How are you alive?" I asked. Something flashed in his eyes, but was soon masked with a blank expression.

"Lets get you something to eat first." He sighed.

I let him pull me out of the room and down familiar hallways. Pictures were hanging up against the wall of families and little kids. Then I saw it. I stopped in my tracks making Ben stop too. It was a medium sized picture. The day looked perfect, the sun was high but cool with a slight wind and the grass was green and the trees were turning red and orange preparing for fall. There were two women and two men standing laughing. The women looked nothing alike other as one was dark brown and the other a dirty blond color. The men looked exactly alike except the eyes. One had deep brown eye while the other had light brown. And beneath them were two small children hugging each other like their life depended on it smile big into the camera. They were both missing their two front teeth. It was me and Ben.

"I remember that day like it was yesterday" Ben said quietly, I remained silent. "That was the day we came to visit you guys for a play date. Everyone was so excited. Our mothers were best friends and our fathes were brothers and living in two different packs kept us from seeing one another."

I reached my hand up and touched the couple with dark brown hair. Mom and dad. They were laughing and smiling. I felt a tear slide down as I thought about them.

"This was taken the day before my pack was attacked." My voice was quiet and I felt Ben stiffen.


I needed to know how they escaped. Food can wait, I have to know. Maybe my mom is still alive. I know daddy isn't because I watched him die before my eyes.

"How did you get away?" It came out more of a command but I couldn't help it.

Ben looked at me with sad eyes. "Come on lets talk in the kitchen."

I allowed him to drag me to the kitchen where I now knew why it was familiar. We were in his pack house in California.

I goodness I'm in California. The Crystal Water pack is in Oregon, that's a long way. How long was I out for?

I sat down in one of the bar stools while Ben grabbed two bottles of water out of the refrigerator and a bowl of fruit. He stood across from me and sighed.

"I guess you want me to start from the beginning."

"That would be nice" 

I stayed quiet as I let him talk.

"The day before the attack was one of the best nights I ever had. You were my best friend even though we lived miles apart from each other. But by the end of the day when we both fell asleep my father received and important call back home that couldn't wait. So they took me and we left. A few hours later while we were still on the road my dad felt something was wrong. Since our fathers were identical twins, they had a sort of connection with one another. 

I had woken up when he felt something and for some reason I felt the same way. I can't explain it but I felt something was wrong. Dad turned the car around and began to speed back to your fathers territory."

He paused and judging by the look in his eyes, he was holding back tears. I felt my own heart clench.

"By the time we reached your pack, everyone was dead. The people who attacked left no survivors. I watched as my father sank to his knees as he looked at everything. To this day that image is burned into our memories. 

Then we tried looking for any survivors but most importantly, you and your parents. We found Uncle Randy but he didn't make it. My dad almost lost it until my mom calmed him down and our new purpose was to find you and your mom. You guys were no where to be seen. We searched high and low, laid every body down, searched every home but couldn't find either one of you. And we have been searching ever since."

I stayed quiet not knowing exactly what to say. Part of me was so happy that Ben and my Aunt and Uncle got away but a huge wave of grief entered me as I thought about my parents.

"How did you find me?" I asked quietly.

"We got a tip from someone saying they have a rogue that matched your description, or what we hoped your description was. It's been a while. So we went out to scout the pack, Crystal Water, and the first day I saw you. I knew it was you and you turned out so beautiful."

I smiled then thought about what he said.

"So you sent rogues to capture me?"

Ben shook his head and scowled.

"No, I went with a bunch of my fighters but I was stopped by a bunch of rogues when I commanded some of my men to go without me and get you, I would catch up. There was no telling what those dogs did to you" He growled.

I felt my temper grow as he called my pack dogs but then cooled myself when I realized he doesn't know.

"Ben, you attacked an innocent pack."

"What do you mean? That was the pack that took you wasn't it?" He asked confused.

I shook my head. "No they were the pack who saved me and my son"

There was a silence in the room while Ben slowly processed what I am saying.

"But if they weren't the ones who took you and killed everyone else, then who was? And what do you mean you and your son?"

I took a deep breathe ready to explain when a loud crashing sound came from the living room.

"Where is she?" the voice said frantically. I recognnized that voice anywhere, it sounds exactly like my father. 

Suddenly he appeared in the kitchen and my breathe caught in my throat once I saw him. He is an exact replica of my dad. I couldn't stop looking at him.

"Sasha? Is it really you?"

"Hi Uncle Gabe" I said feeling my emotions get caught in my throat. Then I was suddenly being crushed into a massive bear hug by my uncle.

I noticed that his shoulders were shaking while he was holding me and it took me a second to realize that he was crying. My hard, strict uncle was crying and that just turned the water works on for me. I hugged him back just as tightly and cried on hid shoulder.

"Sasha?" I looked up and saw Aunt Karen as well. She looked different. The once lively look she had about her was only a fraction of what it use to be but when she saw me, she ran to me and hugged me from behind while my big uncle clung on to me as if I would disappear once they let go.

It took us a while to calm down and when we did they both set me back on the stool. Uncle Gabe kept moving my hair behind my ears in a soothing manner.

"I missed you pumpkin pie" He said roughly.

"I missed you too teddy bear" I said laughing a little at the nicknames we had for each other. Uncle Gabe was a second father to me when he came to visit and he would always comfort me when daddy had business to do and he would look after me.

Uncle Gabe turned his attention to his son.

"How did you find her Ben?"

Ben stood up straight as he looked at his father.

"I received a tip from somewhere on her where abouts and I scouted the place and found her. Me and a group of my men went out to get her when I was stopped by rogues but I told some of my men to go ahead of me"

Uncle Gabe nodded his head and kissed my forehead.

"Did they kill those bastards" He said harshly making me gasp.

Just when Ben was about to open his mouth I cut in.

"No, no you have it all wrong"

They all looked at me.

"What do you mean sweetie." Aunt Karen said.

"The pack you took me from was the pack that took me in when I escaped the New Moon Pack. They were the ones who took me that day."

"The New Moon?" My Uncle said shocked. I nodded and he began to shake.

I looked at Aunt Karen a little worried but she and Ben held the same furious expression.

"We trusted them" Ben yelled slamming his fist against the counter scaring me.

"What do you mean" I asked quietly. 

"They offered to help us look for you. When they had you all along. They played!"

I cringed as I thought about all those times when I was sent to the cellars when visitors came. Could those visitors been my family? They could have found me a long time ago but they were tricked and used. Tears flowed from my eyes. I have been crying too much lately. All I want is to go back home with Alessandro and Zeph. My two loves.

"Uncle Gabe" he instantly looked at me and his face softened.


"Uncle Gabe I have to go back to the Crystal Water pack. That is my home."

There was another silence. I heart was pounding against my chest.

"This can be your home Sasha, with your family" Aunt Karen's voice was strained. But I knew that no matter how much I loved these people in front of me, my real home was where my mate and son are.

"I have to go back to my mate and son"

"You have a son?" Uncle Gabe asked looking upset. I gulped and nodded.

"Yeah. His name is Alessandro and my mate is Zephania Abrahms, alpha of the Crystal Water pack"

This information seemed to shock them judging by the way their mouths were practically hitting the floor. Ben was the first two break the silence.

"Well, this is a shocker." 

I giggled at him and that seemed to bring everyone else out of their shock. Aunt Karen has a look of excitement yet sadness on her face while Uncle Gabe looked ready to kill but the glint in his eye made me know he was happy.

"Well then what are we waiting for, we have a pack to visit and I nephew as well" Uncle Gabe said.

"One question first" Ben said stopping everyone from getting up. I looked at him with a curious gaze and he mirrored it back.

"Is Alpha Zephania the father of your son?"

I felt myself go pale as I thought about Alessandro's father. Everyone was staring at me with wonder as I fiddled in my seat.

"No" I said quietly.

"Then who is?" Aunt Karen asked. I took a deep breathe and looked at my remaining family.

"Alpha Martini"

Furious growls left all their mouths as I said his name. Ben was pacing back and forth clenching and unclenched his hands. Aunt Karen was trying to take deep calm breathes as Uncle Gabe was holding on tightly to the counter and I can see little cracks forming on the marble.

It took a while for them to calm down and when they did sadness was flowing off of them.

"I'm so sorry Sasha" Uncle Gabe spoke. I looked at him and tears were running down his face. "I am so sorry I didn't get there fast enough. I could have helped you and your parents. Saved my big brother and I failed."

I jumped off my seat and hugged him tightly.

"Nothing is your fault teddy bear. Nothing. You did your best"

His arms circled around me held me. I felt him kiss the top of my head.

"I love you babygirl"

My heart clenched a little when he called me that because that is what my father called me all the time.

"I love you too teddy bear."

We spent the next hour talking and catching up. I convinced my Uncle to take me back to the Crystal Water territory and he reluctantly agreed.

We are currnetly taking the trip back to Oregon which I learned was only a few hours away from here. I am anxious to get back to my baby and mate.

"So Sash, tell me about my nephew" Ben said smiling at me.

"Well you already know that his name is Alessandro. He is about four months old but he is also very big and smart. I love him with everything I have and would do anything for him"

Ben smiled down at me as my aunt and uncle laughed. We talked back and forth throughout the entire ride and I ended up falling asleep on Ben's shoulder.

"Hey Sashie time to get up we are almost there" Ben shook me awake. 

I slowly sat up and looked outside the window. I recognized the trees and even in the car you can here the flow of the river. The car pulled into a sudden stop right where the sign was when I first came.

"Why did we stop?" I asked Uncle Gabe.

"We are at the border pumpkin" He said. I nodded my head.

Suddenly wolves started coming from all directions surrounding the vehicle. I recognized them as from my pack. One of the men shifted and I saw that it was Alpha Jeremiah. He came up to the window of our car and tapped.

"What is your business here" his voice was rough and cold. I saw Uncle Gabe about to open his mouth when I popped my head between them.

"I Jay" I said cheerfully.

Alpha Jeremiah stood there shocked looking at me as the other wolves began to growl louder, more directly at my family.

"Sasha? What the. How?" Jay stuttered. I laughed a little

"Well if you let us pass we can discuss this. Where is Zeph and Alessandro I really need to see them. Are they okay?"

Jay nodded his head anf turned towards my Uncle. "You may pass but don't even think about attacking."

Uncle Gabe nodded and began to drive to the pack house. I was practically at the edge of my seat holding on the the door handle while the other was holding Ben's hand. Once the car came to a full stop I jumped out of the car and raced towards the house. The door swung open and I was greeted by a very relieved looking Zeph.

He swooped me up in to his arms and held me tighty inhaling my scent. I heard a couple of growls from behind me but I ignored them.

"I missed you so much" Zeph mumbled in my hair. "I love you"

I pulled away and looked at him. It looked like he hasn't slept in a while. 

"I'm fine Zeph. Really I am." I soothed rubbing the worry lines on his face. He closed his eyes and took another deep breathe. I heard crying inside the house and wiggled free from Zephs hold and ran inside where Maria was trying to calm down a hungry Alessandro.

"My baby" I cried. Both Alessandro and Maria looked up. Maria looked relieved and ready to cry as Alessandro cried harder and reached out to me. I quickly made my way to him and brought him to my chest. His cries instantly quieted as he snuggled into my chest.

I held his tightly yet gently in my arms happy that he is okay.

"Oh Sasha it is so good to see you're okay" Maria cried pulling me into a hug. I hugged her the best I could with Alessandro still on my chest.

"It's good to see you too Maria"

I heard growls from outside and a loud crashing noise. My thought instantly went to my family. I ran as quickly as possible and found Zeph pinning my uncle to the car while a few of the pack members were holding down aunt Karen and Ben.

Fear erupted in me.

"Zeph no!" I yelled. Zeph snapped his head towards me and his eyes softened until my uncle called out my name.

"Don't you dare talk to her" He snarled. I felt like whacking him on the head for talking like that to my uncle.

"Zephania Abrahms you put my uncle down!" I yelled making everyone freeze. Zeph let go of uncle Gabe and turned to me.

"You uncle?" He asked.

I nodded my head. "Yeah. I thought he was dead but they found me. It was them who took me but they thought they were rescuing me. Once I told them about you being my mate, they took me back to you Zeph. Please they are my only family."

Zeph looked at my uncle, aunt and cousin and sighed. He came up to me and wrapped his arms around me careful not to squish Alessandro.

"I'm sorry baby" He kissed my head. I looked up at him and smiled.

"I was wondering if they can stay for a bit. They just found me and we still need to catch up" 

Zeph looked at me then at my family and nodded. He turned his attention to my uncle.

"I'm sorry I attacked you sir. If I knew you were her family I would have made a better impression."

Uncle Gabe looked at Zeph, sizing him up and nodded.

"It's alright. It looks like God has chosen well for my pumpkin. Take care of her and my great nephew am I understood" Uncle Gabe said sternly making Zeph straighten up.


"Good" he smiled. "Now lets head inside I'm hungry."

I laughed earning a smile from my family and mate. At this moment everything felt complete. But deep down somewhere I know things haven't even started. That there is something or someone out there that is coming and no one is going to be safe.  

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