Chapter 4

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Zephania's POV

"Again" I yelled as I watched to two pups in front of me get back into a fighting position. We have been slacking in our training lately and that is unacceptable. The two wolves lunged at each other trying to pin each other down. It took two minutes until one of them was defeated.

"Okay that is enough for the day you two are dimissed." I said in a calm voice. They both bowed their heads and left towards the pack house. 

"Training to pups again I see" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned around and faced my best friend Dan. His full name is Daniel but I only call him that during training or when I am pissed. 

"Yep, we have seriously been slacking on our train lately and I cannot let that happen." I said. Dan just rolled his eyes.

"Always so serious"

 I glared at him when he said this.

"I am going to be alpha soon Daniel, I don't want my pack to be weak giving other packs an open invitation to attack"

"Zeph, we are one of the most respected and feared packs in all North America. Just calm down, I know this is a lot of responsibility, trust me I'm going to be beta. But sometimes its is better to just go with thing."

"Whatever" I grumbled causing him to smile big. "So why wasn't the future beta at school today?" I asked trying to change the subject. But for some reason his smile just widened and his eyes let off a sparkle.

"Oh, I was going to go but there was a rogue who ent-"

"There was rogues?!" I yelled cutting him off. Why didn't my father tell me? Dan waved me off and glared at me for interrupting.

"Let me finish. Anyway, there was a rogue sited on our territory so I went with your dad to deal with it. Turns out to be a young girl who had a baby with her. Dude let me tell you, she was HOT. After some yelling and stuff, alpha took her to his office and allowed her to join the pack. So now we have two new pack member."

 He finished his speach spreading his arms out as he said 'two new pack member'. I kept my face blank as I thought about the situation. Why did my father not tell me there was rogues and that he has accepted them into the pack? I should have been there I am the future alpha for Christ sake. I should be by his side halping him make decisions like these.

Dan notice my upset state and patted my shoulder. "Don't sweat it man. I'm sure he has his reason for not telling you but I guess the main reason he didn't tell you was because he was ashamed of how he treated Sasha's baby."

I felt my whole body shiver when I heard that name. My wolf was stirring inside me almost jittery.

What the hell.

"Why? What did he do?" I asked trying to get rid of the jittery feelings.

"Well when we cornered the new girl she had something in her arms. None of us knew it was a baby until your dad practically ripped him from her arms and let him dangle. I think all of us were to shocked that it was a baby so we all froze."

Dan had a far away look in his eye as he remembered the encounter with the girl. He looked pretty upset himself. I patted him on the shoulder.

"You didn't know man. She must of wrapped the kid good if you didn't realize it was a baby"

Dan nodded his head but still looked upset.

"Come on man let head inside dinner should almost be ready." I directed Dan into the pack house. I let go of him as I headed to my room on the fourth floor. 

I really hate climbing the stairs but mom and dad refuse to build an elevator. I felt Dan following me because he too was on this floor along with his parents and little brothers. 

I walked into my room not bothering to shut the door behind me.

"Dude your room is like Hurricane Katrina times five" I looked around my room, or what is suppose to be my room and thought he was exactly right. There were clothes everywhere, my desk was piled to the max with books, papers and I can barely see my computer. I gave a sheepish smile to Dan.

"I have no time for cleaning man. I'm training most of the time and I don't think the girls would like to clean it for me."

Dan nodded not even going to try and get in my room. "You should hire someone to do it for you."

I rolled my eyes as he nodded to himself. He was absolutely right but some of this stuff I will not allow some clingy girl to touch. What if the person was a thief. I have no time to sit and interview people so I don't know how that will work out.

"That's what I'm going to do" Dan shouted bringing me out of my mental rant. I looked at him to explain further. "I am going to hire you a cleaner person thing. Your birthday is in like, whens your birthday dude?"

I opened my mouth to say when but he went on.

"never mind. I will get everything ready for you. I will try and look for a hot chick to do this. It will be like those french maids that wear the sexy uniform with the accent. Oh man I am going to hire me one as well"

I rolled my eyes as Dan smiled widely at me. 

"You do that. Now leave so I can shower." I waved him out of my doorway. He quickly left shutting my door so no one can see its catastrophic state. I took a quick hot shower relaxing some of my muscles and then headed to dinner. I walked down the stairs and headed towards the kitchen. I was just about to enter when I heard my mom talking. I know eavesdropping is bad but sometime curiosity get the better of me.

"Oh you should meet her Lizzy, she is so cute. And her little boy is adorable." I heard mom say.

"All babies are adorable Maria." said another voice which I knew was Dans mom Lizzy.

"Yes but this baby, I don't know. I feel a connection to him somehow. I can't really explain it. Its like something telling me to protect this little pup like it was my own flesh and blood."

There was a pause. "Do you think maybe this new girl is Zeph's mate"

I think my heart stopped beating when Aunt Lizzy said that. I didn't have time to dwell on what they said because Dan came from behind me.

"Dude, what are you doing?"

I nearly had a heart attack. "Dan, heck you scared the crap out of me." I scowled at him. He gave me a sheepish smile.


I rolled my eyes then turned back to listen to more of the conversation but was stopped short when  I saw mom and Aunt Lizzy standing in front of us with their arms crossed tapping their feet. I was in trouble now.

"Were you listening to our converstion young man?" I mom demanded. 

"Me? What? Pshhh no. Why would I do that?" I said failing my ass off at lying. For some reason I cannot lie to my mom about anything. It is impossible to keep a secret from her. 

Her face still showed anger. She then looked at Dan. He raised his hands up in surrender. "I didn't do anything Aunt Maria. I just got here" 

I gave him a look for not backing me up. He gave me an innocent smile and I rolled my eyes. I looked back to my mom kind of scared. Usually mothers would spank their children but not my mom. No she pinches and let me tell you, they hurt like hell. I think she left a few bruises the last time she pinched me. I gave her my best momma's boy smile.

"I didn't hear anything?" I said making it sound more like a question than a statement. My mother clicked her tongue.

"Anything my ass"

I let out a relieved breath she turned around and walked back into the kitchen. 

"That was a close one man." Dan said. I nodded in agreement.

We walked into the kitchen and the smell of grilled meat with veggies and mashed potatoes filled the air making my stomach growl and I think I felt a little bit of drool.

"Mmmm something smell good" I said. Mom and Aunt Lizzy were at the stove cooking a bunch of food for the pack members that lived here.

"So good" Dan echoed. 

"I bet it does" My mom smirked then turned to me. "Now be good boys and get the plates and the silverware."

I groaned as Dan and I went to get what she had asked for.

"Hey Aunt Maria, do you think Sasha will be joining us tonight?" Dan asked as he put the silverware on the tables. My mom paused and thought about it as I ignored the shivers and unsettled wolf as I heard that name again.

"I don't know. I better go and ask" 

I watched as she walked out and into the girls section of the house.

"Need any more help Aunt Liz?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled.

"can you please bring me the bowls for the potatoes and the vegetables please?" 

I did what she has asked without hesitation. My mom came back as I finished helping put the potatoes in the bowl.

"Sasha wont be joining us tonight. Poor thing was out cold when I knocked on her door. Oh I can't wait for tomorrow" She looked really excited.

"Whats tomorrow" I asked. 

"I am going to take her shopping to buy some clothes for her and that cutie and everything else she need." She was bouncing up and down by now looking even more excited. Just then dad walked in to the kitchen.

"Something smell good" He said sniffing the air and sighing in content. He looked at my mother and gave her a soft smile. "Why are you so happy?"

"Sasha" Was all she said. I got the chills again while my dad blushed. Then I remembered how he handled the rogue when she first came. Somehow I felt my wolf get angry for what he has done. This is freaking confusing right now.

I gave a big sigh. I wonder if Dan will get me a hot maid.

Hey everyone. Thank you guys for liking my story it really means a lot. I decided to do Zeph's POV every once in a while, not a lot. The main POV will be Sasha. I really hope you like this chapter, it was just a fill in so you guys know a little but more about Zeph, Dan and a little bit more. 

Thank you again and I will try and update the next chapter as soon as possible. <3

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