Chapter 5

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I woke up to small cries. I didn't feel like moving because honestly this has been the first in the longest time where I felt well rested. The crying next to me got a little louder and I knew that my baby needed me and I can't just lay around while he needs me. I turned over making sure I don't roll on him. Alessandro looked up at me and pouted making an adorable face. 

"What's wrong baby boy" I cooed. He let out another cry reaching out for me. I pulled him to me and sat up. Alessandro put his head to my chest looking for breakfast.

"Someones hungry" I chuckled. I lowered my top and allowed him his breakfast. I looked around the room and sighed. I can really get use to this and I have only been here one night. But I can't just sit here all day and keep depending on the pack. I need to make money. I want my son to go to school so he can be smart and not end up like me. I want him to go to college and make something of himself and to feel independent. But where can I find a place that will let me work. No one will hire someone who cannot read or do math or even write. And that takes out 99% of all jobs.

I soft knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts. Maria poked her head in the room.

"Morning" She chirped happily. I gave her a small smile as I grabbed the blanket to cover myself while I fed my baby.

"Good morning Luna" I greeted kindly. She gave me a scowl when I called her Luna. I felt a little scared. Was I not suppose to call her that, it was for respect.

"What did I tell you yesterday missy. Call me Maria" She let out a smile making me let out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding. 

"Sorry" I gave a sheepish smile. She beamed back at me making me wonder if she ever frowned for more than one minute. 

"It's fine sweetie. I brought you a new pair of clothes and some sandals that I hope are your size. You are a pretty thin girl so I borrowed my daughters clothes" She said as I recalled her talking about her twin daughters that are both my age. 

"Is everyone at school?" I asked. Maria nodded her head. 

"Yep. So it will just be me you and Lizzy coming with us."

"Lizzy?" I asked. 

"Yeah, she is my closest friend and a sister to me. You will love her and vise versa."

I nodded my head and looked down. Alessandro was done eating. I quickly put the shirt up and began to burp him. Maria was staring longingly at him making me smile. 

"Would you like to carry him?" I asked and I knew I asked the right question as she beamed.

"Really?" I nodded my head as I heard a big burp coming from him. I let out a laugh and gave him to Maria. She stared lovingly at my baby while he looked at her with a calculating face making me smile.

"He is so beautiful" She whispered.

"He is my treasure and my life." I answered back to her.

Maria looked at me and had a knowing look on her face. 

"I know what you mean. I have the same feeling with my children"

I nodded my head. I looked at the clock on the night stand and it read 9 am. Wow I guess I was really having a good sleep. I took the clothes that Maria had and headed to the bathroom tho change. I knew my baby was in good hands, I feel like I can truly trust her. 

I locked the bathroom door and washed up. I grabbed the clothes Maria brought and examined them. She gave me a flowing long brown skirt that flowed down to my calf. There was a light pink tank top with a light pink cardigan as well. I put them on and they were a perfect fit. Everything was comfortable and cute if I say so myself. Maria has some style. I grabbed the sandals and slipped them on. There was nothing really special about the sandals they were a plain dark brown. 

I ran a comb I found in the drawer through my hair taking out all the knots and braided it to the side. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I don't know why I just did. There was a knocking on the door.

"Sasha sweetie are you almost ready?" Maria said. I took a deep breath looking myself over one more time.


I gently opened the door and walked into the room.

"Oh sweet heart you look adorable"

I felt my cheeks warm as she said this. She handed Alessandro back to me as we made our way to the kitchen where Lizzy was waiting for us.

"We are going to have some breakfast first and then we will head out and get you guys some things." 

I nodded my head. We entered the kitchen where I saw a woman setting down a plate full of . . . of. I don't know what it is actually. They were round, golden brown and looked pretty thick. Maria set me down and put a plate in front of me putting two of the golden brown things on the plate. She then passed me some type of liquid that looked dark brown almost black. I stared at it in wonder. 

"Something wrong dear?" I heard a voice say. It was the woman I saw stacking these. She was very pretty with brown hair and amazing hazel eyes. She looked familiar somehow.

"Um. Yeah. I just." I paused for a second. "What is this?"

"It's pancakes." She said giving me a confused look.

Pan-cakes. Do they make them in a pan to make them round? That is a very strange name. You would think I would know what they are since I was forced to cook in the New Moon pack but all I had to cook was meat, meat and more meat with a side of potatoes and beer. I never heard of pan-cakes. I tried to remember if I had them before I was taken and nothing rang a bell.

"You've never had these before?" Maria asked. I shook my head. "Well let me help you out."

She took the liquid stuff and began to pour it on the pancakes. It looked quite thick as it steamed when she poured it. Then she grabbed some powder stuff and sprinkled some on there. It smelled very good. 

"There you go. Now use the fork and the knife to cut a piece of and enjoy" She bounced when she said enjoy making me smile. I handed her Alessandro. I picked up the fork and the knife and made a small cut. Steam poured out into the air creating a mouth watering aroma. I put the small piece in my mouth and almost moaned out loud. In fact I think I did moan out loud. These pancakes were heavenly. I have never tasted anything like it. It was sweet but not too sweet. I cut off and even bigger piece and ate it. I heard a chuckle but didn't pay attention to it much. I picked up a glass  of milk in front of me and took a drink helping wash down the thickness of the pancake and the think liquid.

 "That was delicious" I said patting my stomach in pleasure. I think I found a new favorite food.

"I'm glad you like it" smiled Lizzy. Well I assumed was LIzzy. I smiled at her in response.

"Well alrighty then let head out we have a lot of shopping to do and we don't have all day"  Maria said still carrying Alessandro. 

Just then Alpha Jeremiah walked in. I bowed my head in respect for an alpha not meeting his eyes. 

"Don't make us broke babe" He said. I heard a light smack. I looked up and saw alpha Jeremiah pouting and rubbing his arm.

"I know what I am doing Jay" She said sticking her nose up in the air. He gave out a chuckle then looked at me. As soon as his eye met mine I quickly lowered them knowing that if you look in their eyes they get mad and I don't want him to get mad at me and kick me out of the pack when I just joined.

"It's okay to look Sasha I am not going to bite." He chuckled. I felt my cheeks get a little warm as I looked up at him. He gave me a soft smile making me relax as I gave a hesitant one.

"Okay lets go. We will take the mini van and head to the mall." She gave Alpha Jeremiah a kiss on the cheek as he stuffed his mouth with pancakes. 

"Bye" He said mouth full of the heavenly breakfast. I chuckled startling him. He gave me a cheeky smile and went back to his food. 

"Goodbye Alpha Jeremiah" I said. 

"Call me Jay sweetheart. Only call me that in pack meetings" He said softly. I smiled at him and nodded.

I walked out of the pack house with Maria as Lizzy went to go and get the mini van.

"I'm sorry we don't have a car seat Sasha. You will have to carry him to the mall. The first thing we will do is get you a car seat and a stroller."

I nodded my head. "Sounds like a plan"

Lizzy pulled up a minute later honking the horn. We hopped in the van. I buckled my self and held Alessandro to my chest. Twenty minutes later we pulled up the mall. It was a huge building that looked to be 3 stories high made of concrete nicely decorated to lure people in. Heck it was luring me in.

We parked closely to the entrance in the parking lot that was the same height as the mall. This stuff is really fascinating and I haven't even gone inside yet. 

"Okay here is the plan" Maria said turning around to face me. "We are going to stop at the baby store and get this cutey a car seat, stroller and everything else. It is a very good thing because it is right to the left once we walk through the door so when we buy the stuff we can just come back to the van and put it in then go shopping for you."

I nodded my head at this plan. We wont have to carry many things when we are walking around. We all got out of the car and headed in the mall. My jaw literally dropped when we walked in. There were people everywhere of all shapes and sizes. There were stairs that moved on their own as people just stood as it took them to the next level of the building. There was also a see through box thing that people climbed in and it took them up or down. There was a huge circle and the most biggest screen I have ever seen touching the roof of the building and it showed many pictures.

"Cool huh" I heard next to me and jumped startled. Lizzy gave me a sheepish smile but I nodded my head anyway. "Come on I think Maria is about to buy the whole store"

I laughed a little as I put Alessandro on my hip carefully supporting his back with my arm. I walked into the store and began to looked for Maria at the same time look at the things displayed on shelves and wracks. 

"Oh Sasha over hear!" looked up and smiled as Maria was bouncing up and down waving her arms like a mad women. 

I walked over to where she was. On the shelves were car seats. They were in many shapes and sizes and a lot of colors but the main two colors were pink and blue. I continued to look on the shelf until I stopped on one particular seat. It was an adorable green color with monkeys and trees. It was so cute. 

"What do you think baby?" I asked Alessandro. He looked at me and smiled. 

"I will take that as a yes." 

I quickly went over to Maria and Lizzy and showed them the seat.

"Oh it is so cute. Does it come with a attached stroller?" Maria cooed. Lizzy brought over a sales assistant. He took the car seat out and brought us over to the stroller section. He took out a stroller with the same design on the rims and cushions of the stroller. It was all black and perfect. We left the car seat and stroller up near the cash register as we left to find more stuff.

One hour later we bought a lot. My baby and I now owned 8 baby bottles, 5 bibs, 3 binki's, 20 onsies of different colors and logos, 20 baby pants, 15 baby outfits, 30 socks, 8 binies, 2 teething rings, 10 boxes of baby diapers, 10 boxed of baby wipes, a light brown crib that was attacked to a shelf and a place to change diapers, 3 diaper bags and a few baby toys. Since I am breast feeding I don't need formula thank God. As everything was bagged I put Alessandro in the car seat. The sales assistant help put the stroller together and placed the car seat on the stroller attaching it. Giving Alessandro a soft baby rattle we went and put the new stuff in the van, with the help of a few employees.

Maria didn't let me look at the price of everything making me assume we spent a lot.

"Don't worry about it sweetie. We have old and new money. In fact we are spreading our business outside of our pack. My husband is an architech and he also owns a lot of hardware stores while my family is on realestate. We make very good money and we only use it for the pack making it pile up. Since you are new we get to spend some of that money. How much we spent at the baby store didn't even scratch how much we can really spend that will put a scratch on the account."

I nodded my head. I still felt bad. A part of me feels sad that I can't pay for what my baby need myself. Like I am a bad mother that I cannot support my child. 

Maria caught on to my depressed mood. "Whats wrong?"

I sighed and voiced my thoughts. Lizzy and Maria gave me a soft smile.

"I understand how you feel. I don't want to take away your independence but right now we need to provide for you. I promise when we are done we will help you find a job."

I beamed at them "Really?"

They both nodded. I pushed Alessandro in his stroller as we walked deeper in the mall. Maria and Lizzy walked right next to me so I won't get lost. We used the see through box machine which I learned is called an elevator, to get to the next level. Everything was amazing. There were so many people and so many things. They dragged me from store to store. I learned that I am not a jeans person. I enjoy flowy skirts and sundresses of all colors. I got a few pair of skinny jeans and boot cut jean and a few blouses even a business skirt which I was hesitant to buy since it didn't go past the knee. Yeah I didn't get anything that doesn't go above the knee or at the knee. They also bought me some perfumes and feminine products, underwear, bras, socks, shoes. I think they both went crazy with the shoes.

They also bought me a brushes, a blowdryer, straightener, curler, lip gloss since I refuse to wear any other type of make up, formal dresses and nail polish and I and sure I am missing a few but it's a lot.

By the time we were done shopping I was spent. We headed for the food court which was on the bottom floor. Alessandro started to get fussy so I am guessing it is time for his lunch. I unbuckled him and put the shawl that Maria bough me over my shoulder covering my entire chest and began to feed my baby.

Lizzy ordered us some burgers with salads. I asked for water as well and we enjoyed our lunch. 

"So today has been a success" Maria beamed. I smiled at her as I took another swing of my water. I was able to finish most of my burger and all of my salad leaving me with my water. Alessandro also finished so I covered myself again and brought him out to burp him. He was still awake when he finished so I am guessing there is just too much noise. He will be asleep by the time we leave. 

After hearing a satisfied burp I placed him back in the carseat that was attached to the stroller. I pulled the hood over and threw a blaket over so he can go to sleep and not be distracted by what is going on around him. 

"Okay time to talk about jobs" Lizzy said. I nodded my head as I rocked the stroller back and forth rocking my baby.

"What kind of job do you have in mind" Lizzy asked again. I shrugged my shoulders and dropped my head.

"I can't read or write" I said quietly. They gave me an understanding look though I have no idea how they can understand. They were given a childhood while mine was ripped away from me. 

"This is going to be hard" Maria muttered as she put on a thinking face. "What are your skills?"

"I can clean ans serve. I learned how to cook as well but not a lot, all I had to make while I was a prisoner was meats."

They both gave me sympathetic stares. I turned away from them studying whatever was around me.

"I got it!" Lizzy jumped almost making a poor woman behind her drop her food. She muttered a sheepish sorry  then turned to me. "My son Daniel is looking for a maid of some kind."

That was why she looked familiar. She was Daniel's mother. Hmm, she said a maid.

"What will I have to clean. Most of the pack house is clean?" I asked. Maria smiled.

"Our sons are not the cleanest people in the world. Especially Zephania, he has been so busy lately that his room is a disaster."

I nodded my head. Lizzy reached over and patted my hand.

"Don't worry dear, we will talk with them."

I nodded my head. After throwing our trash away we headed back to the pack house. Shopping look a lot out of me. As soon as we pulled up to the house Maria told me not to worry about the stuff, she will have Jay get everything and set up the crib. I nodded my head and carried Alessandro to the room. He was already sleeping which made it easier for me. I gently laid him down on the bed putting a pillow to the edge so he wont fall. I laid next to him and fell asleep praying I will get the job. My wolf stirred thinking about it making me confused but I didn't dwell in it as sleep took over into a dreamless abyss.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Nothing really big happens here but next chapter Zeph and Sasha will finally meet so stay tuned I hope to have the chapter up no later than Sunday. Sorry for the horrible spelling in here but I have to do a lot of homework. 




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