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Ash's POV

My name is Ash Alric I have pitch black hair and blue eyes. I am the Alpha King of Werewolves world wide. On my 16 birth I was crowned King and shifted into my wolf. That day I was suppose to find my mate, but that never happened I waited and searched nothing I am now 28 years old. I have almost given up hope. Since then I have became a billionaire in the human world.

I was currently in my office signing peace documents for packs world wide. I as I signed the last paper for this pile. I sighed and leaned back in my chair rubbing my tired eyes. I heard my wolf Ray speak in my mind " Hey Ash can we go somewhere." I said gruffly back to him " No I still have more papers to sign." Ray shouted " ASH the damn paper work can wait." I growled at him and said " What is so important that you have to distrub me while I'm signing important paper work." Ray whispered in my head " I think it's our mate. "

I said in disbelief " What " I said to Ray " What about our mate do you feel our mate where is she." Ray said " I feel the bond it is calling us toward the town's forest." I jumped out of my chair and ran out the doors down a long flight of stairs and out the door into cold snowy weather in the middle of the night as the full moon glowed.

I linked my beta Justin " Hey Justin I am going out for a late night walk around town." Justin linked back " Ok Ash do you need any guards to accompany you." Linked back " No I will be back." I then cut the mind link off.

I raced to town using my Alpha King enhanced speed. I slowed down as I reached the edge of the town where the forest and town meet. I said to Ray " Well?" Ray said " Walk into the forest quietly. I sighed and said " Ok " I silently walked into the forest as I went deeper into the forest I felt it get twice as cold than before. I soon spotted a beautiful pure white bobcat as it stepped the ground underneath it's paws turned into ice. I sniffed the air and my eyes widen as I stared at the beautiful creature. I heard Ray whisper a single word " Mate".

I was so entranced staring at my mate I didn't notice someone walking toward my mate until he stopped. I hid behind a tree and hid my scent. I watched a guy I that moved to this town I had met him a month ago his name is... Haru Spring he is the second oldest and has brown hair and brown eys, along with his to other brothers Rae Summer, Akiko Atunm and there brother Yukio Winter. The Rae the oldest he has sandy blonde hair and blue eyes I met him the day they moved to town. Akiko has red hair and green eyes he is the third oldest. I have never met there younger brother Yukio Winter.

He had a thick jacket on with black pants and a black backpack. Haru said with his teeth chattering " Hey bro how is it going you made it colder than last year, it's time we switched out." I asked Ray " Ray is our mate a shiftier and why is Haru talking to our mate like he knows her." Ray laughed and said " One you are a idiot our mate is male two our mate is special and three they probably do know each other." I said to Ray " I didn't know we were gay." Ray chuckled and said " I have a feeling you will turn gay as soon as you see him." I said cutting him off " What ever." I focused my mind back on Haru and my male mate.

Haru took off his backpack and said to my mate while starting to strip " Bro our  new house is the blue one on on the second street you'll know where it is Akiko should be on the porch waiting for you." I as my mate began to shift with the loud cracking and rearranging of bones a few seconds later a beautiful naked boy looking around the age 24 with snow white hair and unnatural clear sliver eyes.

I groaned silently as I felt my lower area get a boner. Ray laughed in my head and said " I told you so." I held back a growl noticing Haru another male was looking at my naked mate. Ray said growling " NO one else should be seeing our mate naked." I watched as Haru took out some clothes from the backpack and handed it to my mate. My mate put on the clothes making me and Ray relax. Except I still had a big problem I my boner wouldn't go away. Haru then began to shift with a crack of bones he shifted into a brown rabbit with brown eyes.

My mate and Haru turned then they both left. I was about go after my mate when Justin linked me " Ash we have a problem ". I linked back " What is it I am kind of busy." Justin linked back " It is your sister Mia she is throwing another party at the castle." I linked him " Well your my beta Justin and her mate can't you break it up." Justin linked me " I would but she plus your brother Roger are drunk and are planing on setting the west wing on fire." I linked Justin " Shit" 

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