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Ash's POV

I didn't want to leave without my mate, but I rather not have my castle burned down. I used my enhanced speed to get there as fast as possible. Here is the thing I have a 27 year old little sister named Mia and a 27 year old little brother name Roger. They have both just finished there second year in college though they still have two more years to go. I am just one more year away from graduating college. Well any way they must have figured out I went out and took the chance to celebrate there two years. As soon as I got to the castle I saw the lights in the backyard and heard loud music. Justin and my third in command Luis come runing toward me they shouted " Ash help ". I noticed that Roger and Mia were chasing them with flame throwers.

Ray said " Were the hell did they even get those from." I said to him " Yeah I should stop them before they burn our beta and third in command to death." I growled loud and screamed on the top of my lungs using my Alpha King command " ENOUGH MIA, ROGER DROP IT AND EVERYONE ELSE CLEAN THIS MESS UP NOW." The music immeadtly stopped and everyone bowed there heads Mia and Roger drop the flame throws and began cleaning up along with everyone else. I let out a deep breathe and said " Mia, Roger after you are done cleaning up meet me in my office. They both gulped and said " Yes sir ". I marched into my office and sat in my chair my mind wandered back to my mate and Haru. How do they now each other and what are they.

My thought were cut short by a knock on the door. I said " Come in " Mia and Roger opened the door and came in. They both sobered up quickly I said " What were you two thinking just because I leave for a few minutes doesn't mean you throw a party." They both said in sync looking down " We are extremely sorry ". I said " Sorry doesn't cut it Mia you and Roger almost burned down the west wing and were very close to burning my beta your mate Mia and third command to there death." Mia whispered " We weren't really going to do it."

I rubbed my eyes and sighed. I said " As punishment for throwing a unauthorized you are both to clean the entire castle spotless with out any help." Roger whined " That will take months Ash please we will do anything else, just please don't make us do that." Mia said " Please big brother." They both gave me there best puppy faces.

I said " Fine you both have to give me a hundred laps around the castle." They began to do a little happy dance. I chuckled and said " Sorry did I say that was it I meant to say a hundred laps around the castle in human form with out any use of your wolf's help is that understood." They sighed stopping there little dance and said " Yes Sir."

I said " Now go do your hundred laps and don't come back til you have done them all." They muttered a " Yes Sir " then left. I sat in my chair and groaned. I linked Justin " Hey Justin could you find me and bring me the files on Rae and his other brothers." Justin linked back " Sure I am in the records room any way."( The records room is a room inside the castles huge library it holds the records of the people that move into the town near the castle plus other stuff like records on packs and territories basicilly the stuff the Alpha King needs to keep track of.)

A few seconds later Justin walked into my office with a small folder in his hand. He placed it on my desk and said " Sorry Ash that's all we have on them I tired a back round check on them, but there is nothing there like they don't exist."  I said " That is weird I will take a look at the folder." Justin said " Yea ok then I am going to take my leave now." I said opening the folder to look at it "Justin wait sit down I have something to tell you ". Justin nodded and then took a sit in the chair in front of my desk. I flipped through the papers I the first paper was on Rae Summer it had his picture and said he is 27 and he is a human.

The second paper is on Haru Spring it has his picture and said he is 26 and he is human. The third paper was on Akiko Autumn it has his picture and said he is 25 and is human. The last one shocked me it was a picture of my mate and his name is Yukio Winter 24 years old and is human. "I said " Justin is this information right are these brothers really human." Justin looked at me as if I had just grown a second head and said " Ash man are you okay you do remember when we met them right they smelled like humans."

I said " Justin I want to tell you something important."

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