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Narrator POV

The woman was naked her long hair covered most of her private body parts. Her whole glowed a warm white her skin white and unblemished almost transparent.  As the woman's feet touched the floor flowers and grass grew around her. She smiles kindly as Karma steps in front of her blushing he whispers " God your clothes." Alia looked down at her naked body and said " Oh yes I almost forgot thank you Karma." Her voice it self was a sweet sound silky and smooth sweet and gentle. They all shivered in delight Alia snapped her finger and a white dress appeared with a long hem that stopped at her ankles and a long back v. Alia said " Hello my children I am Alia Whiterose God of All." Ash's mouth hung open and so did most of the guards as well. Akiko asked eyes wide in amazement " Why did you change so much the only thing I noticed that stayed the same is your eyes."

Alia giggled her giggle like a melody of the sweets tune. Alia said " This is my original form the other form is just a something I choose to look like to look some what human. An about my eyes I inherited them from my and I refuse to change them no matter form I take." Ash said with a dark laugh " I don't believe you I don't know what kind of creature you are, but I know for sure you are still that slut that wants to take away my mate." Alia said " Excuse me young man what did you say do you not believe my words I am God." Ash said " I don't believe you lying slut." Alia said " Child I have only ever slept with 3 people in my entire life and I have lived a very long life. I am no slut you on the other hand you are a man whore who has slept with plenty of girls." Ash growled and said "Guards I want her head on a plate now." The guards said "yes" in sync Alia said " Leith, Agust, Ralfe, Duke, Oliver don't do this please you are all innocent I don't want you all to get hurt." Leith said " I'm sorry I believe you are God but he will kill me and the other four if we don't do what he says." Alia said " Ash is this true are you threatening them."

Ash said " So what slut I am king I can do what ever I want." Alia said " Ash this is not how a leader should rule I will give 5 seconds to back down or you will pay miserable price for it. I am sure your wolf believes me after all I can hear him in your head begging you to stop. Ash you do know as God of All I have the power the authority to do as wish. Worst thing I can do is take away your wolf and destroy your soul it self. I would then erase any memory of your existence from this world and any other world out there." Ash said fighting against his wolf " I don't believe you." Rae took over Ash's body and said kneeling on one knee " I am so very sorry God I do not mind my human it seems there are two people running a muck in his head. Guards leave us." The guards left bowing there heads in respect to both Alia and Rae.

Alia said " Who would they be." Rae said " I don't have much time left they are Axel and Alex Lucifer." Alia watched as Rae slowly lost control of Ash's body and Ash resurfaced. Alia snapped her fingers and Yukio disappeared from Ash's arms and reappeared in Akiko's.  Ash took control of his body and snarled at Alia. Alia said power and authority dripping from her voice " In my name and power Alia Whiterose God of All I command you Axel and Alex Lucifer to leave this boys mind at once and appear before me now."

A dark black smoke began to pour out of Ash's mouth and ears he screamed in agony. Alia said " I am so sorry Ash and Rae it will all be over very soon." The black smoke began to form two bodies in front of Alia. Two men with strikingly similar faces both wearing black suits and have black hair the only difference is the shade of there blue demonic eyes the one with eletric blue is Axel and the one with baby blue eyes is Alex. Ash passed out on the floor. Alia said " Axel and Alex Lucfier what is your excuse for distrubing the peace in this place and causing so much destructon here." Axel spat " You ran from us not only that but you had sex with another you admitted it just now." Alia said " Do not raise your voice with me Axel Lucifer."

Alex snapped " No you shut your mouth and tell us who you slept with you slut." Hurt and saddness flashed through Alia's beautiful eyes for a beref moment Alia then said " You both shall respect." Axel sneered " Or what if we don't." Alia whispered " Bind" Alia screamed " Enriha, Ehtne BIND NOW." The twins screamed in agony as there blood began to boil. The  hidden tatoo on Axel right arm which is a sword entagled with vines of torns pulsed and glowed red. Alex also had a simliar reaction and tatoo, but his was a shield instead of a sword. Axel and Alex crumbled to there knees.

Karma said " Alia please clam down you can't kill them just becuase they are fools." Alia said " Enriha, Ehtne release." The screams died down into whimpers. Alia said " We are over, by the way I slept with Apollo." Alia snapped her fingers and the twins disappeared. Alia sighed and said " I really need a break." Nagisa said in a worried tone " Alia are you  okay and what happened to them."  Alia said " I sent them back to thier realm and put them under house arrest."

Karma said " Excuse me Alia but what in the world was that I know they can be stupid and insecure but did you really have to put them throw actual hell." Alia said " Karma you and Nagisa might not understand this, because you both are half Gods. Thing is if I didn't do what I just did Axel and Alex would be sentenced to death by all the other gods even the father Lucifer him self would want to see them dead after what they just did and said. They disrespected the God of all and threatened me. Other Gods don't take such actions lightly."  Karma said " so what you did was with compassion for them not to be killed."

Alia said " If I truly wanted them dead they would not even exist, so yes I wanted them to stay alive even if they caused immense heart ache. It is not in my nature to hate people when they hurt me." Akiko said " Maybe you should have just killed them any way they don't know what there missing." Alia laughed and said " Yeah your right." Nagisa said " Alia did you cheat on them."

Alia said " They slept with archangel Jophiel when I wasn't looking the only way I found out was because of one of my many powers. When I confronted them about it they said they had never even meet her before I then asked archangel Jophiel if what I saw was true she got on her knees crying and begged forgiveness." Alia sucked in a breathe and said letting it out slowly " I was so upset but I had to think of a way to get them out of trouble for cheating on me so I renewed a soul and made split it into twin both girls and gave the soul to Jophiel with her knowledge I said this was her punishment and there's. I then did the last thing I could think of I didn't want to but if I didn't they would be cruelly punished I couldn't let that happen so I slept with Apollo to get revenge/ save them. But then this came up and I didn't have a chance to tell them."

Karma rubbed his temple and said " So you did all that just to save there asses." Alia said " Yeah not only that but I know Apollo can make me little happy I know I will never love him the way. I loved the twins even he know that. Thought he still tries to make me happy any way he can." Alia held out her open hand and said as a beautiful flower made out of fire appeared glowing bright "He even made me a flower from the fire of his star. He said it would never die as long as he loves me when he stops loving me the flower will die." Karma said " So you will always know if he is fateful." Alia smirked and nodded.

{Found it off google does not belong to me all credit to artist}

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