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Narrator's POV

Alia and the three headed to the palace to look for Rae and Akiko. Since Alia read the beta's and Roger's mind she found out where they were in the palace and locked in a room surrounded by guards looked like they put up quite a fight. Alia asked as they walked in the melting snow " Yukio how did your brothers get separated from you?" Yukio said " They wanted to go get some movies to watch with you later on. They offered me two options to stay here and wait for you or go with them in to town I guess that's were they were ambushed." Alia sighed and said " As long as there ok that's all that matters and also as long as my car is okay." The three busted into laughter.

They soon reached the palace territory. Guards were patrolling the area around the territory. Some in wolf form some in human form. Alia said in Yukio, Nagisa, and Karma's heads all at once " Do you three think we should just barge in the castle and save them." They nodded there heads and in sync Alia whispered "no killing or using powers only old fashion fighting ok."

Nagisa and Yukio whispered " Fine" Karma grinned like the devil Alia whispered quickly " No torturing people ether ." Karma's grin did not fade Karma whispered " My way of knocking people out hurts."

Yukio bit his lip to keep from laughing he whispered " Yeah cause everyone knows Karma is a bitch. Nagisa whispered holding back a bit of laughter " You just got burned by a winter spirit." Karma smiled darkly and whispered " Wanna see how much of a bitch I can be you too." Alia whisper screamed enough. As they heard foot steps approaching rapidly. Alia whispered " Let's go."

-Time Skip-

It took them about a good hour to fight through security quietly and get into the castle in one go. They ran with the sound of the wind rustling within the trees. They entered the giant castle through  a open window on the 4th on the floor of the since there was about 6 floors in total. They had entered through the south wing in a empty hall way from a window. Since Alia was technically a human at the moment Karma had to carry her. Alia muttered as Karma put her down " I really wish I had my wings I miss flying." Karma chuckled lightly and said " You will get them back eventually just be patience." Alia pouted slightly and said " Very well I shall have patience now let's go find Rae and Akiko. My snow cat can you smell them." Yukio said " Yes and follow me." Yukio lead down numerous and stairs they reached the 3rd floor on the west wing area. The door was guarded by two big men both warriors of the king.

Nagisa whispered " I will handle them." Alia nodded and Nagisa walked off towards them. As soon as they heard Nagisa's foot steps there heads snapped toward him. Nagisa smiled kindly taking them off guard. Nagisa's smile turned dark when he got close enough like the snake he is he attacked swiftly hitting there vital spots to make them pass out they fell to the floor with a thud.

Alia asked approaching Nagisa with Karma and Yukio behind her " Nagisa, Yukio how are they." Karma said " Let's check shall we." Alia, Nagisa and Yukio took steps back from Karma and the door. Karma took a step back before kicking the door down. Rae and Akiko were unconscious tied to chairs facing back to back. They were both covered in bruise and cuts. Alia growled and said aloud " This has gone to far." Alia's anger flourished as she heard footsteps approaching rapidly. Nagisa and Karma said " Alia what do we do you want us to stop them." Alia said " No just help me and  Yukio untie them. As Alia untied them she shook both boys shuldders gently making them both groan there eyes fluttered opened. Alia asked softly " Are you two ok."

Rae said " Thanks God." he groaned as he began to stand along with Akiko. Alia asked " Are you two ok what did they do to my poor summer stag and autumn fox." Akiko said groaning in pain " They beat the shit out of us when we refused to come with them and we didn't want to show our power to them or the humans."

They heard pounding foot steps approaching rapidly. Nagisa stood in front of Alia. Ash stood in front of the door breathing heavily attempting to keep from shifting. Alia said calmly " Ash calm down." Ash snarled at Alia making the men defending her snarl back.

Ash's POV

I cannot take this anymore I see them togethier  in my head fucking and making out. I snapped changing into my gaint pitch black wolf and gold eyes. I lunged for Alia when suddenly Yukio got in the way. He hissed at me blinded by rage I pinned him down his eyes widen in shock. He struggled to get me off him, but I refused to budge. Before he knew what was happening  I sunk my teeth into his neck. Marking him as mine when I released my teeth from his neck it was covered in blood I licked his blood away. Alia screamed as I got off Yukio and shifted back. She was about to lung at me when Akiko and Rae held her back. She screamed " YOU BEAST WHAT HAVE YOU DONE DAMN YOU ASH ALRIC! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU HAVE JUST DONE YOU HAVE SENTENCED YUKIO TO DEATH! DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MARK YUKIO WITHOUT HIS CONSENT HE WILL DIE YOU COMPLETE AND UTTER MORON! Ash roared and screamed " SILENCE YOU SLUT I DON'T WANT TO HERE YOUR LIES, GUARDS!" Alia yelled " UGH WHAT IN THE HEAVENS IS WRONG WITH YOU WOLVES." About five guards stormed into the room surrounding them. Alia said trying to breathe calmly " Nagisa I don't have much time to explain I need you to remove my soul from this shell." Nagisa said " How would I even do that."

Alia said " It is simple you are the only one other than my self that can destroy and remove it. I will look pain full, but I promise you I will be fine." Nagisa took a deep breathe and said " ok". The guards began to get closer growling and bearing there teeth. Nagisa eyes glowed changing into slits he stuck his hand through the middle of Alia's chest. Alia face paled as she screamed in pain coughing out blood. The guards and Ash looked at them in shock. Nagisa dug his other hand into her chest and pulled out a pure white flame with white wings. Nagisa let it fly up into the air. I began to glow brighter and brighter until everyone in the room was blinded by the bright light. As soon as the light died down a woman around 24  floated down to the ground her eyes are shining bright sliver crystal with colors of the rainbow, her hair was long it trailed on the floor her hair was the colors of the rainbow. She has big, long white wings with a few colored feathers scattered among her white feathers. She has a hallow of white thorns.

{Here is a pic I got from google in what she looks like}

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