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Narrator POV

School passed quickly and Alia left Yukio to go to the roof. Alia snapped Alia went to the ladies restroom made sure no one was watching and snapped my fingers. Alia was transported to the roof top of the school. Nagisa was sitting on Karma's lap while Karma was playing with his long blue hair. Alia said " Boys I know what you both are thinking.." Nagisa and Karma stood up and faced her. Alia said " Let me explain and before I do please tell me you haven't called them here Karma." Karma said " If they knew that we know where you are they would give us hell. So, no I did not even thought I am thinking I should call them but you all ready know that."

Alia said " let me explain messing with time is dangerous especially for me when I am in this form, but don't worry boy's I will not die my soul is eternal. This shell form I am in will simply weather away in time and I will return to my original form wings and all. So there is no need to be rash and call them."

Karma said " Fine I won't call them but the moment you are in grave danger and we can't help you summon them." Alia said with a sigh " Fine thank you two for coming all the way over here to help me." Alia turned around and left through a portal she created.

Alia was transported to inside Yukio's room. She looked around the room to find it empty. She walked out outside the room. Alia looked in all the rooms to find them all empty. She went down stairs to find it quite and empty. Alia heard yelling outside the house Alia ran outside. To see Yukio screaming at Ash along with his Beta Justin and his brother Roger. Yukio screamed " WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE COMING TO MY NEW HOME TELLING ME TO..." Alia shouted over Yukio's voice " ENOUGH YUKIO." Yukio immdealtly shut his mouth heads turned to see Alia stand on the porch tapping her foot. Alia said " What in the world is going on here why are you yelling at this three and where are you're brothers." Ash screamed " GREAT YOU LIVE WITH HER TO DO YOU GUYS SLEEP TOGETHER AS WELL!" Alia said " Yukio what happened tell me." Ash shouted through gritted teeth " DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO THAT SLUT." Alia laughed dryly and Yukio snarled at Ash, Yukio said " Don't disrespect her I will ripe out your throat if you say anything to disrespect her again."

Alia said " Yukio don't I can handle the ' mic rege ' I don't need your help so go get your brothers." As Yukio was about to leave Ash grabbed him and tossed him over his shoulder.

Yukio screeched " LET ME GO YOU BASATERED I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Ash growled and said " You are mine I refuse to let you leave me." Alia said " Listen here Ash Alric I am giving you 5 seconds to release Yukio, because if you don't I will no longer have a reason to hold him back anymore." Ash growled and said " I will not let him go back to you slut." Yukio said in Romania to Alia " Lasă-mă să-l omor am săturat de lipsă de respect față de tin." Alia said back in Romania "Nu pot lăsa să-l omoare pisica mea zăpadă, dar nu am nici un motiv să te frâneze pentru a preda el o lecție pe respect."

Translate ( Yukio said " Let me kill him I have had enough of his disrespect towards you." )

Translate ( Alia said "I can't let you kill him my snow cat, but I have no reason to hold you back for teaching him a lesson on respect.")

Alia began to count to " 1..2..3..4..5" As soon as Alia said 5, Yukio tucked his knee in and kicked Ash in the chest doing a back flip away from Ash. Yukio growled and said " I refuse to let you insult her anymore. I believe it is time you learned a lesson on manners mutt." Ash growled at the disrespect and said " So little mate you know what I am but do you know who I am little werecat." Yukio spat " Yes you are the King of the Beasts that killed the only two people I ever loved you and the rest of your kind make me sick if it wasn't for Alia I would have froze this place." Ash looked taken back by what Yukio said. Alia warned " my snow cat remember what I just said." Ash growled at Alia and Yukio hissed saying " Come at me Mutt King."

Ash growled and said " You will regret disobeying me little werecat."

Ash charged at Yukio throwing a punch at his face Yukio caught his fist with his bare hand. Yukio spat twisting Ash's arm " I have lived far longer than you so do not disrespect me Mutt King and most of all never and I mean never disrespect Alia when you don't even know who she is."Yukio shifted half way he has cat ears a tail and a clawed hands and feet. Yukio twisted Ash's arm popping it out of it socket and shattering his fist Ash screamed out in pain. Justin and Roger growled and attempted run an help Ash. As they ran towards Ash, Karma and Nagisa stopped them by standing in there way.

Roger growled and said eyes becoming black along with Justin's " Who the fuck are you two." Alia said " Roger Alric and Justin Smith leave Ash alone he is a big boy that needs to learn a lesson on respect. You two have done nothing wrong I don't want you two getting hurt." Roger said through gritted teeth " Would you shut your mouth you damn slut."

Nagisa and Yukio hissed, Karma growled Alia's eye twitched and she screamed in frustration. Alia said " I am sick and tired of being called slut that is the last straw." Karma chuckled and said " She finally popped."

Alia said stomping over to Roger and Justin " I have enough disobedience from you three." Yukio had pinned Ash to the ground stepping on his back pulling his good arm behind him. Yukio whistled at Alia "go get'em Alia." Alia stomped up to Roger and kicked him in the chest toward Justin knocking them down. As Justin and Roger got up Alia ran straight towards the two and punched them both at the same time knocking them both out cold. Alia said clapping her hands " Done, Yukio knock out Ash and help me find your brothers." Yukio said to Ash " Don't ever think about coming near me or Alia again." Yukio lifted his leg and kicked Ash in the head making him pass out.

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