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Narrotor's POV

Two men one short with long blue hair and feminine features with and blue eyes and the other tall with blood red hair and golden eyes flung open the cafeteria's door and ran towards Alia and Yukio shoving the two frozen Akiko and Rae out of the way. Alia was pulled away from Yukio and into Nagisa's arms Alia said " Stop time ". With her one command time stopped for everyone and everything. Alia tapped Nagisa and he unfroze she then tapped Karma and Yukio making them unfreeze as well. Alia said  with a sigh " Take him outside Karma." Yukio hissed and said " Like hell I am let me go you red headed bastered." Karma growled and said through gritted teeth " Shut the hell up you damn pussy cat I am trying very hard to not rip off your head for what you did to Alia." Karma eyes began to glow and blood lust was filling the air coming from not only Karma but Nagisa as well.

Nagisa spat out " I would listen to him  because he is not the only one that is mad about you hurting her." Alia said voice stern yet silky " Enough both of you I didn't call both of you here to harass Yukio I called you both here to help me contain him."  The two said in sync " Sorry Alia ". Alia said with a sigh " It's fine I am just extremely tried at the moment stopping time everywhere is not exactly easy." Yukio stayed quiet and glared at his feet. Alia said looking at Yukio " Karma let him go." Karma said " Fine but if he tries anything I am going to kill him." Nagisa said " exactly what I was thinking ." Karma released Yukio and backed away. Nagisa held Alia closer to his chest. Alia said " It's ok Nagisa let me go." Nagisa sighed and then let Alia go.

Alia said stepping toward Yukio " Yukio Winter look at me." Yukio looked up at Alia with tears in his eyes. He whimpered and said " Why?" Yukio screamed " Why is the King of the Beast that killed them my mate I didn't ask for this what did I ever do to deserve this." Alia slapped Yukio straight across the cheek blood dripped from Alia's hand and down Yukio's cheek. Alia screamed " I didn't ask for this ether I didn't ask to be made I didn't want to kill my father by living, but do you see me complaining no why because if I did that I would be going against everything he taught me. If I didn't care about you Yukio I wouldn't be here I wouldn't be bleeding and stressed out I if I didn't try if I didn't care. I love all of my children even the ones that resent me I love them all no matter what they do to me. I have lived for over a million millenniums I have seen and done many things I have created over a million planets and universe. Some of things I have done I am not proud of but believe me when I say I when I do something I do it because I know what is best I know it can make everything and everyone happy." Nagisa and Karma stood there with there mouth hanging wide open they had never heard or seen Alia so frustrated and emotional stressed. Yukio whimpered and said " I am sorry Alia I didn't mean to..." Alia said " Tch I am sorry I snapped at you my snow cat I just have been keeping a lot bottled up and the work I do in heaven and where ever keeps piling up." Yukio broke into sobs and said " I am sorry I never though about you or your feelings I am sorry all I do is stress you out and make you worry." Alia laughed lightly " My snow cat it is not your fault it is my fault for not venting my emotions porprely. Now come here and give me a hug."

Alia opened her arms to Yukio and he walked into them sobbing. Alia pet his head as he sobbed into her shirt. Alia coughed into her hand as she hugged Yukio. Alia's eyes widen as she looked at her plam of her hand covered in blood she quickly wiped her mouth and the blood disappeared from her hand and mouth. Since Nagisa and Karma were behind her they saw everything. Alia pulled away from Yukio and said " Now Yukio I am going to unfreeze time and erase everyones meomry up to when we entered the cafeteria I need you to act normal and stay clam when I do I will be besides you the whole time ok." Yukio nodded and Alia said turning to Nagisa and Karma " You boys go wait for me on the roof I need to talk to you too after school is over."

Alia wipped her hand across Yukio's face and it fixed his puffy face. Alia snapped her finger and time unfroze I time people were acting as if time was not stopped as if nothing had happened. Alia's hand was healed and she interwined her and Yukio's hand together. Ash stood up and walked up to Yukio and Alia he glared at there hands he then said " It's a pleasure to met you two I haven't seen you two around here can I ask your names." Alia said " My name is Alia Whiterose I am his girlfriend." Alia pointed at Yukio and Yukio grined at her. Alia kissed his cheek lightly and said " by the way you are Ash Alric aren't  you the billionaire well known world wide it is a pleasure to meet you 'mic rege' ." Ash's face twisted into confusion and Yukio, Akiko, and Rae brusted into luaghter. Ash grolwed and said " What did you say to me and what is so funny." Yukio said " She was speaking in Romainan and she said.." Alia shushed him and said " don't say anything 'mic rege ' is smart he can figure it out on his own." Alia laughed and everyone became intrancted by her laugh and smile. Yukio kissed her finger and Ash grolwed an stomped out of the room Justin and Luis ran after him.

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