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Ash's POV

Justin face got serious and he said " What is it Alpha. " I said with a sigh " I found my mate tonight." Justin's went from serious to happy quickly " That is great man, but why don't you sound excited. You have been waiting for a few years. Ash don't tell did you try to jump her." I groaned and said " That two of the problems on my list. Justin wanna see a picture of my mate." Justin said confused " Sure ". I picked up Yukio's page and presented it to Justin his jaw fell open and he screamed " WHAT! YOUR GAY?!"

I shouted at him with a growl " Say it louder why don't you I don't think the whole castle and town heard you." Justin took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Justin said " Ok Ash what other problems do you have other than finding out your a homosexual." I said " Well for one he isn't human, two he is a male and we won't be able to have a family together. Look I think it would be easier to explain to you how I saw him."

Justin took a seat on the chair in front of my desk. I started explaining " Well while I was in here doing paper work Ray asked if we could go outside. Me wanting not to waste my time on his simple whim to not do any I said no, but when he told me he felt our mate in the towns forest. I ran like hell and told you I was going for a late night walk. Instead of seeing/excepting a human mate or werewolf mate there was a beautiful pure white bobcat with unnatural clear silver eyes. When I smelled his scent it was cold and sharp I then realized that the bobcat was my mate. I felt the area around the bobcat colder and I saw the ground beneath it turn to ice as it walked. Then Haru walked up to the bobcat and said something about making it colder than last year and having to switch out. Haru started stripping. I asked Ray why Haru was so familiar with our I thought at the time female and if she was a shiftier. His answers were our mate is special, they probably know each and our mate is male. Then next thing I knew the bobcat shifted into a naked 24 year old with white hair and the same unnatural clear silver eyes as the bobcat." When I though about my mates naked body Ray purred and started sending me dirty images of our mate and I having a very detailed sex. I groaned as I felt myself get a boner.

Justin looked at me and soon noticed my predicament he started laughing like a hyena. I growled and said " Shut up and listen to the rest you damn hyena." Justin stopped laughing and muttered " Sorry go on."

I said " Ok so Haru saw my mate naked making me and Ray made, but we calmed down when Haru gave him the clothes to put on. Haru then told my mate where to find his house. Haru then shifted into a brown rabbit with brown eyes and fur. An that is when you interrupted me on my decision to pursue my mate. So what do ya think Justin what do think is going on here." Justin sighed and raked his hands through his hair and said " I don't know man that is some pretty weird shit. I guess you could be up front about it and say I know you all aren't human but your baby brother is my mate."

I said " Justin that is stupid if they went through so much trouble of hiding who they are wouldn't they try to kill me to keep it a secret." Justin said " Well I got nothing else so you figure it out I mean today is Sunday we head back to school tomorrow. I believe they are all attending the same college as us." I smiled and said " good thank you Justin I will think of something you are dismissed." Justin said " Your welcome Ash". I wonder what my you are doing right now my Yukio.

Yukio's POV { After he left the forest that night to go to his new home.}

I walked on the snowy side walk on the second street that is near the forest following my brothers scent to the new house. As I approached the blue two story house I saw Akiko on the porch he is wearing black pants and no shirt as soon as he saw he began waving his hand in the air like a maniac. As I came walked up the porch steps Akiko brought me to a hug and nuzzled my face with his. Akiko said nuzzling my face " Yukio I missed you." He quickly pulled away and said " Little brother how have you been, you have gotten colder than before." I said coldly " Get your fucking hands off me you are to close for my liking ."

Akiko let go and took a step back. Akiko said with a smile " Sorry Yukio I really missed I haven't seen you in a while I forgot you prefer not to be touched." I said in a cold tone " You may be my brother but that doesn't give the right to touch me." Akiko chuckled and said " Of course I am sorry little brother it won't happen." I mumbled " It better not." Rae stood in front of the  door in blue jeans and a black v-neck short sleeved shirt. Rae said " hello little brother you shouldn't treat Akiko like that he only showing his affection."

I said " Yes but he should have learned by now after all these many years I don't like being touched." Rae sighed and said " As stuburrn and cold hearted as usal come on Yukio, Akiko get inside I do believe you have some questions Yukio."

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