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Yukio's POV

As I walked into the house Akiko closed the door behind him. Rae said leading us to the living room " Yukio you might want wanna take a seat I have a feeling the answers you will receive from us will piss you off. " I sat down on a chair in the corner of the room in front of Akiko. I asked with a cold tone " Where the hell are we and why does this damned town smell like mutt." Rae said " Yukio I need you to promise that you will stay calm and keep in mind it was all Haru's idea/fault."  I said coldly " Fine I promise now answer my question."  Akiko said rubbing the back of his neck " Well the reason it smell's like " mutts"  is because we are in the Werewolf King's territory. I clutched the arms of the chair I was sitting on I hissed and gritted out through my teeth " What do you mean by Werewolf King's Territory ". I could feel the chair turn to ice along with the floor and area near me.

Rae said " Yukio you need to relax you promised you would stay calm." I hissed and said with venom in my words " You want me to relax after you just told me that we are on the King of Mutts territory. Have you the three of you forgotten what those mutts did to him." Akiko and Rae went quiet for a moment. Rae said " I know your still mad, bitter and spiteful at everyone even us and especially the werewolf race."

I laughed dryly and said "  No you don't know the only reason this miserable planet is not a giant ice ball is because she is keeping me sane." Akiko said " We are really sorry, but we had no choice in the matter Haru forced us." I scoffed and said " How the hell did he force you two." Rae said " He um... he said he wouldn't bring spring if we didn't come here." I said coldly " We all know she would not allow that she would punish him if he even tried." Akiko said " That's what we told him he then stated it was in one of Mina's important prophecy's he said he didn't have a choice ether."

I said " What prophecy." Rae said " Sorry Yukio he didn't tell us what it was about." I said coldly " I will not stay in the place where the King of those beast that destroyed him live. We all know how this will turn out I will kill the Werewolf and then I will be executed."

I heard her voice call out from outside " Yukio you know I would never let that happen." Hearing her voice we ran outside through the front door. On the front lawn there she stood in a her glory with those same amazing eyes clear silver crystal with colors of the rainbow reflected in them and her red-orange bronze hair that flows down to her ankle an her snow white skin, and she wore a black jeans and  white knitted long sleeve shirt and knee length black lace up boots.

I said " Welcome back on earth Alia Whiterose God of All." Alia said scolding me " Yukio don't call me that just call me Alia like always." Now come here and give me a hug my snow cat." I walked in to her open arms I felt at peace as soon as she wrapped her arms around me. She whispered into my ear " Let out all your pain and frustration my snow cat hold nothing back I will hold back your power." I felt my body shake Alia's body began to glow her beautiful white glowing wings flourished from her back they wrapped around our body like a cocoon. My body wracked with sobs has I let them out I clutched the back of her shirt. Tears ran down my face not turning into ice. I screamed and cried out in frustration and pain.

Alia was the only person I could cry on she had the power to stop me from doing the things I would regret. She could take away my power and my life if she wanted, but to her that is the last thing she would want she wants everyone of her children to be happy she may take somethings, but she also gives in return for the things she takes. She is as kind as she is cruel. My screaming and crying began to die down into a sniffles.

Alia moved her hand to her pocket and took out a little baggie of tissues she handed them to me her wings unwrapped from around us and sunk back inside her back. She released me arms and took a small step back. I got a tissue out of the baggie and wiped my face. She held out her hand and I gave her the tissue the tissue turned into a flame the flame then disappeared in the air. She swiped her other hand across my face and I felt my puffy red eyes go back to normal along with the pounding headache, sore through that I had go away.

Alia asked " All better my snow cat." I answered with a simple nod and small smile. Alia turned and said " Now my autumn fox and summer stag what do you think you are doing just standing around give me a hug the both of you." Alia turned to them with open arms and they walked into her arms she gave them a tight squeeze and said " I missed you all and this place very much." They pulled away and took a step back. I asked with a smirk " So were are those devils you call your boyfriends." Alia giggled and said with a small smile " I snuck away from them while they were sleeping and covered my tracks pretty well too it should take them a good 4 months to find me."

I said " so any way what are you doing here." Alia said " I am here to protect you and this planet for a while that is all you need to know."

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