Chapter 33: Conquering Fears!

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Logan's enjoyed the last few days off, just happy being with Alexis again, they did both watch Monday Night RAW though, "Main Event" Jey Uso returning, The Miz fighting an invisible John Cena, Chad Gable and Gunther putting in a top match, Logan likes them both and thinks Gable fully deserves a title in the near future.

Alexis: You okay?

Logan was in his own little world after watching NXT, he's been asked to put together a Faction, his very own Pack in the WWE and he wasn't sure who would be a good fit, he already has Lucy and he's happy with that but he has no idea who will take the rest of the spots.

Logan: Yeah. Just scouting.

Alexis smiled up to him as he had his arm around her, she didn't mind, he hasn't really left her alone since they talked the other day, Logan understood what he'd done wrong, he's been punished and doesn't want to do it again, though he did get an idea, making him mute the Tv their watching, catching her attention.

Logan: How would you feel about being a Heel when you return?

Logan toyed with the remote in his hand before glancing down to her, Alexis resting her chin on his chest as he sat up right and she used him as a body pillow, neither minded and just enjoyed the other being back in their arms again, neither wanting to go through that mess ever again, Logan's learnt from his fuck up and will never keep something like that from her again.

Alexis: I don't know. Why?

Logan just shrugged to her a little with a small smirk, she could kind of grasp what he was hinting at, he's trying to build a Faction, Logan's also never been a Heel character before, this "Alpha of WWE" was supposed to have been it but turns out the crowd enjoyed it more then hated it.

Logan: Well, an Alpha need's a Beta, right?

Alexis actually liked that idea, she's never got the chance to work with Logan before even though they've been together for near over 3 years, they never actually shared the ring, not once, their relationship for the large part was kept private so the fans never asked to see them together and with the MMC sidelined, it made it quite difficult for Creative to pair them together, this might be their one and only chance.

Alexis: I'd love to.

They both shared another smile and a small kiss while Logan mentally checked the Beta spot off his list, he just needs a few more Gamma's and he has his Pack and they can take over the WWE, Logan knows what the storyline will lead to, where it will take them but if he doesn't pick the right people, then it'll be ripped up faster then it started.

Logan: Come here...

Alexis looked at him weird as he stood up from the couch, the Tv still going on in the background while he stood up, holding his hand out to her, Alexis wasn't sure what he was doing but still took his hand in her's, Logan carefully pulled her to her feet, then made her chuckle as he put his left hand around her back while still holding her left hand in his right.

Logan: ... Can I have this dance?

Alexis giggled then nodded as they just started to dance, little sways here and there, Logan's good at this sort of thing, just out of the blue romance, he say's it's because he's British and their born romantics but Alexis is pretty sure it's because he get's bored really easily and treating her like this is his excuse to do stuff, she's nor the other girl are complaining, they just think that's what it is...

... Alexis looked around wondering where the music came from then realised it was him, Logan moved his left hand from her and put the music on, playing it through the Bluetooth in the house, Logan smiled pretty proud of himself while she had something else to chuckle about.

Alexis: Real smooth.

Logan again nodded a little proud of himself then put his arm back around her, Alexis remembers when she first learnt that Logan could ball room dance, he said it was pretty much a must for a born rich kid to learn to do, that made sense to her as he taught her how to dance, now they just do this at random times, times like this.

Alexis/Logan: I love this song.

Alexis looked up to him from her head resting on his chest, they both again smiled with a little chuckle, neither can express how actually happy they are right now, just the two of them, no tours, no friends, just them, them in their living room, dancing to music have a fun time.

Alexis: I think we just found our song.

Logan agreed, they do like the same music sort of, they both like Eminem but you can't really play that at a wedding, then Alexis like's old school boy bands, Logan doesn't, her favorite is NSYNC, Logan is very clear about how much he thinks they suck but that's good to have different tastes in a relationship, that's what they have, they share a lot of things in common but enough differences to not make things boring.

Duncan: Awwww.

Logan and Alexis both look over to see Becky, Colby, Duncan, Pamela, Leah, Matthew, Savi and Adrienne all watching them, Alexis looked like a dear caught in headlights since most the girls were filming them while Logan just seemed to roll with it.

Logan: Your just jealous. Because now your girls are all going to wonder why you never dance like this randomly.

Duncan, Matthew and Colby though he was just taking the piss but after they all saw the side eye looks they were getting from their respective partners, they realised that Logan was just making them look bad and they filmed it to embarrass him, all they did was proved his point even more.

Colby: Hey, when your right, your right.

Logan nodded a little then pulled Alexis hand to his lips and kissed it, they are all here for a reason, today's the day that Logan finally confronts his fear, he's going to get back in that car and shake this anxiety he has over driving, mainly because he hates having to rely on people to get him from A to B, he misses just getting in the car and driving, they used to do that quite often.

Logan: I can teach you if you want.

Logan was now taking the piss so Duncan lightly but still with enough behind it to make his head tilt forward, slapped the back of his head, Logan went to trip the big guy but didn't get to because Duncan moved out the way, they all shared a good laugh though before the time was to come, Colby drove the car to the track as Logan went with Becky, Alexis, Savi and Adrienne, all of them worried about what he's going to do but he seemed ready, physically anyway...


Luckily it's a sunny day so the track is dry, the car's ready while Logan make sure to take precautions this time, he's got a helmet and a antiflame suit not that it went up in flames last time but it was close to doing so, Logan stood on the track by the car, that day running through his mind till a hand on his shoulder pulled him out of it.

Duncan: You sure about this? There's no shame in turning back.

Logan looked to him as Duncan handed him the helmet, it was just the best one he can buy, he's not a pro driver so he just opted to to all out, the best stuff normally is the more pricey one's right, at least that was his mentality towards all this.

Logan: There is in being a coward when my daughter's here.

Logan took the helmet from him as he opened the car door, he hasn't sat in this car since the crash, he is confident that he can do it, if he wasn't then he wouldn't be doing this again but that doesn't mean it doesn't scare the shit out of him still, Duncan however held the door open while looking up to see them all by the side of the track behind the safety barrier, all with a different sort of concern look on their face.

Duncan: Gotta love the male pride. It makes you want to get yourself killed then be there when your baby's born.

Logan put the helmet on and could see his point, he knows it's dumb but he has faith, if he was meant to die in this car he would have the first time right, well, technically he did for 2 minutes but he can't think about that, he needs to do this, not just for himself but for his family, how would it look if Logan was home alone with his daughter and she wanted to go do something in about 8 years or so, they'd have to wait for the car and it didn't sit right with him, he wants to give that girl everything he can, and thinking about it this way, Logan realises how stupid it all is but he's here now and he's got them all worried, might as well go all out.

Logan: Hey, if men easily gave up then we wouldn't have people like, Ben Franklin, Martin Luther King or Abe Lincoln...

Logan looked back up to Duncan as he didn't need to shield his eyes from the sun anymore thanks to the sun visor on his face, Logan though like Duncan took another look at the barrier, Alexis couldn't tell of course but she knew he was looking at her, she wanted to be supportive and believe he'll be okay but she couldn't and just stared back.

Logan: ... Face it. Your country wouldn't exist without stubborn male pride.

Duncan couldn't really argue with that but they did way more then Logan is doing, they did what they did to make the world a much better place for everyone to be in, if those men didn't do the things they did then who knows what sort of place the world would be today, would it be better, would it be worse, who knows, all he does know is this is not the same.

Duncan: You cannot compare this to what they did, they did it to make the world a better place. Your just doing it to prove a point.

Duncan watched as Logan climbed into the car, he could already feel his hands starting to shake while buckling up the seat belt, he went all out of safety this time, before it was just a regular super car, now it's more like a crash test vehicle.

Logan: Oh come on, you really think those guys didn't have a point to prove.

Logan didn't leave any room for argument because he reached up and closed the car, Duncan sighed and saw there's no talking him out of it, so with a small tap to the window, he walked around the back of the car then towards the barrier where they're all watching and waiting, Logan however was still struggling to get the seatbelt on, his hands shaking more and more but that satisfying click eventually rang in the car making him sigh in relief.

Duncan: I tried.

Alexis nodded her thanks as she asked him to try and talk him out of this but Logan can be pretty stubborn, she knows why he feels he needs to do this, Logan hasn't been scared of anything since he was a kid and all those fears he either left behind in England or he dealt with them, he's not one to sh away from fear, even if that meant he'd put his life on he line.

Savi: What's he doing?

She asked as the car still hasn't moved, Colby watched with his arm around Becky at the far right, Matthew with Leah on their left, Duncan and Pam to their left with Alexis, Adrienne and Savi on the far left, neither knew since the windows are blacked up but Logan's just sitting there, his hands on the wheel, he's too scared to even turn on the engine, but in his mind, is he's brought them all this far, he's made them all worry so much so he has to do it, the engine turned on scared him like it was a hungry lion growling at him.

Alexis and the others could only watch as the car slowly started to move, picking up speed as Logan got more and more comfortable with the situation, all he needs to do is a lap of this fairly short circuit and he can leave, it's as simple as that, it didn't take long for the car to shoot past them again, not so fast that they can't see it but way faster then road legal, Logan however is laser focused, not cocky like he was that day, not trying to show off, just trying to get it done, Alexis couldn't help the smile and cheer as he did it, Logan crossed the line clocking a 224 MPH down the straight, it's not the number he aimed for back in the day but it's a number none the less, the cheers however died down when the car started to spin uncontrollably, Alexis was so scared she let out a small scream into her clasped hands over her mouth.

Duncan, Matt and Colby hopped over the barrier and ran to the car that's nestled into the barrier, worried it happened again, only the slowed down when the car door opened and Logan pretty much fell out the car, they all chuckled and huffed in glee to seeing their friend okay, Alexis looked revealed when he took the helmet off and dropped it into the gravel patch he's standing in, the sweat and heat clear coming off him right now while his hair's a complete mess.

Logan: I fucking hate this car.

Logan meant it as well, he's not even going to keep it, this car was a prototype when he bought it originally it's meant to be finished now but he's not sure it's safe, then again most people don't go near 230 MPH down a road so maybe he was just pushing it more then he was supposed to, either way he's okay, Alexis is okay and now they can move on to the next chapter in their lives...


(To Be Continued)

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