Chapter 6: Logan's at Smackdown!

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Logan's in Dallas tonight, making the trip from Houston where RAW was held last night to be here on the Blue Brand for as far as he knows, no reason, he didn't mind though, it gave him a chance to see Leah and Matteo, wherever Nicole has left him for tonight, as far as he knows she's not really working tonight and is on commentary where Carmella will attack her at least that's what he was told.

Duncan: ... Why are you here anyway? Your not cashing in are you?

Logan found a few friends, Duncan Blake, the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, he's a good Champ, the crowd love him and he's a big guy, nothing wrong with having a Giant as the WWE Champion, although Logan has got his sights on that belt, he's not sure when he'll be dropping the Universal title but never say never, he might get a call telling him it's next Monday or he'll get a call in 9 months, he just needs to not piss off Vince until then, Hunter only has so much leverage to the old man.

Logan: Nope, I'm title and Briefcase less. I'm just here cause Nikki wanted to see me.

Duncan didn't really mind, he's been Champion for a while now, might be worth letting someone else have a go but it probably won't be Logan since he's just won the Universal Championship, although the time on his MITB case only has a few months left, he's in no rush to cash in and he hasn't been told to just yet.

Shane: Logan! Perfect. Can I speak to you both for a sec.

Logan and Duncan looked to each other both shrugging and going with him, Logan's not even meant to be here so this is just really luckily for Shane, he probably planned to call him after talking to Duncan but since they're both here, might as well kill two birds with one stone.

Nikki: Oh, Logan your here...

Logan stopped as Nikki came around the corner with Trinity, Natalya, Becky, Alexis and Leah, all of them are ready for the show tonight, looking great in their gear, Logan though was only able to do a quick glance to them all before needing to get moving.

Logan: Hold that thought. Shane needs us. You all look fantastic by the way.

Nikki didn't seem bothered as he took off, not before giving them all two thumbs up and skipping backwards, he soon turned and ran to catch up to Duncan and Shane, speaking of the Money in the Bank early, that is what the meeting was about, Logan's not got a cash in date, the girls however made small talk, just waiting for their turn to kick ass, well, 4 of them will, Nikki's on commentary where Leah will attack her.

Leah: ... It was awesome. Other then nearly burning down his apartment.

They asked her about her "Date" with Logan the other day, Nikki's already told them all her stories about Logan, from what she say's he's the perfect guy, hold's open doors, cooks, cleans and what not, other then the whole not wanting to get married thing, he's quite the catch and Leah seems to have caught him.

Alexis: So you two are a thing? That's cute.

Alexis joked with a small nudge to her best friend right now, Natalya and Nikki though are more experienced in dating then they are right now and they could tell there was something a little more behind her words, it was pretty clear that Alexis was crushing on the Universal Champion and why wouldn't you, he's cute, handsome and funny, yes, cute and handsome are different things.

Leah: Not really. It's more a friends with benefits kind of thing.

Trinity, Becky, Nicole and Nattie all saw a light brighten up in Alexis' eye, she's always talking about the night she was with him in the hotel room, which is why Nikki isn't mad, once she explained what happened, she forgave them, deep down she also knew Logan wouldn't do that around their baby, she's just never seen Logan with another women since they broke up, sure she's seen him flirt and what not but that was the first time she's seen him and a girl half naked together, it caught her off but she's over it and him now, she has Duncan now.

Alexis: So, your not dating him?

It was getting a little suspicious now, she'd talk about him all the time and now she's really interested in what the relationship status between her friend and him is, Alexis is too sweet and kind to hide it well, she's not one of the girls that will bitch behind the others backs, not like the others do on that Total Diva's show.

Leah: Nope. He's all yours.

Alexis looked to her as if she didn't know what she was talking about, their not silly, the girls know when their friends likes a guy, they don't stop talking about him and she brushes her hair behind her ear, Alexis has done that now every single time she's seen Logan.

Alexis: What? What are you talking about?

Leah, Becky, Natalya, Trinity and Nikki all shared glances as if their tired of this game, their all adults here and there's no reason she should hide her feelings, Logan's a good guy, bit of an ass sometimes but he takes care of the people he cares about, he's funny, cute and can listen, he might not understand all too much but he's there for you if you need.

Nikki: Relax, we're all adults here. Just talk to him, and you will have to talk to him. The guys dense as wood.

Everyone knew that Logan isn't really the one to pick up on signs, like when people say he's flirting, he's not, he's just trying to be funny, he's too dense to be able to flirt,he wouldn't know if a girl liked him even if she told him, so how could he be flirty, the girls have gotten used to him over the years though, he's harmless.

Leah: Yeah, but it's good wood.

Only Nichole and Leah could know that and they both seemed to be happy with the comment, Logan might not be the biggest they've ever been with but he knows how to use it, not many of guys can say that, Nikki hates the bigger guys but can't use it, she had to teach Duncan.

Alexis: Okay, I'll talk to him after the show.

Alexis actually felt good about this, she did think things would be a little awkward, like his Ex is right here with the girl he went on a date with the other night, apparently that was more of a botty call then an actual date, she's been given the clear by them both to at least talk to Logan though so she might as well go for it, even if they don't work out as a thing, then she's made a new friend at least, Logan doesn't seem to be the type to keep a grudge.

Logan: Right, that's over with. What's up?

Logan and Duncan came back to see the girls all in a little group just talking and giggling, Duncan knew something was up but Logan didn't, he's an idiot and just completely missed the fact that Alexis did it again, just seeing him and she avoided eye contact and brushed her hair behind her ear.

Becky: What was that about?

The Irish Lass Kicker, well, she's The Man now or something, who knows she might be able to kick ass like she was meant to now, although that character kind of scares Logan, either scares him or turns him on, he's not really sure, it's a fine line between the two, she's still not his type though so he's safe from her wrath.

Logan: Nothing, well, everything's about something. It could have been about the briefcase, Survivor Series, even Backlash next Sunday. Who knows?

They chuckled at him because he's awful with lying, he can keep secrets but he can't lie, he still never said what the meeting was about though but it caused Duncan to face palm, see, he's an idiot, a wacky one but still an idiot, that just made Alexis like him even more though, her Ex was too serious most the time, it took her a while to realise that she didn't want a serious guy, she want's someone to make her laugh, Logan can already do that.

Nikki: I just wanted to apologies for last night. I shouldn't have assumed anything happened between you and Lex. My bad.

Logan looked around the group and even too Duncan, he seemed pretty confused but also like he still has no idea what he's doing here, Nikki just apologised for basically being a bitch, she already said sorry to Alexis, now it was his turn, Duncan made her see that she reacted poorly to the situation, she just wanted to keep her baby boy safe and away from that stuff.

Logan: Honestly. This seems like a text conversation.

Nikki chuckled to him as she gave him a small hit, the girls smiled as well, Logan chuckled with them and told her it was okay, he would have thought the same thing, that's why he didn't defend himself from it, it was pointless, seeing someone come out of the bathroom half naked in the same room as a guy that's half naked, you can't help but jump to conclusions.

Nattie: As fun as this is. We gotta go.

Logan and Duncan wished them luck as they all went to do their jobs, it's Natalya & Alexa Bliss against Naomi & Becky Lynch, Nikki Bella is on Commentary who will later be attacked by Carmella, it's going to be a fun match-up leading to crowning the first ever Smackdown Women's Champion at Backlash.

Duncan: Alright, well my jobs done. I'm going to head out. You coming?

Duncan asked Logan, Duncan did his job already opening up the show with a promo about his match against AJ Styles at Backlash, the two men have a lot of respect for each other and it's going to be a great match, however, upon hearing that Alexis needed him to stay, she want's to talk to him after the match so before joining the others in the Gorilla, she turned to them and got their attentions.

Alexis: Actually, do you mind staying till after the match? I wanna ask you something.

She's a confident girl and knows what she wants, worst case is that he says no and they stay friends, there's nothing to lose here for her other then a potential of calling him her own for the rest of her life, honestly she wouldn't hate spending the rest of her life with him, sure she's only know him for a short time but when you know, you know right.

Logan: Yeah, sure. I'll hang back.

He smiled to her then hopped onto a crate, he's not sure if your actually aloud to sit on these things but he didn't really care, there wasn't any seats around and he's not going to go to catering because that's on the other side of the hallway, Alexis seemed really happy to hear that and said "Great" before going through the curtain into the Gorilla with a bounce in her step, Logan shrugged to Duncan who was still going to get out of here, so the duo shared a fist bump before Logan was left alone to watch the match up on a nearby Tv screen...

... When the girls came back through the curtain they were greeted by Shane and Hunter all congratulating them on a job well done, then it was Logan just on the outside of the Gorilla, clapping on the crate like the Joker in the Dark Knight, only he didn't look like a clown, he honestly looked happy for them.

Logan: You got the win. That's cool, but it was adorable when you had to jump for Becky's elbow.

Logan was talking to Alexis about her getting the pin and the win for her and Natalya, sure they had help from Leah's distraction but that didn't matter, what mattered is in the end of the night, Alexis has a pinfall victory over Becky Lynch and seems to be the one carrying all the momentum into Backlash with her.

Alexis: Watch it or you'll know why I'm 5 ft of fury.

Logan held his hands up in defence and said that she won, it made Alexis smile and her smiling made him smile, Nikki, Nattie, Trinity, Leah and Becky all watched from the curtain as the Goddess was clearly into the Alpha, it was nice to watch though, Logan's not really been the same since he broke up from Nikki and Alexis deserves someone like him, he'll take care of her, he needs someone to take care of, he just doesn't know it yet.

Trinity: Let's leave them to it.

The others agreed and walked away, Nikki needs to go and find her son, he's here somewhere with Brie and Daniel, yes, Brie is pretty much retired but she still travels with them every now and then, apparently their trying for a baby, imagine Logan and Nikki having a kid first by complete accident, don't tell Matteo that though.

Logan: Can I escort you to the locker room, M'lady?

Alexis laughed at him as he bowed slightly, his left arm behind his back and his right arm in the same position held out a little towards her, Alexis loved it, she loved the joke and thought he was really cute and fun, so she played along and flipped her hair over her shoulder going back into her Goddess mode.

Alexis: It's about time you showed your Goddess some respect.

She rolled her eyes as she put her hand on his arm, sounds crazy but she felt a little tingle, almost like a small electric shock, now she's not saying that she believes in love at first sight but she is saying she believes that there is someone out there for everyone, some people get lucky and find their one in Highschool, some even earlier in childhood, others have to wait till their later years but she might have just his the jackpot at 25, he's only 27 so their not far from the same age, plus she actually prefers older guys, younger guys are idiots.

Logan: You wanted to talk. What's on your mind?

They still walked side by side only now Alexis has her left arm wrapped around his right while his hands are in his pockets, it was a nice little stroll, just them making small talk, Alexis was also trying to figure out the best way to ask him out, only there isn't really an easy way so when they arrived at the women's locker room, she kinda just asked him.

Alexis: I just wanted to see if you wanted to do something with me? You know, like a date?

Logan didn't expect that, he'll be honest he thought she just wanted to hangout or something, well sure it's pretty much the same thing but a date is a lot more intimate then hanging out, you learn things about the other that most people don't get to know, it's actually quite fun, Logan loves learning more about other people, it was also really cute seeing how nervous she was to ask him.

Logan: Yeah sure. Sounds fun.

Alexis looked so happy and Logan smiled, apparently she was quite worried about what he would say, Logan will always agree, he's the type of guy that doesn't like to miss out on opportunities, this is an opportunity, one that he doesn't want to miss out on, Alexis is hot, he'd be a fool to turn down such an opportunity...


{To Be Continued!}

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