Chapter 7: 1st Date With Alexis!

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Todays the day where Logan and Alexis have their first date together, Logan's actually nervous, he hasn't been nervous about a proper date in a long time, he wasn't nervous last week with Leah, then again, Alexis isn't like Leah, that was clear from the get go, even if they seem like best friend's right now, their still different, Logan could tell Leah wasn't looking for a full time thing, he tried all of that for nothing, well, he got something but it was still pointless to try so hard.

Alexis isn't like that and she's not the type to give it up before the first date, so he has to put the effort in, something he's pretty good at doing to be honest, when Logan want's too, he can be charming, sweet, funny and look good while doing it all, he full intends on making Alexis fall in love with him tonight...

... So he needed to dress the part, nothing can go wrong with a home cooked meal, a button up shirt and a nice pair of jeans, he's also pulling out all the stops, like Logan has a small balcony that he doesn't really use all too much but he's going to tonight, with the curtains closed, Alexis won't get any spoilers and with Zeus over with the Bennetts tonight, it'll just be him and Alexis with nothing to bother them, not that Zeus is a bother but he can get really excited around new people and he didn't want him scaring Alexis off.

Logan: Okay Logan, it's just another date. You've done this before, relax and don't be yourself, be everything except that one thing. Nice pep talk.

Logan nodded to himself in the bathroom mirror as he put on cologne and then walked out, shutting the door behind him, as soon as he did, the intercom system went off, letting him know she's already here, he did think she was early to start with but she's not, it's bang on time actually, like it's 7:15, she said she'd be here between 7:00 and 7:30, she couldn't have timed it any better.

Once Logan made sure it was her with the camera and not some little shit trying to get into a building he's not aloud in to cause trouble, he waited by the door, mentally preparing himself for tonight, he did think it was pretty funny that of all the dates he's been on, this is the one that he's most scared of screwing up, like he's trying so hard to hide his ADHD it's crazy, only Colby, Joe and the higher ups know about him taking medication for that, he fully intends on keeping it that way.

Alexis: Hi, sorry if I'm late...

Alexis shot him a small smile when he opened the door, she sounded a little nervous as well, Logan thought that was cute and adorable, it's funny because as soon as he saw her, his worries and nervous disappeared, it was like he knew she was meant to be here right now, almost as if it was writing in their destiny's, Logan doesn't believe in that crap though and was just stunned by Alexis standing in front of him...

... Logan isn't sure what he expected to be honest but this wasn't it, everything was perfect, her smile, her eyes, even the way she stood in the hallway light, if Logan was religious, he'd swear God was shining a beam of light down on her right now to make her even more beautiful but he's not and knows that's just the way she is, perfection.

Alexis: ... Hello? Is everything okay?

Alexis chuckled a little awkwardly as Logan was caught staring, he didn't mean too but what was he meant to do, just brush it off like it was nothing, it's something and Logan hasn't felt like that in a long time about someone, the little skip in his heartbeat, the knot in his stomach, all of it, he just sighed with a smile of his own.

Logan: Yeah, you just look incredible. Come on in.

Logan saw her smile as she walked in past him, just tucking her hair behind her ear, Logan gave an internal fist pump to himself as he knew that meant she liked him, it's all going to plan and they haven't even sat down to eat yet, the curtains still drawn, Alexis looked over to the open planned kitchen to see the food cooking.

Alexis: Smells good.

Alexis knew he was going to cook for her, he's spent the last few days bragging about the fact he's a great cook so she agreed as long as it didn't even the same as his cooking show with Leah the other day, Logan had no intentions of doing that, so as he went to pass her and head into said kitchen, he stopped and looked to her.

Logan: Thanks, it's Old Spice...

Logan tugged at his collar in a way to show off a little more, Alexis giggled at him since he did smell nice, she just didn't want to seem too forward and was talking about the food, while Alexis laughed though Logan played off like he had no idea she was talking about the meal, of course he did but he's just trying to help her relax, making someone laugh is the best way for that.

Logan: ... Oh, you meant the food. Yeah, that's great too...

Logan walked around to the stove as if he was a child pouting because she didn't say he smelt nice, once he got there though he smiled to her and got to work making sure the food didn't burn while Alexis walked around a little, there's not really much to see, it's a 1 bedroom place, the living room, dinning room and kitchen are all joined, the bathroom and bedroom are through the two doors across from her, the other doors are just cupboards, one's got his washer and dryer in the others are just for storage.

Alexis: So what made the great Riley Knox, such a good cook?

Logan looked up to her as she walked over to the kitchen island where sitting on the stall opposite to where he was cooking, she looked honestly interested and Logan was happy to tell her, that's the whole point to one of these things, to get to know the other as much as possible to see if there will be a second one right.

Logan: Between the ages of 15 to 19, I was working under a man named George Vowles. A Dutch Chef in England with 2 Michelin stars...

Alexis grew an impressed look as Logan bragged a little, she didn't know that though, again, Logan doubts most do, sure they know he's a good cook but whether it was just talent or her was trained for 4 years by an actual Chef, Alexis is looking forward to this a lot more now though then she was before, everyone knows Logan's a fast learner, so to see what he can do with 4 years practice will be nice.

Alexis: Why'd you stop?

That was a good question and one he actually hasn't been asked before, most people that have heard he was working in a kitchen before, pretty much just assumed it was a side thing while he was training for the WWE but that's not true, Logan hasn't always set his sights on the WWE as his lifetime goal, he actually had a 9 to 5 before this.

Logan: I always dreamed of being a WWE Superstar, ever since I watched "Stone Cold" Steve Austin against The Rock at Wrestlemania 17...

Logan smiled to the memory of sitting there with his sister and watching, she had no idea what was going on but they were so close back then that she just wanted to do whatever he was doing, she didn't care what it was as long as she was hanging out with her big brother, Logan really should call them one day.

Logan: ... But my dad didn't like it, so I went into a real career. Till my rebellious faze, I started to take lessons behind my fathers back, George then told me to go for it and sacked me because I wasn't going to. George made me take the gamble.

Alexis smiled to his story as he explained it, you can see how much that moment meant to him and if he didn't take that gamble or George didn't push him into it, then he wouldn't be here right now, she wouldn't have met him and he wouldn't be Mr Money in the Bank or the first ever WWE Universal Champion, it's amazing how the people in your life can affect the path you take.

Logan: What about you? What brought you to this moment in time?

Alexis wasn't as unsure about sharing her story with him as he was, Logan left a lot of the tough parts out of his, Alexis didn't hers though and told him everything, from her being bullied in school, to both her eating disorders and then her bodybuilding faze where she didn't actually win any competitions but it gave her the confidence she needed to make that leap into the WWE.

Alexis: ... Now I'm here, with you.

Logan didn't know what to say, she's been through a lot for someone who's just turned 26, it's a lot, Logan thought his road was tough but her story, he's not sure he'd be able to keep going through that, Logan was never picked on at school, he was actually quite popular in a weird way, he never had friends outside of school but everyone knew and liked him inside it, Logan didn't know why but his first response was to change the mood from quite heart wrenching to a little bit joyful.

Logan: Which of course is the highlight of your life so far.

Alexis chuckled to him with an "Of course", he didn't know why he needed to change the vibe but he did, Alexis knew why and it's okay, she liked it, he listened to her, learnt and made her smile, it's what she was looking for, it was just nice to know he listened to her story, not many people will these days, most dates she's been on lately, the guys just um and ah while looking at her chest, Logan hasn't done any of those things yet.

Alexis: What about you? Have you got family? Other then the cute little bundle.

Logan smiled with a chuckle as she was talking about Matteo, Logan still finds it strange he has a son, it hit him like a fright train, it wasn't something he ever expected to happen, he never even got to decide if he wanted kids, he was just kinda giving one and told to be a father, Logan wouldn't change it, although the other night Teo was a little pain in the ass, he still loves his son more then most things these days.

Logan: Nicknames already. That's cute...

Alexis smiled to him as he implied she called him the cute little bundle but she didn't and he knew she didn't, he's just flirting a little, Logan's been trying his best but even once and a while one little comment will slip through, Logan then went back to her question, a question he's already kind of answer but not fully so he filled in the blanks.

Logan: ... I have a father, mother and a younger sister. I haven't seen them in... 8 years now.

Alexis couldn't believe that, she adores her parents, their still a big part of her life, even if her mother wasn't too happy with her joining the WWE, Alexis still had her parents behind her, Logan never had that, his parents thought the WWE was an unrealistic child's dream and a pointless one at that, so right after Alexis asked "Why?", Logan told her.

Logan: They didn't like the idea of me quitting a lucrative career for a wild shot. My male pride stops me from going back.

Logan knows what's keeping him back, it's the pride that he proved his parents wrong, the Kenway pride won't let him go back because he was right and his parents were wrong, they should come to him, not the other way around, Alexis understood that and didn't press anymore, mainly because the food was finally done.

Logan: Okay, I need you to close your eyes.

Alexis looked to him really confused as he walked around to her, took her hands into his and guided her off the stall, she did trust him and closed her eyes, she's not sure where he's taking her but she did hear the curtains open and the balcony door, so now it was her turn to make a joke.

Alexis: I'll warn you, if you plan on pushing me over, my butt will cushion the fall.

Alexis smiled when she hared him chuckle, it was a silly joke but it made them both laugh, Logan wasn't going to put her over, he'd never hurt her, instead he moved her to look at what he set up and moved behind her, Alexis felt his hands holding her upper arms and it was a nice feeling, his hands were warm and it was quite a nice feeling.

Logan: Open.

Alexis did as she was told and opened her eyes to see what Logan organized for her, he's pretty proud of it, he's never done anything like this but working in a restaurant like he did made him learn how to set a nice place for dinner...

... Alexis Ex never did anything like this for her and it made her smile with a little emotion in her eyes, Logan aw'd and hugged her close, it was special to her, especially after telling him everything she's been through, Logan took the time to do this as well, he didn't just take her to a fancy place where others did the work and expect to get laid after, Logan did this for her, to make her feel special and she does.

Alexis: Wow, this is incredible.

Logan smiled and kissed her forehead, Alexis didn't know why he did it or care, she liked it, Logan didn't even seem to realise he had done it as he walked over and pulled a chair out for her, Alexis sat down and looked around, there was everything, a nice wine, napkins, fancy cutlery and dinning wear, it was really fancy, if Alexis didn't know any better he did get someone to do this for him.

Logan: Bon Appétit.

Alexis chuckled as he put a plate down in front of her, she watched him cook so she knows what it is, it's a Chicken Kiev, stuffed with garlic butter, roasted honey glazed potatoes with grilled seasoned tomatoes...

... Logan was really proud of the effort he put into tonight, not that he wasn't planning anything special for Leah the other day but she was more interested in feeling the bed springs then his cooking ability, Alexis however wasn't and loved all of this romantic stuff, it showed how much effort he's willing to put into things to make them work, even if he doesn't realise it.

Logan: I'm pretty proud of all this. I might have to do it again next time.

Logan hasn't realised what he said, this was one of those moments where he just let his mouth run, Alexis smiled across the table at him though as neither of them touched the wine, turns out neither are much of drinkers, Logan's glad he wasted the money on that shit then, he thought she'd enjoy it but no, it's okay though, he's learnt something about her he'll keep with him for the future.

Alexis: "Next time"? There's going to be a next time?

Logan um'd and fumbled over his words, he's not someone that get's tongue tied often but Alexis Kaufman did it, she got him tongue tied, she thought it was cute though and just put his mind to ease with a very simple sentence.

Alexis: I'd love that.

Logan smiled like a goofy kid at Christmas, he's had a lot of fun talking with her as well, he's told her things about himself he never even told Colby, Duncan or Joe, so if that doesn't say how much he wants to keep Alexis to himself and no one else then nothing will, he'll keep her happy though, make her smile as often as he can...


{To Be Continued!}

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