Chapter 8: The Alpha's RAW!

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It's been a few days since Logan had that date with Alexis and he's more then happy with taking things slow, she wants a real relationship, not what Leah wanted, she just wanted sex and he knew it so he gave it to her, Alexis want's something more intimate and Logan's been buzzing ever since.

Colby: I don't think I've ever seen you smiling so much...

Logan's with Joe and Colby ready to open up Monday Night Raw here in Kansas City, WWE Backlash is this Sunday so the world is really pumped up, there's only two more RAW's till they get to see Riley Nox vs Roman Reigns for the Universal Championship, it's a first time 1v1 as well as a first time title defence for the Universal Championship and Riley Knox's first ever World title run.

Colby: ... I don't like it. It's creepy.

Logan and Joe chuckled as Colby was just being an ass, it's cool Logan honestly hasn't been this happy about being with one person, sure he knew she was cool after the night of SummerSlam but actually spending real time with her has made he realise that she's awesome and hot, not many girls have both but she does.

Joe: Maybe Miss Bliss has a magic wand or something.

Logan just looked to them both as they stood by ready for tonight, Logan's ready as well but he's on a crate with both the Universal title and briefcase nearby, Logan didn't mind them ripping into him right now, it's what brothers do and against what people see on Tv, they are still brothers and go from town to town together.

Colby: Or a magic something else.

Logan did do something now and hit him over the back of his head, Joe chuckled as he looked between the two, Colby couldn't believe that Logan just hit him, it wasn't hard but it was hard enough to make him think his eyes were going to pop out the front of his head, they all knew what Colby was referring to and apparently Logan didn't like it when people talked about the Goddess like that.

Colby: What you hit me for?

He asked looking behind him at Logan as he hopped down from the crate, Logan was about to tell him not to speak about Alexis like that but what he didn't realise is that Alexis is actually here, she had a lot of fun the other day too, getting to know the real Logan, also him telling her he has ADHD made her like him even more.

Alexis: He's just so... Goofy. I love it.

Logan trusted her to keep this a secret from the others, he did tell her that Joe and Colby know but that was because they traveled together and they found his meds, then obviously Hunter and Steph know, maybe that's why Vince doesn't like him very well, Logan tends to speak his mind and Vince isn't know to be okay with that most the time, however, Alexis isn't thinking about all that, she's thinking about how his arms felt around her while they watched the movie that night, it was honestly Bliss.

Mercedes: Wow, you should marry him, he sounds great.

Mercedes was being sarcastic which made Ashley and Pamela giggle a little, Mercedes is just here to be with her BFF's, Ashley and Pam actually have a 1v1 tonight in the opening match, just after Logan's promo, their not sure what he's going to be doing but they know it's going to be good, Logan's been on fire lately and no one can say otherwise.

Alexis: Maybe I will.

Alexis hit back as the girls continued to walk, it was just all in good natured ribbing on each other, what they didn't expect was to turn the corner and see Joe, Colby and Logan standing there, Logan's wearing jeans, trainers and a black leather jacket, he looks like an extra from "Rebel Without a Cause" and Alexis loves it, Joe saw them but didn't get to say anything because Logan's just told Colby off.

Logan: Because I said so. She's not like that, she's sweet, kind and adorable. I'm not looking for a one time thing with her. Alexis could be the one.

Logan's back was to the girls as they listened to him say that, Colby saw them behind him as well as he still rubbed the back of his head from the slap, although it's more just there now from the surprise of seeing Alexis standing right behind him, you can't write this stuff, she's not even meant to be here yet they turned the corner just as Logan said that.

Alexis didn't know what to say, she just listened to him say that and honestly it made her heart skip a beat, to know that he felt the same way she does makes her even more excited for what their going to do together, she snapped out of her little wonderland though when he grabbed the title and turned to see the girls there, Joe and Colby smiled while trying to hide it, they didn't do very well though.

Logan: Wow, your right there. How much of that did you here?

Logan asked while trying and praying that he didn't scare her away, imagine going on one date with someone, spending a few hours with them and then them hearing you say that, it's not the best look but apparently Alexis didn't mind because she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him, Logan looked to the girls and gave a small smile as they imitated clapping.

Alexis: I just came here to see you live. I didn't expect to hear you say that though, that was really sweet.

Logan looked down to her with a smile as his left hand held her back, his right hand has the title in, sure he could drop it but his mind isn't thinking about that right now, he's thinking about what just happened, he's never really said anything like that about anyone, yet he said that about her, she really does have him hooked.

Logan: I didn't scare you off?

Alexis let him go and shook her head no at him, Logan was happy to hear that, some people would have thought that saying that was way too much and too soon, not for Alexis though, she was so happy hearing him say that, she didn't want to put 100% into this for him not to, that's why she broke up with her Ex, he just didn't bother anymore, this way she know's he's at least going to try.

Hunter: Logan. Your up.

Hunter walked out the Gorilla to see them all there, he did a double take on Logan and Alexis standing as close as they are, he knew about them dating because people talk, not that everyone knows it but it's spreading around the locker room, also, you'll be surprised to know what Hunter actually knows about in the WWE Backstage.

Logan: Show time.

Alexis hasn't actually been on RAW yet, this is a first for her and she watched the TV nearby to see the pyro going off, Hunter patted Logan on his shoulder as he went over to get his case, Logan clipped the title around his waist then grabbed the case, he smiled with a wink to Alexis before he left them all...

... Heading into position, Alexis smiled with a small excited bounce, Colby, Joe, Ashley, Pam and Mercedes are of course happy to see them so happy, it's cute, Logan though was out of personal happiness and into business mode, the Alpha's here on RAW and the crowd are so happy to see him, Riley made his way down to the ring high fiving as many people as he can, then climbed up the steps and got into the ring, Riley walked over to the other side of the ring and asked for a microphone from the time keepers area.

Riley: So Kansas. What do ya wanna talk about?

They cheered for him as he smiled looking around, the microphone in his right hand, briefcase in his left and title around his waist, there's no one more on top then Riley Knox right now, try to find someone and you'll be there forever, it's a good thing that Vince isn't getting in the way of Hunter's and Steph's work, if he does, Riley might not be where he is right now.

Riley: I know. Let's talk about how I played the Game and I'm still here. Let's talk about how Triple H is so obsessed with me, he keeps on trying to screw me. I thought you were married, beside's your not my type. Too butch...

Riley mimicked being a bigger man, he's in great shape sure, top shape even, Riley's never been in such good shape, it's not too much but it's enough to look at with a smile, which is exactly what everyone backstage is doing, especially Smackdown's Goddess.

Riley: ... But enough about the washed up Shawn Michaels hand me down. Let's talk about Night of Champions where I defend my title against Roman Reigns...

The crowd cheered for the fact they finally get to see two of the bigger babyfaces on the roster go head to head for the Universal Championship, which has actually already become a pretty popular purchase on the WWE Shop alongside Riley Knox side plates, he stood in the ring though with title and case but a smile came to his face, it's not unusual for him to smile in the ring but this time it's because he knows Alexis is watching, it kind of make's him want to do even better then he normally would.

Riley: ... It's no secret that I look up to Roman, even during my days in the S.H.I.E.L.D. I trusted them both with secrets I never told anyone else. But Seth turned his back on us and thinks that because he's Triple H's pet, he's going to take this from me. Well, I don't think so...

Riley started to pace back and forward as he spoke about the past, that's all this rivalry has been between him and Seth, it's been about the past, that day Seth betrayed them both, they thought the crowd would get bored with it after a while but turns out they still love it, with the title now in the middle of it, it's just getting better and better.

Riley: ... I think that Triple H and Seth should just stay out of my way. Triple H, you are nothing, you've always been nothing and that won't change with me. In the Authority, you weren't in charge, your wife was. In D-X everyone knows the Shawn Michaels run that bitch. Monday Night RAW. You don't run....

Alexis and the others watched as the crowd loved what he's saying, he's not holing any punches back at the boss and his former S.H.I.E.L.D brother, Riley didn't continue though, he just looked down to the mat letting the moment sink in, the crowd encouraged their Champion while the camera zoomed closer and closer to him.

Riley: ... I do.

Riley smiled out the side of his face as the crowd cheered for him, the cocky grin on his face just made them believe him more and more, that was until that all changed, Riley continued to smile as he slowly turned to face the ramp as someone's music hit and a wide range of boo's came out from the fans...

... Seth and Triple H came out the curtain, Seth in his ring gear but Hunter wore a suit looking like he's ready for business, Riley dropped the briefcase and unclipped his title ready for a fight, he and the fans watched as Hunter stopped at the ring, Seth kept walking around till he got to the announcer's table, Riley stood upright and chuckled to himself as Hunter and Seth slowly climbed onto the apron, the smile on his face didn't trouble them though, but it should have.

Riley: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...

Seth and Hunter watched him as he held his right hand outstretched to Hunter indicating for him to wait while he looked back and between both the men about to attack them, they waited though even if this wasn't supposed to be happening, Logan's going off script again but Hunter gave a small nod to Seth telling him to let the man cook.

Riley: ... Kansas City. Do me one thing. If you all want to whoop their asses, how about you let me know...!

The did by standing on their feet and cheering for him, some even howled as if they were wolves, Hunter and Seth looked around as they haven't seen interaction like this for a Superstar since the Attitude Era, this is like The Rock's ability to get the crowd involved with Stone Cold's attitude, Hunter put his career on the line when he talked Vince into letting Kenway into the S.H.I.E.L.D, it looks like Hunter's faith was well placed.

Riley: ... I thought so.

Riley dropped the mic and took advantage of a distracted Seth, super kicking him off the apron and onto the floor, that just left Riley Knox and Tripe H, Hunter looked fuming at the Universal Champion as Riley encouraged Hunter to come at him, the crowd chanted for Riley as Triple H slowly climbed into the ring, neither man taking their eyes off each other, the two started to trash talk though, stepping closer and closer towards the other.

That ended when they were toe to toe, Triple H being a little taller then Riley, but that didn't faze The Alpha, what did was his Money in the Bank briefcase hitting him in the back, nocking him to the floor, Hunter and Seth took advantage of the blindsided attack and started to beat down on the Universal Champion, the crowd booing the entire time till someone came to level the odds...

... The crowd came to life as Triple H and Seth backed away from Roman, the Big Dog charged the ring and slid in under the bottom rope, as he did, Seth and Hunter got out the other side, Riley has his back up and they didn't want that smoke, the crowd kept on booing Triple H and Seth as they backed up the ramp, Roman helped Riley too his feet and they both watched as they backed away, Riley picked up his title and held it clear for all to see while Roman stood beside him, Clash of Champions is just around the corner and it's going to be big...


{To Be Continued!}

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