Chapter Nineteen

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Surprisingly, it didn't take long for Savorn to spill the beans. I had expected him to put up at least a little bit of a fight, but my wolf was just a little to much for him. Honestly, she was a little to much for almost everyone, which is exactly why I've kept her locked up until now. Like I had expected, my brother was apart of this all, hoping that I would succumb to the mate bond and wither away, though he wasn't the only Alpha involved. There were two others, and I wasn't their only target. They wanted all three of the female Alpha's to be taken care of. Of course Eloise was a loose cannon, and Savorn admitted that they hadn't been able to come up with a plan to get her yet. Reagan on the other hand was out of the question. Savorn and his men knew that they would get themselves killed trying to get her. I was the easiest target, especially since they had someone on the inside. They just hadn't been expect her to be lurking beneath the surface.

Satisfied with the answers they provided, my wolf stood and started for the entrance. Behind us, the wolves sighed with relief, but they were wrong to relax.

"Earlier, you mentioned how my grandfather was a hybrid. After chatting with some of his pack was brought up that you may have been considered for being brought into the pack. You were denied tho. Is this true?" we asked as the shadows outside the room began to move.

"Y-yes...he told me that I wasn't a good fit for the pack. I did some digging on him and found out about you and your siblings. I also remember seeing you at his home once before. So I knew you were still in contact with him. Then I learned that you and your older brother were fighting over who would control the pack after the loss of your other older brother. I offered my services, knowing if I could get you, then I was one step closer to your grandfather."

"I see," we pause and think, and then smile, "Tell me, do you know why no one really believes that hybrids exist?"

"I assume it's because-"

"It's Because," the two from earlier step into the light, blood dripping from their enlarged canines, "Hybrids always clean up their messes, and make sure that those who know, permanently keep their mouths shut. Clearly my grandfather screwed up by letting you go the first time. I, on the other hand, will not make that same mistake..."

Heart retching screams echoing behind me as the hybrids do what they do best. My wolf completely ignores the sound, walking out of the room and towards one of the many openings to the outside.

It's a literal breath of fresh air as I step out into the darkened world. My wolf begins to recede back to her own darkness, our bond so much different then what it was before I was brought here. Turning around, I finally face the prison I'd been stuck in for the last couple of weeks.

It was nothing more then a small, boarded up factory building. From the underground stair case I'd come up from, it was safe to say that the Omega and his followers were using the underground part of the place and not the above ground. It made sense really, seeing that if we had been above ground, it would have been much easer for those who are looking for us to have found us.

Still, as I sniffed the air, one thing stood out. There wasn't a trace of wolf around the place. Considering that Savron and his men would have made multiple trips in order to get us and bring us here, there should have been at least a little bit of some kind of scent. Yet, there was nothing.


I hear a small thud behind me, and then, "They are going to be so thrilled..."

"It was bound to happen eventually," I said as I turned and faced my Beta, "I'm surprised my grandfather managed to get you guys here first."

"I'm not."

"And what is because?"

"Think about it. You were the only one without your real wolf unleashed. Now you all are awakened. Now the blood flowing their your veins is thriving. Do you really not think that they didn't let you just kind of rot here, knowing that eventually she would gain control?"

"It does sound like something she would do."

"Exactly, and they also knew that your grandfather would be looking for you. So either way, they knew you would get out."

"Those guys can really be a nuisance."

"Just be glad you won't have to deal with them forever." His words stopped me dead in my tracks. There was only way I'd be free from the path I was currently walking on, but I was hoping that wasn't going to be the case.

"She's going to be an Alpha?"

"Your grandfather thinks so."

"Great." I groaned.

"Would you rather deal with them for ever? I mean, your grandfather and the queen are one thing...but them to. You should be glad that she's going to be an Alpha."

"Being a female Alpha is a horrible thing, Lucas. Males want to mate with you just because they want to be able to secure a strong blood line, they doubt every choice you make as an Alpha in a ruling positions, and on top of that, everyone who was once your friend, slowly start to vanish because it just 'isn't fair'. I'd rather her be normal."

"Well life isn't fair. You know that better then anyone. So now what are you going to do?"

"To be honest," I start towards the woods, "I'm going to go kill my brother."

"You can't be serious..."

"He actually did have a part in this...and let's be honest. She wants him dead. I am no longer in control. Might as well go and get this over with."

"I'll meet you there, then." He sighed.

"Aren't you going to just tag along?"

"Sadly, I do have something else that needs my attention."

"And what is that."

"Well," he gives me one of his innocent grins, "My darling Eloise may know about your grandfather now..."

Quicker then I'd ever done it before, I turn and pin Lucas to the ground. There's a little bit of fear in his eyes but he quickly shuts it off, "Are you stupid!?" I hiss.

"She was worried about you, Cara..."

"And now her life is in danger! I was just kidnapped because of being his granddaughter. What makes you think that someone won't go after her!?"

"You know that I wouldn't let anything happen to her..."

"You weren't suppose to let anything happen to me either! Yet, here we are!"

"I did what I did," he growled, "It's done and over with."

Sucking in a deep breath, I pushed myself back onto my feet and turned away back towards the woods, "This is not over with! If anything happens to her, I will personally kill you myself!" With those words, I take off into the woods, leaving Lucas alone.

Sometimes I swore that man did not use his brain. He always made the most stupid choices, ones that often led to him or those around me into sticky situations. Still, with him exposing the secret like he did, it brought up some questions that I'm sure Eloise wouldn't like to hear. For one, I can't help but wonder if his position was causing issues with the mate bond. If it's not the mate bond causing his stupidity, then the only thing I could guess that he was just really into her, and he wanted to personally bring her into the fold. By making it about me, it was the perfect excuse to be able to expose himself, and not face her wrath. He knew that by exposing my secrets first, there'd be less anger directed at him when it was his turn to spill his own secrets.

Using me to get what he wants, I growled subconsciously, Sometimes I really do just want to strangle the life out of him. He's really going to have to behave now is he wants to stay clear of her claws...

"Wow," I stopped dead in my tracks and looked up. Above me, golden eyes glowed in the darkness, "Only took you 22 years...considering my bet was 23, I'm a little upset that I'm out two thousand dollars."

"You are such a greedy little wolf," we chuckled, "I always did wonder why you were always the one to support me when it came to me holding her back."

"What can I say," The Alpha jumped down landing silently on the balls of her feet. Her fiery red hair is pulled back into two thick braids. She's wearing training clothes, nothing more then leggings and a sports bra. It may seem stupid to be wearing such things, but it's displaying her toned muscles, a show of dominance in her mind, "After your episode with Trents death, and the fear from her emergence, I was positive you'd hold off for a while. I only guessed 23 because no ones ever lasted past 24, and I knew Tiberius wouldn't let you go unmated for to much longer, and the mating process is always the easiest time for them to slip through the cracks."

I look at her with a raised eye brow. She chuckles and folded her arms over her chest, "Don't play coy. The whole, my pack this and my pack that, was nothing but a lie. You didn't want to mate with Tiberius because you knew that she's take control the moment you would fall victim to the mating process. None of us have ever made it past the mating process."

She's dead on.

Rolling her eyes, Reagan playfully shoves at my shoulder, "Don't act like I don't know what's been going on through your head. You've tapped into her strength before, but you've never gone full demon. You got a small taste of what she was like, and then you shut down. You two don't see eye to eye, unlike the rest of us. I also know that you don't believe in senseless killing. You were going to do what ever you could to keep her locked away, like avoiding the mating process."

"You caught me," I rolled my eyes again, "So what are you doing here? Rubbing it in my face that she's actually free?"

"Why, I'm here to watch you kill your brother". At the thought of killing, her golden eyes begin to darken, her canines enlarging underneath her lips, "I've been waiting for this day since those chains almost broke so many years ago."

"You want in?"

"Of course we do. Taking down packs is always so much fun. I can add to my count!"

"Fine," I growled. "Just try to not kill those in my pack that are on my side. I do want a pack to go back to after this is all over, not to mention, we are trying to save our selves..."

"I'll behave. Promise." Her eyes go black and her shift hits fast. One second all I can see is her and then I'm standing face to face with a fiery red wolf, one as large as a male Alpha.

For me, I let the change happen slowly. Usually at this point, I would let my wolf have full reign, and black out as she changed as to not have to go through the actual shift. With her, the few times that she would manage to slip out, I'd just black out, not wanting to see what she would do. But not this time. I want to see her kill my brother. I want to watch as it all goes down.

My bones snap and change painlessly, and pale, cream colored fur bursted from the planes of my skin. The shift happened smoothly and suddenly I was on all fours next to Reagan, my wolf the same size as her own. We both looked at each other and then she took off. I followed after her, keeping a steady pace.


Random update. I know.


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Happy Wednesday!!!

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