Chapter Twenty

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As Reagan and I step onto my pack's territory, multiple scents begin to pull my wolf back to the surface. Many of the Alpha's were currently gathered in my own home. No doubt with the release of the other three Alpha's, a meeting was called, and I'm sure they were all interested in hearing how Hybrids had swarmed the place and tore everything to shreds. Either that, or my brother was making sure that he was safe, by having others around him. Titan knew how I felt about the others knowing of our problems. I'm sure that in his mind, he was thinking that with the other's around, I wouldn't try to do anything stupid. If only he would have known in advance that I was no longer the main driver. She was, and she was more than ready to have her pack following only her, even if it meant getting rid of those that were not like herself.


    The link switches on without any control on my part.

    Where is he? We link back.

    Waiting. They all are. Everyone has already smelled your wolf. Your real wolf.

    Have you been in contact with the others?

    Bethany is in the process now. Are you...?

    Yes, we growl, I was hoping to hold off, but it seems Titan purposely went after me.

    Alright. We will be waiting. The link shuts off.

    Reagan nips at my side and when I look at her, her black eyes are looking at me with worry. She can sense it too. As I draw closer, I can feel the tensions rising, and that can only mean that Titan had realized that this is the end. The real question is what are the other Alpha's going to do? I can only assume that Titan has somehow made it seem like I was in cahoots with the hybrids. Make me look like the traitor and him the innocent bystander.

    Taking a deep breath, Reagan and I increase our speed, breaking through the woods and into my front yard a few minutes later.

    Like expected, Titan and all the other Alpha's, minus Eloise, were standing in front of my home. Some were already shifted, others were standing completely still. As we approached them, a few that were shifted growled out in warning, but the sound only had my own and Reagans following suit. We dropped our tails and bared our teeth as we approached the group. It may have only been two of us, but there was a lot that none of them knew was going on at the moment. None of them realized what was actually in front of them.

    I shifted without a second though.

    "Hello brother."

    "I'm glad your alive. You smell different."

    "Cut the bullshit," I snapped, "You seem to have forgotten where you come from."

    "And what does that mean?" He hissed as he stepped forward, his blue eyes slowly turning gold.

    "It means that I didn't, and when that little Omega learned that truth, it didn't take him long to spill everything. You the fact that a certain Alpha actually asked him to take out his baby sister." Murmurs broke out through the crowd.

    Titan rolled his eyes and laughed, "And where is this proof, baby sister? Did you and your precious hybrid buddies happen to bring him back so he can confess to the other Alpha's?"

    "Sadly no. My precious hybrid buddies decided that the best option was to tear the wolf to shreds. Just like I'm going to do to you."

    "If you really think that you will win this fight, then you must have gone insane. We both know that my wolf is stronger than."

    "And that's where you're wrong." I hissed as my skin began to ripple, "You seem to be forgetting that your wolf died when you let your mate die."

"Well then. Let's put this fight to rest, Cara."

Letting my wolf take back control, I shifted just as my brother did. Where I was once smaller, my wolf was now the same size as his own silver monster. We both growled lowly in warning, and then we lunged.

My wolf jumped back as Titan went in for her neck. She landed firmly on her hind legs, and then pushed herself forward, slamming into Titan's wolf with full force. There was a small yelp from his snout, and then he twisted and bit down hard in her hind legs. There was no sound of pain, only a snarl of pure anger. From the corner of our sight, we see a brown wolf push through the crowd. My wolf shoves herself back a second time ready to take on the Beta, when a flash of red slams into it and Reagan pins him to the ground. She doesn't go in for the kill. Instead she holds him there, growling in warning. One wrong move on his part, and she'd rip his throat out.

Focusing on our brother once again, my wolf lunges forward, jerks back at the last second, rolls to the side, and then clamps down on his tail, pulling back sharply causing his back legs to give out. Seeing him lying half way on the ground, she uses the opportunity, and prances on his back, biting down hard on his rough. Blood spills into her mouth, the scent filling the air. She can sense the other Alpha's beginning to get antsy, The fight between her and my brother needed to be over sooner rather than later, or there were going to be problems.

Biting down a second time, my wolf jumps off of my brother, and then swatts as hard as she can at his nose. Blood flies through the air as her claws break through the skin. I can feel her grinning, but she doesn't have time to celebrate as my brother pushes himself backwards and into her. She crashes into the ground, but quickly corrects herself, and clamps down on his leg right as he does the same to her.

An idea suddenly pops into my mind.

Jumping back, my wolf turns away from my brother and shoots towards the woods to the west. Titan is hot on her tail. She pushes harder, ignoring the pain radiating from her back leg and zips through the trees. Always left out in case of an emergency, she finds the bag she was looking for. She bites and pulls it off of the tree as she passes it, and then heads right back towards where Reagan continues to hold down Jasper.

As she approaches to the clearing, I shift back, taking control. I immediately dig into the bag and pull out a belt. I hear a huff of laughter, and turn right as my brother's wolf lunges. He's to slow. I jump forward, tucking and rolling under hist attack, only to turn and jump at him myself. I land successfully on his back, and wrap the belt around his throat, tightening it as tight as it will go.

Pissed, his wolf bucks around the yard, twisting and snapping at any thing he can.

Searing pain shoots through my leg as he manages to bite down on my calf, but I don't let go. I continue to pull as tight as I can, breathing deeply as all of the pain I've endured while my wolf was in control suddenly starts to hit. I'm about to give up when I feel Titan start to slow down. He stops, and then he shifts underneath me. When he's once again human, I'm sitting on his chest, the belt still around his neck. He's red in the face, pain contorting his features.

As soon as he opens his eyes, I pull back my arm and slam my fist into his nose.

"That was for Trent you murderous bastard!" I yell. I then hit him a second time, "That is for Faith and all the hell you put her through!" A third time, "That is for all the women of our pack that you raped!" A fourth time, "And that is for me and everything you put me through! For all of the loved ones you took away from me! You don't deserve to be Alpha!" A fifth time, "Like hell will I let you run this pack! It's mine!" I continue to punch him, blood flying from his face as my swings get harder and harder. I feel my wolf start to take over when familiar arms wrap around my waist and pull me off.

He immediately wraps a towel around my naked body, "He's dead, Cara. You won."

I look down. Lucas was right. I don't sense any life in my brother any more. He's just lying there, his face barely recognizable. My new found strength was certainly something I was going to have to get used to.  

"Well," I snapped my gaze onto the other Alpha's, "Anyone want to take the opportunity to challenge me for my pack?" No one answers. I ignore most of the looks given to me and focus on the one Alpha I really cared about. He looks conflicted. I know he wants to walk across the yard and hold me, but clearly something is holding him back.

Chuckling, Lucas leans down and whispers. "Your eyes are showing-"

"You can't actually believe that we will let you be our Alpha!?" Jasper hisses suddenly. I turn, surprised to see him once again in his human form. Reagan must have let him go, but from the looks of it, her wolf was just waiting for the guy to make a run for it. She wanted the thrill of the hunt, not a prey that would just give in. "A traitor can never be Alpha!"

"Traitor?" I laugh, "Why? Because I killed my Brother? He was an evil bastard who didn't deserve this pack. He should have been killed off a long time ago."

"I don't give two shits about him!" He snaps, "How about we start with explaining," he suddenly points at Lucas, "Why you have a damn hybrid as your beta!"

The Alpha's all go still. I can hear their heart races pick up speed as they wait for my response. I'm about to deny his accusations when he pulls two photos from his pocket, "I have proof! Right here!"

He throws them onto the ground in front of me, and my heart sinks the sight. Lucas is feeding from a human, his eyes glowing red like the blood dripping off his Chin. "Explain that princess!"

I look up, my vision fading as my wolf begins to claw her way back to the surface, "You should really have minded your own business mutt," we growl in unison. My voice is twisted, her darkness fading in and out, "Everything is the way it is for reasons that you will never understand!"

"And what are you going to do-" blood spills from his lips as a hand is shoved through his chest. Everyone, including myself, sucks in a breath, as we all take in the still beating heart that's no longer inside his body.

The hand drops the vital organ, and Jaspers body follows shortly. Standing where he had once been, Lucas stands with a smug look on his face. "Well that was not as satisfying as I expected."

"W-Why?" I ask as my wolf begins to recede, my shock allowing me temporary control..

"My job is to protect you, Cara. Jasper knew too much, therefore he was a threat. I did my job, and removed said threat."

Hybrids. Monsters. The lust of a vampire, mixed with the animalistic instincts of a werewolf. Almost all loyal to my grandfather, whose only goal in his life at the moment, was keeping me safe.

"You're an idiot." I whispered under my breath as I felt the sudden hostility in the air. Werewolves hated vampires, but Hybrids were much worse. There was only one way a hybrid was created, and it was very taboo in our world.

"I'm just following my orders."

"I thought you were loyal to me?"

"You're not my Alpha."

That hurt. As truthful as he was being, and even with me knowing that my grandpa really was his Alpha, it still hurt for me to hear those words.

"Then I guess you can leave."

"Wait...Cara..." he reaches out towards me but I jerk away. Behind him, I see Reagan shift, and wolves of her own pack start moving towards her. One of them hands over a robe, and she slips it on before coming to my side.

"My father is on his way. This isn't looking good..." I followed her gaze towards the other Alpha's.

She's right. There are so many pairs of molten golden eyes staring me down. It isn't fear either. No, they are looking at me as if I really am a traitor. Only three seem unsure of what to think.

"We need to get you away from here," she whispers, "This place too will turn into a bloodbath if we stay for much longer."


"Is already being picked up." Lucas chimes in.

"My pack..."

"Those of importance are already waiting for you."

I had nothing left to say. Holding my tears at bay, I let my eyes fall onto one last Alpha. He's hurt, unsure, and lost. I can tell he still wants to run to me, and be by my side, but at the same time he's struggling between siding with his own kind, and the one that will clearly mark him as a traitor himself.

Without saying anything, I turn away from the crowd and head into the woods towards the setting sun. Reagan, her pack mates, and Lucas follow close behind, but no one says anything. It isn't until I'm no longer able to hear the beating hearts of the Alpha's that someone speaks up.

"I'm sorry Cara," It's Lucas, "What I said, I didn't mean it. You are my Alpha, but so is your grandfather. I had to protect you. Every instinct in my body was screaming for me to protect you."

"It's fine. I get it." I growl, and then turn towards the other Alpha of the ground, "Reagan, we should call for a gathering and see what the other leaders want to do..."

"My dad is already ahead of you. He made the call the moment you went missing."

"I guess you really can't fight your destiny, can you?" Arms wrap around me and pull me in close. Smiling, Reagan gives me a smile full sharp teeth ready to tear someone to shreds, "Not for us my precious sin..."


Book 1 completed.

Book 2: The Summit of Seven coming soon.

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