Chapter Seventeen

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She stood as still as a statue, her deep, black eyes piercing right through me. Next to her, another wolf laid lifelessly on the ground, bright, crimson red blood soaking her pure cream coloured fur. Holding my breath, I stood my ground, keeping my gaze level with her own. There was a pain in my chest, like my heart was slamming against my rib cage in an attempt to get out. I'd experienced a similar pain like this once before, but this was so much more. This wasn't a slip up of control...

"I don't want this," I whispered as I dropped to my knees, "I don't want you..."

She doesn't move. She doesn't make a sound. She continues to stare me down, blood dripping from her muzzle onto the black ground beneath her feet. She knows I'm on the verge of loosing control. I can feel everything that she's feeling. Our unbreakable bond.

"I won't fight you," I drop my gaze to the shackles wrapped around back legs, "Just promise me you'll keep Faith safe. Promise that you will protect her as if she was your own..."

Our heart beats began to pick up speed.

"You can kill Titan," Our adrenaline began to stir, "You can kill all of them who are not our of true blood line...Just keep Faith safe...I beg of you..."

She takes a slight step forward, her eyes still matching mine. A low growl leaves her lips as excitement begins to stir.

"Trent deserves revenge." Something warm slides down my cheek, a darkness filling my chest.

She takes another step forward, the chains beginning to become taunt as she moves to far away from the sport they latch onto.

My eyes drop into the dead she-wolf. The sight of her leaves a hallow pain in my chest. "I'm sorry," I whisper as I pull a silver key from my pocket, "I'm sorry I've made you suffer all these years. I'm sorry that in the end, I couldn't stop her from getting to you," I crouch down to where the shackles are locked, "Thank you," I slide the key into the lock and twist it, "For everything..."

The shackles drop to the ground and without a single breath, the she-wolf lunges forward.

I push myself off of the ground, jumping onto the balls of my feet as a heat races through my veins. A few feet away, a guard lays lifeless, his eyes empty as his blood continues to pour from his open throat. It's a sweet smell, a scent that calls to a dark part of me, but I don't go for it. This feeling is only going to be temporary.

I step out into the hall and sniff the area. I can smell the Alpha's on the floor, but there is no one else. I know I need to set them free, but she doesn't want to, and so I turned and head away from their scents.

As I move along the darkness, small sounds begin to register in my ears. There's laughter, the kind that seems slightly forced, as if someone told a joke, and their friends were just laughing to be nice. The sounds causes a slight vibration to stir in my chest and slowly my vision begins to fade.

When I finally snap back to reality, I'm standing in a large pile of blood, three different bodies facedown in front of me, their limbs scattered throughout the room. A mirror off to my right shows my face covered in it, the thick, life-full, substance dripping from my chin and on the floor. My eyes are receding back to their natural blue color, the black slowing dissipating.

A part of me doesn't want to pull my eyes away from the image, but we both know there are more important issues at hand then the sight of blood on my face. I leave the room and head back towards the cell where the other Alpha's are locked up. She doesn't want to let them go, I can feel the thoughts of letting them rot creeping into my head, but things are about to get messy, and at least two of the three Alpha's have families that need them.

I tap into her renewed strength, grab the door knob, and rip the metal door straight off its hinges. When I let go, the sound reverberates through the whole down stairs. If the blood curling screams hasn't gotten the Omega's attention, I have no doubt that sound did.

When I step into the room I stop right before I hit the light. All three Alpha's are awake, their golden eyes resting on my. I can see their nostrils flaring, no doubt picking up the scent of the blood I'm covered in.

I take a deep breath, and step into the light. All three react immediately, their eyes going wide. I ignore the shocked reactions and head to Fredrick, the farthest to the left. Two sharp tugs, and the chains fall to the ground, "Get out of here quickly," I say as I move onto Michael, "Find a way out, and run away as fast as you can," I break his chains and then head to Gaven, "What ever you do, do not try to stay and fight." I finish with the last Alpha and then start walking out of the room. I can tell they want to say more, but the situation is probably too confusing.

I stop right at the door way, and then face them, "This place is about to be turned into a blood bath...if you head down the hall, the last room has the key for those cuffs. Set yourselves the rest of the way free, and then run."

"But Cara..."

I drop my gaze onto Michael and shake my head, "This place is about to be over ran by hybrids," I admit as their scent had caught my attention as soon as I had gained consciousness, "They will tear everything inside of here apart, including the three of you. You have families. Go home to them. And Gavin..."


"Tell my brother that when I get back, I'm claiming the pack." I leave them with those words.

Titan may be the same as me, but he doesn't know his limits. He doesn't even know how to use it. Me on the other hand, this isn't the first time I've tapped into her true strength. This isn't the first blood bath I've created.

Memories flash in the back of my mind, a younger version of myself soaked in blood. My once blue eyes were ebony black, not a single speck of light in them. Beside me, another stands, her wolffish grin matching my own.

That day had been a week after Trents death. I had been on the verge of snapping, and the only way I could let her go free without causing a scene was to go rabid hunting, and that's exactly what I had done. I had called up others like me, offered for them to join, and then for the few that had decided to show, we destroyed the rabids. We had crushed their souls and permanently burned fear into their minds. Its why I don't go to the forest they usually reside in. Everyone I loved would know something was up when they saw how the rabids reacted around me.

As I head up a flight of darkened stairs, I hear a door a few floors up get slammed open. Two people are struggling, fighting, and my wolf bares her canines at the scent of one of them. If it wasn't for the pact, she'd kill them both, but as blood thirsty as she is at the moment, she's not stupid. She won't let her urges ruin something that's been in the works for years.

The growling up top stops, the sound replaced by a gurgling noise. There's a grunt, and then a body goes flying over the railing, hitting the bottom with a giant thud. I look up, maroon-amber eyes peering down at me. I flash then a grin full of sharp teeth and then continue my way up.

By the time I make it up to where the hybrid was, he's no longer alone, this time with another. I raise an eyebrow at them both and ask, "Did he send you?"

"Yup." The taller of the two said, "Lucas was supposed to compel a guard to give you one of the vials, but clearly you aren't going to need it anymore." He could smell her, no doubt about it.

I give them both one of my wolffish grins, "She wanted to play, who am I to deny her?"

"We've eliminated most of the guards, but there are a few still lingering around. There is this weird scent we caught in our way down to you, any clue to what that might have been?"

"An Omega," I chuckle, "He's the one whose been running this whole thing..."

"An Omega," The other hybrid laughed, "You can't be serious princess."

"I don't think he's acting alone. He's the one whose been holding me and the others captive, but there's no way the guy is smart enough to do all of this by himself."

"So who do you think orchestrated the whole thing?"

"My brother." I growl.

Just thinking of him has the room starting to spin.

"That's a pretty big accusation, Cara." Donovan whistled as he leaned against the railing with both arms folded over his chest, "If you aren't one hundred percent sure he's to blame, then you shouldn't-"

"I'm stronger then him and he knows it. I also have a feeling that he knows I've been dipping into our blood line. He wants to be Alpha. I'm his biggest threat because most of the pact supports me. Not to mention if Faith ends up being an Alpha, the claim is hers, and the only thing standing in between him and her is me..."


"And I think he knows about our grandfather."

"What?" They both asked at the same time.

"The omego knows about him being a hybrid. So most likely Titan has known this whole time and told him. If he does know, that means he probably knows more about what's going on then we thought, and he can use that against me with the other Alpha's. They won't be happy when they find out about my pact with the vampires and hybrids."

"Would they attack?"

"They'd be foolish to do so. Reagan and her pack would side with me. Between me, her, her father and her aunt, I don't think the Alpha's would survive. We'd also have Tiberius on our side - well hopefully - and I don't think my sister would be against me, but letting her wolf loose at this stage would kill her child. I won't let that happen."

"Is it possible Titan doesn't know," Heath jumped in, "I mean if he did know, why not just tell already? You've had plenty of meetings without Reagan and her pack right?"

"So how does the omega know?"

"He could have been apart of the denied specimens..."

"The what?" I ask.

"We've had some wolves your grandfather denied. He always chose us based on our personalities and our wolves. If he didn't think they'd obey him or would cause trouble, they'd be ran off. Most of the wolves that were ran off were typically too scared to try anything considering Victoria would make sure they knew there's be consequences."

"Does he take Omegas?"

"Yes. Sasha and Alex are both Omegas. They may not be able to take on some higher ranked wolves and vamps, but they are able to hold their own against normal ranked ones."

I thought about it for a minute. It would make more sense if he'd simply been denied by my grandfather. When he was talking about him he seemed pretty pissed. If he had been chosen for the transition, then he his weakness as an Omega would have been lost, and he wouldn't have been looked down on any more. Being denied meant he was left being weak and abandoned.

"Call me crazy but is it possible he belonged to one of the packs of the treaty?"

"What do you mean?"

"I still think my brother is behind this, but what if the Omega used my brother to get to me which in return got to my grandfather. If he was chosen as a possible candidate, then I'm sure he at least knew of me. If he had previously belonged to one of the packs apart of the treaty, then he would have known of the fight between my brother and I. With only me being mentioned with the hybrids, then it's only logical that I knew and my brother didn't. If the Omega told my brother he'd take us and torture or kill us, then my brother gets free reign of the pack and he gets information on my grandfather."

"So he played on Titans feelings towards you to get you in his clutches which would in return get the boss to come rescue you."

"Yes and..." I go still, a thought racing through my mind, "Is there anyone going after him?"

"Nope, just us until Lucas gets here...why?"

"He wouldn't have tried to face my grandfather without a way to subdue him." My skin ripples are my wolf begins to push towards the surface, "Both of you get out of here. Now. Find the three Alpha's and make sure they are safe. Do not let any hybrids near this place. Got that?"

"He'll kill us if you get hurt..."

"We won't get hurt," I growl, my vision sharpening, "Something tells me he hasn't faced anything like me before..."

Have you figured out what Cara is yet?

Do you think Reagan and her family is the same?

Why do you think the Omega knows about Cara's grandfather?

Will the Alpha's learn of Cara's Secret?

And who will lead the pack? Cara or Titan.

Stay tuned for chapter 18 next week!

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