Chapter Sixteen

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How is this possible?

I couldn't move. My feet were glued to the floor, my gaze captured by the one across from me. There's no way it really him... But it was.

He had her eyes. Those damned, dark, blue eyes that always looked black in the darkness.

"Keep up slow poke!" She teased as she darted away from me. I chased after her, my wolf on the edge of her seat as we watched Cara's body soar through the air and over the edge of the cliff. We raced after her, our stomachs dropping to our feet, as the ground was suddenly gone, replaced by a glassy smooth body of water .

Darkness surrounded me, a cold blanket of water wrapping around my entity. I felt the current begin to drag me down, but something else pulled me up.

My eyes shot open as I broke through the surface. I sucked in a breath full of air, my lungs squeezing tightly as the beat of my heart tried to slow down. Cara was right next me, a large grin plastered on her face as her black eyes twinkled with mischief. "You do know how to swim, right?"

"Of course I do," I giggled as I splashed a handful of water her way, "It was just relaxing down there."

"This water is cold and is that relaxing to you?"

"It just is...." My voice faded as the color of her eyes started to change. The blackness faded out until there was nothing left but a dark blue.

I'd noticed it before in her brothers. One moment their eyes would be black, and the next moment blue. I'd been thinking that maybe it was the lighting that changed the color, but now I was sure they had changed colors, "Hey Cara...can I ask you something?"

"Sure." she said as she rolled over onto her back and began to swim away from me.

"H-Have you ever noticed that your eye's change colors?"

"Well yeah...I mean I am an Alpha..."

"No I mean...When I came to the surface of the water your eyes were black, but then they changed to dark blue..."

Cara stopped swimming and stared at me. She tilted her head to the side and smiled at me, it was a look I'd never seen before on her, "You must be seeing things," she grinned, "Eyes don't do that..."

Now I was sure of it.

"Do Cara's eyes change colors?" I asked suddenly, "And I don't mean from blue to gold like every other Alpha."

The man stared at me, his eyes eerily empty. If I hadn't just been talking to the vampire before hand, I would have sworn both of them were statues with how still they were.

"Yes my dear Eloise," I turn and see Lucas leaning against the wall, "Her eyes do change color. From blue to black. I'm sure you've seen it before. On her, Titan, Trent, and Isadona. It's a family trait."

"Which means," I turn back and face the man sitting on the couch, "You're Cedric Carmichael, Cara's maternal grandfather, aren't you?"

"I'm impressed," The vampire next to him snickers, "You didn't tell me she was this smart Lucas."

"How are you alive?" I ask, ignoring her comment to Cara's Beta.

"Sit," he holds a hand out towards one of the recliners, "And I will explain it all."

"I think I'm good with standing..."

"Then you are wasting my time." He tells me. I look back towards Lucas who just eyes the recliner. Are they seriously not going to tell me anything unless I sit down. I look around again and realize my thoughts were correct.

Sighing, I roll my eyes and sit down where Cara's grandfather told me, "Okay. I am sitting."

"Are you sure you want to know the answers to your questions," he asks me, "I can promise you that you wont be able to look at my granddaughter the same if I do."

"If Cara is willing to make these risks, then so am I." I really hope you didn't screw up to bad Cara...

"Very well. You want to know how I am alive. It's simple. I'm a hybrid. A mix between a werewolf and a vampire."

I wait for Lucas to start laughing, to show me that what Cedric had just said was a joke, but when everyone remains quiet, my heart drops into my stomach, "Y-You can't really expect me to believe that? That's literally impossible. Vampire's can't reproduce!"

"I wasn't born a hybrid."

"Then h-how?"

"An experiment I did about sixteen years ago," Victoria spoke up, "Cedric and I made an agreement to protect his pack, which on his part was participating in my experiment."

"She killed me. Then, the second my heart stopped, she injected me with her own blood. Due to me being already dead, the vampire blood didn't have to worry about the rejection of my werewolf blood. When her blood revived me, it fused with my werewolf blood, and formed the blood now running through my veins. Hybrid blood."

"And you had no issues with letting her kill you? What if you had somehow fallen under her control? What if she decided to use you to kill your family!?" I couldn't believe it. Cedric was stupid to have done that. Even if it had worked out, there had just been to many risks involved.

"I had nothing to worry about because we created a blood binding treaty. If she were to lay a hand on anyone of my blood line, she'd perish."

"Are there others....hybrids I mean?"

"Yes there are a handful of us. They all work under me. There is only one that doesn't really follow my orders, but that is because he's following Cara's orders." I immediately turn on Lucas.

"Y-You're a hybrid too!?"

"Of course," he grins, a set of fangs gleaming in the cabin light, "Haven't you ever wondered how I'm so sneaky and seem to appear out of no where? Hybrid speed darling."

I turn back to Cedric, "Did you send him to watch over Cara?"

"Of course I did. She's a female Alpha, the second in our blood line. That's very rare. On top of that, she is the only thing standing between peace and war between the three different races."

"W-what does that mean?"

"The pact Cara's grandfather and I created was not for the werewolf race," Victoria said, "It was for his granddaughter. He wanted to keep her safe. Should I ever hurt her, he'll send the hybrids to kill my kind. Well, that was how it started. Now about three times a year, Cara, Cedric, and myself meet up. We eventually formed our own treaty. A blood treaty between the vampires, werewolves, and hybrids. None of us can attack another race."

"Why? Why agree to such a thing?"

"To put it simple, I like Cara. She's got spunk and a fire in her eyes...or should I say darkness."

"And you're okay with this?" I ask her grandfather.

"Cara is a big girl. I'm proud of her. She's keeping all of the werewolves safe."

"Do you realize what will happen when the other Alpha's find out about this? They will kill her. Alpha's hate vampire's more then anyone."

"If those Alpha's so much as lay a hand on my granddaughter, I will slaughter them all."

He was serious. Dead serious.

"Does Isadona know?"

"About me?"


"Yes, she knows that I'm alive. But what she does not know is Cara's involvement in all of this."

"She doesn't?"

"As far as she knows, Cara and I would just visit sometimes. She never really liked the idea of me being around her little sister, but seeing as what as at stake, Cara decided to lie about everything to Isadona. She eventually told her sister that she stopped having contact with me, when in reality it's not true. She also doesn't know about Lucas. She just thinks he is a normal werewolf."

"Tiberius isn't going to like this." I say as the thought pops into my head.

"Tiberius?" His question isn't directed at me. I turn in my seat and look towards Lucas.

He gives me a look I've never seen before and then says, "Cara's mate, sir."

"Cara has a mate?"

"Yes. They realized they were mates at Trent's funeral. Though the two of them have not mated yet. She is waiting. I think she was worried that he'll find out about the secrets she keeps and then he'd try to keep her away."

"This hasn't been reported to me yet because?"

"Because Cara asked me not to."

"She's a stupid-"

"She is a very smart girl Cedric," Victoria chuckles as she rubs her thumb across the back of his hand, "You are very protective over her. She knew how you'd react to hearing that she had a mate. You think her having a mate is wrong because of the treaty."

"He will be a threat to everything we've worked through. I can't let Cara let all of her hard work go down the drain because of a mate!"

"Please be calm, my dear. Cara will know how to handle this Tiberius fella when the time comes. I mean, she's handled the treaty by far better then I would have ever expected. But this does lead to a possible problem...Alpha I need to know...have they done anything together?"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I know a little bit about the mating process. As long as there is no special contact, mates can be separated as long as they like. If there is such contact though, the mating process is put on a time limit. If the time limit is reached, it could kill her. And if she dies....well let's just hope that doesn't happen..."

I think back to everything that Cara and Tiberius had done. Cara was pretty good at keeping her distance from him. There's been a few hand touching incidents, or Tiberius trying to seduce her incidents, but there wasn't really to much else.

The office!

"Tiberius kissed her," I snap as I remember the scene, "Cara had gotten angry with him and made a comment about rejection. Well he wasn't to happy with that and decided to break down her office door and forced a kiss on her."

"And she's been gone for weeks..." Lucas whispered to himself.

Suddenly Lucas was against the wall, his feet barely touching the ground as Cara's grandfather held him by his throat. Fear was in Lucas's eyes, his fingers digging into Cedric's hands, "You had one job Lucas!" Cedric seethed as his grip tightened, "Keep Cara safe! What the hell were you doing the night Cara was taken!?"

"S-s-sir..." I bit back a sob. Cedric was gone. In his place, a monster with amber-red eyes and canines that looked like they could rip out a wolves throat in one bite.

"Cedric my dear," Victoria saunters her way to his side, a single hand on his arm, "Killing the poor boy won't do anything to help. Beside we need him to get Cara out. The world isn't quite ready for you to be alive again."

I thought for sure Lucas was going to have his throat crushed, but after a moment pause, Cedric dropped him to the ground. His canines retracted back into normal teeth and once again his eyes were dark blue.

I don't know why I did it, but I found myself running to Lucas's side. He looked at me with regret, and it almost broke me. He didn't need Cedric to blame him, because he already did. As much as the man creeped me out, he really did care for Cara.


"Yes, Sir?" He asked as I helped him stand.

"We are going through with the plan. Donovan and Heath are hot on her trail. They believe they know where she might be. If they are correct in their assumption, you will compel one of the wolves to give her the vile. When you do, you will wait for her and you will bring her straight to me. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Sir."

"And know that if anything happens. I will kill you. And then I will bring you back. And then I will kill you again. I will make you suffer in a way you never thought possible. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. Then we are done here. Oh and miss Eloise..."

"Yes?" I ask as he fixes his suit.

"If you breath a word of anything tonight to anyone...I'll eliminate your entire blood line."

I can't believe I actually finished a chapter for this book. Been so long.


What do you think of Cara's grandfather?

Do you think Cara will ever tell Tiberius her secret?

Why doesn't Isadona know everything?

Why is it that only Cara and Isadona know about Cedric?

Do you think Trent knew when he was alive?

Please remember to comment and vote!

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