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so i hate writing these things because i know when i read books i hate when the writers always put these in unnesseserily but i feel like this one is needed because i havent updated in a while. i just felt like i owe you guys an explination as to why that happened (mostly because some of you have messaged me about it ) and its because i had like the worlds worst writters block and when i finally got rid of it i typed up the most awesomeness chapter and it didnt save properley so i lost it and then i just got so busy with school work that i havent been able to really work on it but i have had time to adjust to my juinor year now and i have a lot more time to write so i am deffenently going to start working on the rewrite to night and thankfully i just got a new laptop for my 16th birthday so i dont have to type on my phone anymore so the chapter will defffenently be up soon im gunna need like at least a week to get it up . also a little side not i know that because i was typing up the other chapters on my phone there were a lot of mistakes in them so this week i plan to go in an edit them and get rid of as many of the mistakes as possible.

sorry its taken so long to update bur i PROMISE it will be up by like next sunday


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